28 research outputs found

    The public good and accepting inbound international students in Japan

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    The purpose of this study is to depict how the public goods of internationalizing higher education in Japan, especially inbound international students, are viewed by various stakeholders based on the main findings from semi-structured interviews. The interviewees include key persons from different levels or fields in Japan: officials from MEXT (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology), national agencies in relation to international students and international cooperation, a national-level professional association of higher education research, both top-level and middle-level leaders of one research-intensive national university, academics from Humanities, Engineering, and Economics, administrators in charge of internationalization of their respective universities, and international students from diverse backgrounds. The study begins with a brief introduction to the research background, before presenting the analysis and main findings from the interviews. It concludes by arguing how the public good and its relationship to the internationalization of Japanese higher education are viewed and interpreted by different stakeholders, and offering brief implications for research and practice.This study is part of an international joint project on the Future of Higher Education which is led by Centre for Global Higher Education

    Tensor-optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics as a successive variational method in nuclear many-body system

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    We study the tensor-optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (TOAMD) as a successive variational method in many-body systems with strong interaction for nuclei. In TOAMD, the correlation functions for the tensor force and the short-range repulsion and their multiples are operated to the AMD state as the variational wave function. The total wave function is expressed as the sum of all the components and the variational space can be increased successively with the multiple correlation functions to achieve convergence. All the necessary matrix elements of many-body operators, consisting of the multiple correlation functions and the Hamiltonian, are expressed analytically using the Gaussian integral formula. In this paper we show the results of TOAMD with up to the double products of the correlation functions for the s-shell nuclei, 3H and 4He, using the nucleon-nucleon interaction AV8'. It is found that the energies and Hamiltonian components of two nuclei converge rapidly with respect to the multiple of correlation functions. This result indicates the efficiency of TOAMD for the power series expansion in terms of the tensor and short-range correlation functions.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, added references, corrected typo

    Explicit treatment of tensor force with a method of Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics

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    In order to treat tensor force explicitly, we propose a microscopic model for nuclear structure based on antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD). As a result of the present study, it is found that some extentions of the AMD method are effective to incorporate the tensor correlation into wave functions. Calculating the deuteron, triton and 4^4He with the extended version of AMD, we obtained solutions that have large contribution of the tensor force. By analyzing the wave funtion of 4^4He, it is found that its single-particle orbits are composed of normal-size 0s0s orbits and shrunk pp orbits so as to gain the tensor force.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Triaxial superdeformation in 40^{40}Ar

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    Superdeformed (SD) states in 40^{40}Ar have been studied using the deformed-basis antisymmetrized molecular dynamics. Low energy states were calculated by the parity and angular momentum projection (AMP) and the generator coordinate method (GCM). Basis wave functions were obtained by the energy variation with a constraint on the quadrupole deformation parameter β\beta, while other quantities such as triaxiality γ\gamma were optimized by the energy variation. By the GCM calculation, an SD band was obtained just above the ground state (GS) band. The SD band involves a Kπ=2+K^\pi = 2^+ side band due to the triaxiality. The calculated electric quadrupole transition strengths of the SD band reproduce the experimental values appropriately. Triaxiality is significant for understanding low-lying states.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Measuring the Accessibility of Study in Japan Utilizing International Admissions Procedures of English-taught Degree Programs

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    The “300,000 International Students Plan” called for a significant increase in the number of international students in Japan, from 140,000 to 300,000. It was announced by the Japanese government in 2008 and the Global 30 Project, implemented as part of the Plan, has triggered the growth of English-taught degree (hereafter “ETD”) programs in Japanese universities. In this paper, the application guidelines and procedures of 20 universities which offer ETD programs for undergraduate students were collected and examined. Comparative analysis revealed that the admissions quotas for those ETD programs are, in general, limited to a small number of students and that their growth does not, therefore, necessarily lead to easier access for international students. The results of the analysis also indicated that the larger the international student admissions quota for an ETD program, the higher the accessibility of international admissions procedures provided by the respective university