5 research outputs found
Narrative after traumatic brain injury: A comparison of monologic and jointly-produced discourse
- Author
- Adamovich B
- Armstrong E
- Berry M
- Biddle KR
- Body R
- Body R
- Bond F
- Cannizzaro MS
- Chapey R
- Chapman SB
- Cherney LR
- Coelho CA
- Coelho CA
- Coelho CA
- Coelho CA
- Davis GA
- Eggins S
- Ehrlich JS
- Ellis C
- Ferguson A
- Galski T
- Glosser G
- Godfrey HPD
- Halliday M
- Halliday M
- Hartley L
- Hengst JA
- Hughes D
- Jennett B
- Johnston MV
- Kertesz A
- Khan F
- Kilov AM
- Leanne Togher
- Liles BZ
- Loban W
- Lock S
- Mikaela Jorgensen
- Murphy KR
- Norrick NR
- Nye C
- Olness GS
- Peterson C
- Prutting CA
- Quasthoff UM
- Russell WR
- Snow P
- Snow PC
- Stein N
- Stout CE
- Togher L
- Togher L
- Togher L
- Togher L
- Turkstra LS
- Ulatowska HK
- Ventola E
- Ylvisaker M
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Models of rehabilitation programmes for the brain- injured adult. I: current provision, efficacy and good practice
- Author
- Berroll S.
- Beveridge W.
- British Psychological Society.
- Brooks DN
- Brooks DN
- Brooks N.
- Cope DN
- Dennis MS
- Dombovy ML
- Field JH
- Godfrey Hpd
- Hall K.
- Jacobs HE
- Jellinek HM
- Jennett B.
- Kreutzer JS
- London PS
- Mair Report.
- McMillan TM
- Morris-Williams RS
- MRC Coordinating Group.
- Prigatano GP
- RJ Greenwood
- Royal College of Physicians.
- Rusk HA
- Sharp Report.
- Sohlberg MM
- The Medical
- TM McMillan
- Tunbridge Report.
- Veldheer LC
- Wade DT
- Wehmann P.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Social Communication Interventions
- Author
- A Gajar
- A Kagan
- AHS Holbourn
- AK Ommaya
- AK Ommaya
- AR Damasio
- C Boake
- C Bornhofen
- C Bornhofen
- C Braden
- C Wiseman-Hakes
- CA Dahlberg
- CA Meyers
- CH Kennedy
- D Radice-Neumann
- D Ripich
- D Tranel
- DA Helffenstein
- DA Johnson
- DN Brooks
- DN Brooks
- E Diener
- EC Haskins
- ET Rolls
- FA Brotherton
- GF Mooney
- GM Giles
- GP Prigatano
- HPD Godfrey
- HPD Godfrey
- IV Thomsen
- IV Thomsen
- J Gosling
- JF Martin-Rodriguez
- JH Adams
- JP Hambrick
- JS Kreutzer
- L Togher
- L Turner-Stokes
- LL Hartley
- M Fuhrer
- M Liss
- M Milders
- M Rosenbaum
- M Stambrook
- M Ylvisaker
- M Ylvisaker
- MA Struchen
- MA Struchen
- MA Struchen
- MA Struchen
- MF O’Reilly
- MM Sohlberg
- MV Morton
- MW Schlund
- N Behn
- N Kagan
- N Kagan
- N Kagan
- NR Temkin
- NV Marsh
- P Sale
- P Snow
- PJ Schloss
- R Gomez-Hernandez
- R Kozloff
- RE Jorge
- RM McFall
- RP Liberman
- RT Linn
- S Flanagan
- S McDonald
- S McDonald
- S McDonald
- SW Anderson
- World Health Organization
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Disturbi della memoria
- Author
- A Carlesimo
- A Hulle Van
- A Jønsson
- A Mazzucchi
- A Paivio
- A Quittre
- A Solari
- AD Baddeley
- AD Baddeley
- AK Hochhalter
- AK Troyer
- AK Troyer
- AP Shimamura
- AT Beck
- BA Wilson
- BA Wilson
- BA Wilson
- BA Wilson
- C Budriesi
- C Haslam
- C Mariani
- CL Donaghey
- D Inzitari
- D Shum
- D Wechsler
- D Wechsler
- DA Cahn-Weiner
- DC Delis
- DC Koltai
- DR Dougan
- DT Burke
- E Berry
- E Ghidoni
- E Tulving
- EJ Squires
- EK Warrington
- EL Glisky
- EL Glisky
- FA Yates
- FB Robinson
- FIM Craik
- G Fluharty
- G McKerracher
- GJ Kinsella
- H Buschke
- H Emslie
- H Hildebrandt
- H Spinnler
- HF Crovitz
- HJ Kim
- HP Steingass
- HPD Godfrey
- I Bizzozero
- II Berg
- IL Boman
- IL Boman
- J Crane
- J Fish
- JC Morris
- JR Yohman
- K Doornhein
- KD Cicerone
- KL Thickpenny-Davis
- L Clare
- L Clare
- L Jean
- LA McKitrick
- LR Squire
- LS Cermak
- M Brazzelli
- M Fraas
- M Mauri
- M Schmitter-Edgecombe
- MD Kopelman
- MF Folstein
- ML Malone
- MS Bourgeois
- MS Bourgeois
- MSE Hout van
- N Hersh
- N Waugh
- ND Chiaravallotti
- NL Kirsch
- NL Kirsch
- P Caffarra
- P Kuipers
- P Wright
- R Gianutsos
- R Kaschel
- RA Incalzi
- RN Davis
- RP Kessels
- S Cavaco
- S Raskin
- SF Cappa
- SF Tam
- SM Jennett
- SM Rao
- T Hart
- TK Landauer
- TL Ownsworth
- WD Heiss
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
Rehabilitation Treatments for Adults with Behavioral and Psychosocial Disorders Following Acquired Brain Injury: A Systematic Review
- Author
- A Finset
- A Sidaros
- A Zencius
- A Zencius
- AH Zencius
- AJ Walker
- AL Christensen
- AL Christensen
- AM Salazar
- AR Damasio
- AR Damasio
- B Levine
- B Milner
- BB Yodi
- BD Dunn
- BK Dewar
- C Knight
- C Watson
- CH Kennedy
- CS Persel
- D Blumer
- D Chambless
- DI Graham
- DJ Fordyce
- E Giugni
- EG Carr
- F Gracey
- F Leichsenring
- F Leichsenring
- G Strangman
- GJ Carnevale
- GJ Carnevale
- GJ Carnevale
- GJ Geurtsen
- GM Giles
- GM Giles
- GM Giles
- GP Prigatano
- GP Prigatano
- GP Prigatano
- H Youngson
- HPD Godfrey
- IT Fesenmeier
- J Cohen
- J Gagnon
- J Grafman
- J Malec
- J Medd
- JA Alvarez
- JF Malec
- JF Malec
- JF Malec
- JM Ducharme
- JM Ducharme
- JM Fuster
- JP Niemeier
- K Anson
- K Anson
- K Treadwell
- KD Cicerone
- KD Cicerone
- KD Cicerone
- KG Langer
- KJ Slifer
- KS Dobson
- L Rees
- L Swan
- LJ Fryer
- M Milders
- M Schoenberger
- M Ylvisaker
- Marina Zettin
- ME Ebanks
- MF O’Reilly
- ML Rohling
- MM Sohlberg
- MM Sohlberg
- MR Dixon
- MR Garnett
- MRT Kennedy
- MT Hegel
- MT Hegel
- MW Schlund
- N Alderman
- N Alderman
- N Alderman
- N Alderman
- N Alderman
- N Carney
- N Rothwell
- N Rowland
- NB Lincoln
- NB Lincoln
- P Bower
- P Eames
- P Malloy
- P McCabe
- Pierluigi Zoccolotti
- PJ Eslinger
- PS Klonoff
- R Adolphs
- R Scheid
- Raffaella Cattelani
- RJ Sbordone
- RJR Blair
- RL Wood
- RM Ruff
- RS Hughes
- SF Cappa
- SF Cappa
- SM McGlynn
- SR Aeschleman
- SW Anderson
- T Ownsworth
- T Willis
- TJ Feeney
- TL Ownsworth
- TM McMillan
- TW Schmitz
- TW Teasdale
- TW Teasdale
- V Rao
- VM Mills
- WH Williams
- WR Chittum
- Y Ben-Yishay
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study