35 research outputs found

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    Incidence of Asthma in Children in Tuzla Canton ā€“ Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases whose incidence shows constant growth in childhood. The objective of this work was to look into asthma incidence in children in relation to their age group and sex in a retrospective study, at Tuzla Canton area. The study comprised children of both sexes, age 0ā€“14 who fell sick with asthma within the period from January 1st 2003 to December 31st 2007. The overall incidence and the incidence in relation to age group and sex was calculated as the number of children suffering from asthma, within the age group 0ā€“14 years per 1000 children of the same age group in the Tuzla Canton. Asthma was diagnosed in 277 children (66.1% male and 33.9% female). The difference between asthma frequency in boys and girls was significant (c 2=56.16; df=1; p<0.0001). The average difference in proportion between the boys and girls was 32.2% (95% CI=24.32ā€“40.08). From this sample group the boys had a 3.8 times greater risk (OR=3.79; %95 CI=2.67ā€“5.39) of contracting asthma. The average rate of incidence of asthma for both sexes in the observed period was 0.67/1000 (95% CI; 0.6ā€“0.7; for boys 0.86/1000; for girls 0.47/1000). There was a statistically significantly higher incidence of asthma in boys in relation to girls (t=6.3836, df=32; p<0.0001). The epidemiological data obtained could be useful for early detection and adequate treatment of children with asthma in the mentioned area

    The Impact of Delayed Cardiac Surgery on the Postnatal Growth of Children with Congenital Heart Disease in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate preoperative and postoperative growth in children with congenital heart disease (CHD) when cardio-surgical treatment is delayed. Growth data were analysed on 116 children with various types of CHD (cyanotic lesions (Group 1), left to right shunt (Group 2) and obstructive lesions (Group 3), who underwent cardiac surgery after a certain period of waiting. Preoperatively, during the time (median 1.13 (0.55ā€“2.39)) years of waiting for surgery, their mean weight z-score decreased from ā€“1.38 (Ā±1.19) to ā€“1.41 (Ā±1.28), and their mean height z-score from ā€“0.65 (Ā±1.41) to ā€“0.81 (Ā±1.36). Children in Group 1 developed a significant linear growth deficit, in Group 2 weight was more affected than height, while in Group 3 both growth parameters were gradually slowly, but not significantly reduced. Postoperatively weight and height z scores, although they showed a linear trend of improvement for all three groups, remained significantly reduced for two years after surgery. At the time of the last examination at the age 9.11 (5.66ā€“13.10) years, the mean height z score ā€“0.16 (Ā±1.28), was significantly reduced p<0.0001, than predicted height 0.23 (Ā±0.82). Growth catch-up was related to age at surgery and preoperative growth deficit. Delayed cardiac surgery in children with CHD aggravated growth deficit and caused slow and incomplete postoperative growth catch-up

    Quality of Life in Children after Cardiac Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease

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    The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life children after cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease (CHD) and to compare these results with healthy children. To assess the quality of life children after surgery for CHD we performed a cross-sectional study of 114 patients who were patients at the Department of Paediatrics in Tuzla, between the ages of 2 and 18 years, of both sexes, and with one of their parents. We used the Ā»PedsQLā„¢ 4.0 Generic Core ScalesĀ«, with both child self-report and parent proxy-reports. By self assessment, the PedsQL total scores for quality of life were statistically significantly different between children after cardiac surgery for ages 13 to 18 years and healthy children, while by parent report PedsQL total scores were statistically significantly different between children after cardiac surgery for ages 5 to 7 years and healthy children. By self assessment, children after cardiac surgery for ages from 5 to 7 and 13 to 18 years reported that they have a statistically significantly lower quality of life in the segment school functioning compared to the healthy children. By parental assessment, children after cardiac surgery for ages 2 to 4, 5 to 7 and 8 to 12 years have a statistically significantly lower quality of life in the segments of physical and psychosocial health, emotional, social and school functioning. The results of our study indicate that children after cardiac surgery for CHD by self and parent assessment have a lower quality of life than healthy children


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    Muzej za povijest zdravstva u Hrvatskoj, prvi takav muzej na jugoistoku Europe, osnovan je u Zagrebu, pri Hrvatskomu liječničkom zboru 1944. godine. Uz Vladimira Ćepulića, tadaÅ”njeg predsjednika Zbora liječnika, osobito je važno za realizaciju tog muzeja bilo djelovanje epidemiologa Stanka Sielskog. Rođen je u Gračanici u obitelji poljskog podrijetla 1891., a na Medicinskom fakultetu SveučiliÅ”ta u Beču diplomirao je 1919. godine. Isprva je radio u Kotarskom načelstvu Konjica, Prozora i Glamoča kao liječnik-epidemiolog na suzbijanju pjegavca i variole, potom u mnogim drugim bosanskim gradovima. Početkom Drugoga svjetskog rata nalazi se u Banjoj Luci na dužnosti ravnatelja Zavoda za suzbijanje endemijskog sifilisa. Iz razdoblja 1942. ā€“ 1943. godine datira njegova korespondencija s Vladimirom Ćepulićem, sačuvana u Odsjeku za povijest medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Ona je u ovom radu poslužila kao temelj za rekonstrukciju pozadine ustrojstva Muzeja za povijest zdravstva u Hrvatskoj, načina prikupljanja građe za njegov postav te rasvjetljavanje uloge Stanka Sielskog u njegovanju medicinske baÅ”tine i diseminaciji znanja iz područja povijesti medicine na prostore Å”ire regije.The Museum of the History of Health Care in Croatia, as the first such museum in the southeastern part of Europe, was established by the Croatian Medical Association in Zagreb in 1944. Beside Vladimir Ćepulić (1891 ā€“ 1964) the head of the Croatian Medical Association, epidemiologist Stanko Sielski (1891 ā€“ 1958), was one of the most prominent personalities to be credited for realizing this project. He was born in Gračanica into a family of Polish origin. After his graduation in Vienna in 1919, he worked as an epidemiologist in Konjic, Prozor, Glamoč and other places in the area of Bosnia, mostly involved in typhoid fever and variola eradication. At the beginning of the Second World War he was in Banja Luka where he was given the duty of director of the Department of Endemic Syphilis Eradication. During 1942 and 1943 his correspondence took place with Vladimir Ćepulić, which is today preserved in the Section of the History of Medicine of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb. On the basis of this material it was possible to trace the circumstances of the foundation of the Museum of the History of Health Care, how items were collected for its first exhibition, and the role of Stanko Sielski in preserving the medical heritage and dissemination of knowledge of the history of medicine to a broader audience

    Sezonske i regionalne varijacije sadržaja joda u mlijeku u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine

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    The aim of this study was to determine the iodine concentrations in raw cowā€™s milk produced in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and to evaluate the milk iodine contribution to the iodine intake in the B&H population. Milk samples (n=139) were taken from five regions during the spring, summer and winter season. Iodine concentrations were determined by the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method. The mean (Ā± standard deviation) milk iodine concentration was 60.9Ā±67.5 Ī¼g/kg and ranged from 4.4 to 378.7 Ī¼g/kg. Winter milk had higher iodine content (84.0Ā±88.2 Ī¼g/kg) than the spring (45.3Ā±46.7 Ī¼g/kg) and summer milk (51.3Ā±51.0 Ī¼g/kg), although two of five investigated regions did not follow this tendency and had the similar milk iodine content in all three seasons. Very low iodine concentrations (<20 Ī¼g/kg) were found in 41 milk samples from four regions indicating extensive iodine deficiency in dairy cows. Milk samples from the north-east of the country had much more iodine than samples from other regions in all seasons with no values below 20 Ī¼g/kg. With the current average intake of 0.4 L milk per day, the milk contributes with 20 % of the recommended iodine intake for humans, ranging from 6 % to 72 % depending on the season of the year and the region of the country. The results indicate the need for iodine supplementation of animal diets, as well as for increased milk consumption in human population.Cilj rada bio je utvrditi koncentraciju joda u sirovom kravljem mlijeku proizvedenom u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH) te procijeniti udio mlijeka u ukupnoj konzumaciji joda kod BiH populacije. Uzorci mlijeka prikupljeni su iz pet različitih regija tijekom proljeća, ljeta i zime. Koncentracija joda u uzorcima određena je metodom ICP-MS. Srednja vrijednost (Ā± standardna devijacija) sadržaja joda u mlijeku iznosila je 60,9Ā±67,5 Ī¼g/kg i varirala od 4,4 do 378,7 Ī¼g/kg. Zimsko mlijeko sadržavalo je viÅ”e joda (84,0Ā±88,2 Ī¼g/kg) nego proljetno (45,3Ā±46,7 Ī¼g/kg) i ljetno mlijeko (51,3Ā±51,0 Ī¼g/kg), iako u dvije od pet istraživanih regija nije postojala ovakva tendencija a sadržaj joda u mlijeku bio je sličan u sve tri sezone. Vrlo niske koncentracije joda (ispod 20 Ī¼g/kg) utvrđene su u 41 uzorku, ukazujući na raÅ”iren deficit joda kod muznih krava. Mlijeko iz sjeveroistočnog dijela zemlje imalo je znatno veći sadržaj joda nego mlijeko iz preostale četiri regije u sve tri sezone. U svim uzorcima iz te regije sadržaj joda bio je veći od 20 Ī¼g/kg. Uz trenutno postojeću prosječnu konzumaciju od 0,4 L dnevno, mlijeko sudjeluje s 20 % u preporučenom dnevnom unosu joda za ljude, varirajući od 6 % do 72 %, ovisno o sezoni godine i dijelu zemlje. Rezultati ukazuju na potrebu dodatnog obogaćivanja obroka životinja jodom, kao i na potrebu povećanja konzumacije mlijeka kod ljudske populacije


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    Cilj rada je bio utvrditi zastupljenost načina prehrane prema načinu poroda, u dojenčadi do Å”est mjeseci života na području Tuzlanske županije. Ispitanici i metode. Ispitivanjem su obuhvaćena dojenčad uzrasta od 6 mjeseci, rođena u rodiliÅ”tu GinekoloÅ”ko-akuÅ”erske klinike u Tuzli u razdoblju svibanjā€“rujan 2004. godine, težine veće od 2500 grama i gestacijske dobi iznad 37 tjedana. Podaci o načinu prehrane dojenčeta u svakom mjesecu života kao i o načinu poroda prikupljeni su anketiranjem 493 majke. Rezultati. Analizirajući način poroda istraživanje je pokazalo da je od 493 majke 95 porođeno carskim rezom. Porod carskim rezom u naÅ”em istraživanju kod majki dojilja je bio zastupljen u 18,4%, a kod majki koje su umjetno hranile dojenčad u 22,4% slučajeva (2=0,79, df=1, P=0,37). Zaključak. Ovo istraživanje je potvrdilo da je umjetna prehrana čeŔća kod dojenčadi čije su majke porođene carskim rezom, Å”to pokazuje da je ovim majkama potrebno pružiti posebnu pomoć kako bi u dojenju uspjele.Aim. To investigate the infantsā€™ feeding practice in the first six months of life in Tuzla canton according to delivery practices. Methods. The infants were born in Gynaecology-Obstetrics Department in Tuzla in the period May ā€“ September 2004, with infantā€™s birth weight >2500 g and >37 weeks of gestational age. Infantsā€™ feeding practices and type of delivery were collected by questionnaires sent to mothers in 13 communities of Tuzla canton. Overall 493 questionnaires were analyzed. Results. One fifth of pregnancies were terminated by caesarean section. Delivery by caesarean section was found in 18.4% mothers of breastfed infants and in 22.4% mothers of infants fed by formula (2=0.79, df=1, P=0.37). Conclusion. Type of delivery had an impact on breastfeeding success. The study confirms that mothers with caesarean section are at greater risk for breastfeeding failure and thus should be targeted for additional attention and support