9 research outputs found

    Modulation of the conductance of a 2,2′-bipyridine-functionalized peptidic ion channel by Ni2+

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    An α-helical amphipathic peptide with the sequence H2N-(LSSLLSL)3-CONH2 was obtained by solid phase synthesis and a 2,2′-bipyridine was coupled to its N-terminus, which allows complexation of Ni2+. Complexation of the 2,2′-bipyridine residues was proven by UV/Vis spectroscopy. The peptide helices were inserted into lipid bilayers (nano black lipid membranes, nano-BLMs) that suspend the pores of porous alumina substrates with a pore diameter of 60 nm by applying a potential difference. From single channel recordings, we were able to distinguish four distinct conductance states, which we attribute to an increasing number of peptide helices participating in the conducting helix bundle. Addition of Ni2+ in micromolar concentrations altered the conductance behaviour of the formed ion channels in nano-BLMs considerably. The first two conductance states appear much more prominent demonstrating that the complexation of bipyridine by Ni2+ results in a considerable confinement of the observed multiple conductance states. However, the conductance levels were independent of the presence of Ni2+. Moreover, from a detailed analysis of the open lifetimes of the channels, we conclude that the complexation of Ni2+ diminishes the frequency of channel events with larger open times

    Molecular dynamics of synthetic leucine-serine ion channels in a phospholipid membrane

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    Molecular dynamics calculations were carried out on models of two synthetic leucine-serine ion channels: a tetrameric bundle with sequence (LSLLLSL)(3)NH(2) and a hexameric bundle with sequence (LSSLLSL)(3)NH(2). Each protein bundle is inserted in a palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer membrane and solvated by simple point charge water molecules inside the pore and at both mouths. Both systems appear to be stable in the absence of an electric field during the 4 ns of molecular dynamics simulation. The water motion in the narrow pore of the four-helix bundle is highly restricted and may provide suitable conditions for proton transfer via a water wire mechanism. In the wider hexameric pore, the water diffuses much more slowly than in bulk but is still mobile. This, along with the dimensions of the pore, supports the observation that this peptide is selective for monovalent cations. Reasonable agreement of predicted conductances with experimentally determined values lends support to the validity of the simulations

    Molecular dynamics study of homo-oligomeric ion channels: Structures of the surrounding lipids and dynamics of water movement

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    Molecular dynamics simulations were used to study the structural perturbations of lipids surrounding transmembrane ion channel forming helices/helical bundles and the movement of water within the pores of the ion-channels/bundles. Specifically, helical monomers to hexameric helical bundles embedded in palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidyl-choline (POPC) lipid bilayer were studied. Two amphipathic α-helices with the sequence Ac-(LSLLLSL)3-NH2 (LS2), and Ac-(LSSLLSL)3-NH2 (LS3), which are known to form ion channels, were used. To investigate the surrounding lipid environment, we examined the hydrophobic mismatch, acyl chain order parameter profiles, lipid head-to-tail vector projection on the membrane surface, and the lipid headgroup vector projection. We find that the lipid structure is perturbed within approximately two lipid solvation shells from the protein bundle for each system (~15.0 Å). Beyond two lipid “solvation” shells bulk lipid bilayer properties were observed in all systems. To understand water flow, we enumerated each time a water molecule enters or exited the channel, which allowed us to calculate the number of water crossing events and their rates, and the residence time of water in the channel. We correlate the rate of water crossing with the structural properties of these ion channels and find that the movements of water are predominantly governed by the packing and pore diameter, rather than the topology of each peptide or the pore (hydrophobic or hydrophilic). We show that the crossing events of water fit quantitatively to a stochastic process and that water molecules are traveling diffusively through the pores. These lipid and water findings can be used for understanding the environment within and around ion channels. Furthermore, these findings can benefit various research areas such as rational design of novel therapeutics, in which the drug interacts with membranes and transmembrane proteins to enhance the efficacy or reduce off-target effects