175 research outputs found

    Nuclear bremsstrahlung in proton induced reactions at 190 MeV (first experiments at AGOR)

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    An overview is given of the first experiments with the new KVI cyclotron AGOR. First experiments have focused on nuclear bremsstrahlung in few-and many-body reactions. A classical introduction to nuclear bremsstrahlung is given. First results on coherent bremsstrahlung are discussed

    An explicit partition of the fusion-like cross section

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    The evaporation residue cross section for fusion-like reactions of 309 MeV 14N+159Tb has been decomposed into cross sections for complete fusion and a number of specific incomplete fusion channels using a novel technique involving light-particle-KX-ray coincidences. With this partition it is possible to successfully describe the incomplete momentum transfer observed in velocity spectra of evaporation residues from a very similar system

    Generation and division of excitation energy in heavy-ion collisions studied by measuring charged-particle survival fractions

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    Charged-particle survival fractions of primary projectile-like fragments from the 40Ar + 197Au reaction at 450 MeV were measured by using a large array of 32 phoswich detectors operating in coincidence with a detector of projectile-like fragments. Differential survival fractions of the primary pickup and stripping reaction products indicate a dependence of the average excitation energy generated in the primary fragments on the direction of the mass transfer

    K X-ray multiplicities for rare earth atoms produced in (H.I., xn) nuclear reactions

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    K X-ray multiplicities are determined for a number of nuclear reaction products in the rare earth region. It is shown that if certain conditions are fulfilled the values of these multiplicities can be considered as characteristic for the reaction residues independently of the reaction used. They can thus be used for the quantitative determination of cross sections

    Selection of heavy ion reaction channels via particle K X-ray coincidences

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    To identify the residual nuclei in very asymmetric heavy-ion reactions heavy-ion K X-ray coincidences have been measured. The usefulness and limitations of this method are discussed, and its feasibility is demonstrated in a study of the 14N+197Au reaction at 140 MeV

    Angular momentum dependence of incomplete fusion reactions

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    γ-ray multiplicities associated with various reaction channels have been measured for the 14N + 197Au system at Elab = 115 and 168 MeV. Channel selection accomplished via charged ejectile-KX-ray coincidence measurements permitted distinction between reactions with two or more charged fragments in the final state. For the former type of reactions the angular momentum dependence expected for (binary) incomplete fusion reactions is obserbed. For the latter, the same angular momentum dependence is found if sequential decay of the primary light fragment is assumed
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