238 research outputs found

    The cosmic gravitational wave background in a cyclic universe

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    Inflation predicts a primordial gravitational wave spectrum that is slightly ``red,'' i.e., nearly scale-invariant with slowly increasing power at longer wavelengths. In this paper, we compute both the amplitude and spectral form of the primordial tensor spectrum predicted by cyclic/ekpyrotic models. The spectrum is blue and exponentially suppressed compared to inflation on long wavelengths. The strongest observational constraint emerges from the requirement that the energy density in gravitational waves should not exceed around 10 per cent of the energy density at the time of nucleosynthesis.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figuer

    Schwinger-Keldysh Propagators from AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We demonstrate how to compute real-time Green's functions for a class of finite temperature field theories from their AdS gravity duals. In particular, we reproduce the two-by-two Schwinger-Keldysh matrix propagator from a gravity calculation. Our methods should work also for computing higher point Lorentzian signature correlators. We elucidate the boundary condition subtleties which hampered previous efforts to build a Lorentzian-signature AdS/CFT correspondence. For two-point correlators, our construction is automatically equivalent to the previously formulated prescription for the retarded propagator.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, references added; to appear in JHE

    Shared Care, Elder and Family Member Skills Used to Manage Burden

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    Aim. The aim of this paper is to further develop the construct of Shared Care by comparing and contrasting it to related research, and to show how the construct can be used to guide research and practice. Background. While researchers have identified negative outcomes for family caregivers caused by providing care, less is known about positive aspects of family care for both members of a family dyad. Understanding family care relationships is important to nurses because family participation in the care of chronically ill elders is necessary to achieve optimal outcomes from nursing interventions. A previous naturalistic inquiry identified a new construct, Shared Care, which was used to describe a family care interaction that contributed to positive care outcomes. Methods. A literature review was carried out using the databases Medline, CINAHL, and Psych-info and the keywords home care, care receiver, disability, family, communication, decision-making and reciprocity. The results of the review were integrated to suggest how Shared Care could be used to study care difficulties and guide interventions. Results. The literature confirmed the importance of dyad relationships in family care. Shared Care extended previous conceptualizations of family care by capturing three critical components: communication, decision-making, and reciprocity. Shared Care provides a structure to expand the conceptualization of family care to include both members of a care dyad and account for positive and negative aspects of care. Conclusions. The extended view provided by the construct of Shared Care offers practitioners and scholars tools to use in the context of our ageing population to improve the effectiveness of family care relationships

    No Dynamics in the Extremal Kerr Throat

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    Motivated by the Kerr/CFT conjecture, we explore solutions of vacuum general relativity whose asymptotic behavior agrees with that of the extremal Kerr throat, sometimes called the Near-Horizon Extreme Kerr (NHEK) geometry. We argue that all such solutions are diffeomorphic to the NHEK geometry itself. The logic proceeds in two steps. We first argue that certain charges must vanish at all times for any solution with NHEK asymptotics. We then analyze these charges in detail for linearized solutions. Though one can choose the relevant charges to vanish at any initial time, these charges are not conserved. As a result, requiring the charges to vanish at all times is a much stronger condition. We argue that all solutions satisfying this condition are diffeomorphic to the NHEK metric.Comment: 42 pages, 3 figures. v3: minor clarifications and correction

    Cosmological Perturbations in a Big Crunch/Big Bang Space-time

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    A prescription is developed for matching general relativistic perturbations across singularities of the type encountered in the ekpyrotic and cyclic scenarios i.e. a collision between orbifold planes. We show that there exists a gauge in which the evolution of perturbations is locally identical to that in a model space-time (compactified Milne mod Z_2) where the matching of modes across the singularity can be treated using a prescription previously introduced by two of us. Using this approach, we show that long wavelength, scale-invariant, growing-mode perturbations in the incoming state pass through the collision and become scale-invariant growing-mode perturbations in the expanding hot big bang phase.Comment: 47 pages, 4 figure

    Out of equilibrium: understanding cosmological evolution to lower-entropy states

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    Despite the importance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, it is not absolute. Statistical mechanics implies that, given sufficient time, systems near equilibrium will spontaneously fluctuate into lower-entropy states, locally reversing the thermodynamic arrow of time. We study the time development of such fluctuations, especially the very large fluctuations relevant to cosmology. Under fairly general assumptions, the most likely history of a fluctuation out of equilibrium is simply the CPT conjugate of the most likely way a system relaxes back to equilibrium. We use this idea to elucidate the spacetime structure of various fluctuations in (stable and metastable) de Sitter space and thermal anti-de Sitter space.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Global Fluctuation Spectra in Big Crunch/Big Bang String Vacua

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    We study Big Crunch/Big Bang cosmologies that correspond to exact world-sheet superconformal field theories of type II strings. The string theory spacetime contains a Big Crunch and a Big Bang cosmology, as well as additional ``whisker'' asymptotic and intermediate regions. Within the context of free string theory, we compute, unambiguously, the scalar fluctuation spectrum in all regions of spacetime. Generically, the Big Crunch fluctuation spectrum is altered while passing through the bounce singularity. The change in the spectrum is characterized by a function Δ\Delta, which is momentum and time-dependent. We compute Δ\Delta explicitly and demonstrate that it arises from the whisker regions. The whiskers are also shown to lead to ``entanglement'' entropy in the Big Bang region. Finally, in the Milne orbifold limit of our superconformal vacua, we show that Δ1\Delta\to 1 and, hence, the fluctuation spectrum is unaltered by the Big Crunch/Big Bang singularity. We comment on, but do not attempt to resolve, subtleties related to gravitational backreaction and light winding modes when interactions are taken into account.Comment: 68 pages, 1 figure; typos correcte

    Clean Time-Dependent String Backgrounds from Bubble Baths

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    We consider the set of controlled time-dependent backgrounds of general relativity and string theory describing ``bubbles of nothing'', obtained via double analytic continuation of black hole solutions. We analyze their quantum stability, uncover some novel features of their dynamics, identify their causal structure and observables, and compute their particle production spectrum. We present a general relation between squeezed states, such as those arising in cosmological particle creation, and nonlocal theories on the string worldsheet. The bubble backgrounds have various aspects in common with de Sitter space, Rindler space, and moving mirror systems, but constitute controlled solutions of general relativity and string theory with no external forces. They provide a useful theoretical laboratory for studying issues of observables in systems with cosmological horizons, particle creation, and time-dependent string perturbation theory.Comment: 38 pages, harvmac big, 6 figure