2,239 research outputs found

    Finite-temperature scalar fields and the cosmological constant in an Einstein universe

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    We study the back reaction effect of massless minimally coupled scalar field at finite temperatures in the background of Einstein universe. Substituting for the vacuum expectation value of the components of the energy-momentum tensor on the RHS of the Einstein equation, we deduce a relationship between the radius of the universe and its temperature. This relationship exhibit a maximum temperature, below the Planck scale, at which the system changes its behaviour drastically. The results are compared with the case of a conformally coupled field. An investigation into the values of the cosmological constant exhibit a remarkable difference between the conformally coupled case and the minimally coupled one.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Relations between entanglement, Bell-inequality violation and teleportation fidelity for the two-qubit X states

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    Based on the assumption that the receiver Bob can apply any unitary transformation, Horodecki {\it et al.} [Phys. Lett. A {\bf 222}, 21 (1996)] proved that any mixed two spin-1/2 state which violates the Bell-CHSH inequality is useful for teleportation. Here, we further show that any X state which violates the Bell-CHSH inequality can also be used for nonclassical teleportation even if Bob can only perform the identity or the Pauli rotation operations. Moreover, we showed that the maximal difference between the two average fidelities achievable via Bob's arbitrary transformations and via the sole identity or the Pauli rotation is 1/9.Comment: 5 pages, to be published in "Quantum Information Processing

    CMBR Weak Lensing and HI 21-cm Cross-correlation Angular Power Spectrum

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    Weak gravitational lensing of the CMBR manifests as a secondary anisotropy in the temperature maps. The effect, quantified through the shear and convergence fields imprint the underlying large scale structure (LSS), geometry and evolution history of the Universe. It is hence perceived to be an important observational probe of cosmology. De-lensing the CMBR temperature maps is also crucial for detecting the gravitational wave generated B-modes. Future observations of redshifted 21-cm radiation from the cosmological neutral hydrogen (HI) distribution hold the potential of probing the LSS over a large redshift range. We have investigated the correlation between post-reionization HI signal and weak lensing convergence field. Assuming that the HI follows the dark matter distribution, the cross-correlation angular power spectrum at a multipole \ell is found to be proportional to the cold dark matter power spectrum evaluated at \ell/r, where r denotes the comoving distance to the redshift where the HI is located. The amplitude of the ross-correlation depends on quantities specific to the HI distribution, growth of perturbations and also the underlying cosmological model. In an ideal ituation, we found that a statistically significant detection of the cross-correlation signal is possible. If detected, the cross-correlation signal hold the possibility of a joint estimation of cosmological parameters and also test various CMBR de-lensing estimators.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, publishe

    Flash sintering of beta-alumina solid electrolytes for sodium battery applications

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    The rechargeable sodium batteries, sodium sulphur (NaS) batteries and molten-salt sodium nickel chloride (Na-NiCl2) are proven commercially available systems, particularly for large-scale energy storage applications and electric vehicle applications respectively. They have attractive properties such as the use of abundant low-cost raw materials, high energy and power density, high faradaic efficiency of charge/discharge, zero self-discharge rate and proven long-term durability. Conventional manufacturing of the core component, the sodium beta”-alumina solid electrolyte, requires a high sintering temperatures, ~ 1600 °C to achieve high density and good ceramic quality, which contributes significantly to battery cost, energy and time consumption in production. Flash sintering, a novel low-cost electrical field-assisted sintering technology, has been investigated for sintering beta”-alumina samples in a collaboration between Lucideon Limited and Ionotec Limited. This work will describe the preliminary results on flash sintering equipment design and prototype sodium beta”-alumina ceramics with variation of the flash-sintering process parameters, i.e. current, frequency, times (incubation, development, holding), pulse experiments, current ramp rate, the on-set furnace temperature, sample geometry (discs versus open-ended tubes), electrode materials (Ag versus Pt paints), single versus double electrode and sample homogeneity. In particular, we will report a significant step towards scale up by showing results on homogeneously-sintered, highly dense more complex geometries such as tubes and closed end tubes using refined field sintering process

    DD-dimensions Dirac fermions BEC-BCS cross-over thermodynamics

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    An effective Proca Lagrangian action is used to address the vector condensation Lorentz violation effects on the equation of state of the strongly interacting fermions system. The interior quantum fluctuation effects are incorporated as an external field approximation indirectly through a fictive generalized Thomson Problem counterterm background. The general analytical formulas for the dd-dimensions thermodynamics are given near the unitary limit region. In the non-relativistic limit for d=3d=3, the universal dimensionless coefficient ξ=4/9\xi ={4}/{9} and energy gap Δ/ϵf=5/18\Delta/\epsilon_f ={5}/{18} are reasonably consistent with the existed theoretical and experimental results. In the unitary limit for d=2d=2 and T=0, the universal coefficient can even approach the extreme occasion ξ=0\xi=0 corresponding to the infinite effective fermion mass m=m^*=\infty which can be mapped to the strongly coupled two-dimensions electrons and is quite similar to the three-dimensions Bose-Einstein Condensation of ideal boson gas. Instead, for d=1d=1, the universal coefficient ξ\xi is negative, implying the non-existence of phase transition from superfluidity to normal state. The solutions manifest the quantum Ising universal class characteristic of the strongly coupled unitary fermions gas.Comment: Improved versio

    Fabrication and mechanical testing of a new sandwich structure with carbon fiber network core

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    The aim is the fabrication and mechanical testing of sandwich structures including a new core material known as fiber network sandwich materials. As fabrication norms for such a material do not exist as such, so the primary goal is to reproduce successfully fiber network sandwich specimens. Enhanced vibration testing diagnoses the quality of the fabrication process. These sandwich materials possess low structural strength as proved by the static tests (compression, bending), but the vibration test results give high damping values, making the material suitable for vibro-acoustic applications where structural strength is of secondary importance e.g., internal panelling of a helicopter

    Spectral analysis and zeta determinant on the deformed spheres

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    We consider a class of singular Riemannian manifolds, the deformed spheres SkNS^N_k, defined as the classical spheres with a one parameter family g[k]g[k] of singular Riemannian structures, that reduces for k=1k=1 to the classical metric. After giving explicit formulas for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the metric Laplacian ΔSkN\Delta_{S^N_k}, we study the associated zeta functions ζ(s,ΔSkN)\zeta(s,\Delta_{S^N_k}). We introduce a general method to deal with some classes of simple and double abstract zeta functions, generalizing the ones appearing in ζ(s,ΔSkN)\zeta(s,\Delta_{S^N_k}). An application of this method allows to obtain the main zeta invariants for these zeta functions in all dimensions, and in particular ζ(0,ΔSkN)\zeta(0,\Delta_{S^N_k}) and ζ(0,ΔSkN)\zeta'(0,\Delta_{S^N_k}). We give explicit formulas for the zeta regularized determinant in the low dimensional cases, N=2,3N=2,3, thus generalizing a result of Dowker \cite{Dow1}, and we compute the first coefficients in the expansion of these determinants in powers of the deformation parameter kk.Comment: 1 figur

    Triggering synchronized oscillations through arbitrarily weak diversity in close-to-threshold excitable media

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    It is shown that arbitrarily weak (frozen) heterogeneity can induce global synchronized oscillations in excitable media close to threshold. The work is carried out on networks of coupled van der Pol-FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators. The result is shown to be robust against the presence of internal dynamical noise.Comment: 4 pages (RevTeX 3 style), 5 EPS figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. E (16 aug 2001

    Dynamics of barrier penetration in thermal medium: exact result for inverted harmonic oscillator

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    Time evolution of quantum tunneling is studied when the tunneling system is immersed in thermal medium. We analyze in detail the behavior of the system after integrating out the environment. Exact result for the inverted harmonic oscillator of the tunneling potential is derived and the barrier penetration factor is explicitly worked out as a function of time. Quantum mechanical formula without environment is modifed both by the potential renormalization effect and by a dynamical factor which may appreciably differ from the previously obtained one in the time range of 1/(curvature at the top of potential barrier).Comment: 30 pages, LATEX file with 11 PS figure