163 research outputs found

    Using statistical and artificial neural networks to predict the permeability of loosely packed granular materials

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    Well-known analytical equations for predicting permeability are generally reported to overestimate this important property of porous media. In this work, more robust models developed from statistical (multivariable regression) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methods utilised additional particle characteristics [‘fines ratio’ (x50/x10) and particle shape] that are not found in traditional analytical equations. Using data from experiments and literature, model performance analyses with average absolute error (AAE) showed error of ~40% for the analytical models (Kozeny–Carman and Happel–Brenner). This error reduces to 9% with ANN model. This work establishes superiority of the new models, using experiments and mathematical techniques

    A toilet system based on hydrothermal carbonization

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    We are developing a toilet system that converts faecal material to an aqueous suspension of carbonised material that is safe to handle, and readily separated from the remaining liquid. It will also extract useful salts from the liquid. The system is aim to be the new generation universally appealing toilet and it will be of particular and urgent interest to areas where no (or very crude) sanitation exists. The system is designed to be self-sufficient in terms of energy input and to scale for a number of users in the range a few tens to a thousand or more. In parallel with our engineering development we are designing the system to provide users with a positive and comfortable experience. Hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) has received attention recently as a way to convert biomass - including sewerage - into coal like material. It involves heating the start material in water at high temperatures and pressures. Depending on the conditions used the process can produce hydrocarbon gases or liquids or coal like particles. Most HTC work involving sewerage treatment is currently aimed at replacing established large-scale treatment plants i.e. for places with well-developed sewerage services. Our system, using HTC, is aimed at bringing the process at a decentralized household ( including combination of households) level so that the new generation toilet become accessible to all and particularly to those areas where none currently exists. Using HTC for toilets on continuous basis for such a small scale is the key innovation of our proposed system. We will describe our work to characterise the energetics of the HTC process in order to optimise the process in terms of total energy input and how we have used this information to develop a continuous system based on a plug flow reactor. The material produced by the system can be easily separated from the remaining liquid and used to generate heat and power (via a generator including solar) in order to maintain the process. The solids are safe to handle, and look, feel and smell much like coffee grounds. In situations where electrical (or renewable energy like solar) power is available the solid material can be used either as a fuel for heating and cooking, as a soil conditioner and possibly for carbon capture. We will discuss the possibility of including other waste material (food, sanitary waste etc.) into the system. In order to minimize the amount of water required to flush material away from the toilet bowl and to help maintain high sanitary standards we have been investigating anti-fouling coatings for the system. We will describe the results of studies of a nano-coating based on a responsive polymer that significantly enhances the rate at which water flushes away material that adheres to the toilet surface

    Emotional behavior in aquatic organisms? Lessons from crayfish and zebrafish

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    Experimental animal models are a valuable tool to study the neurobiology of emotional behavior and mechanisms underlying human affective disorders. Mounting evidence suggests that various aquatic organisms, including both vertebrate (e.g., zebrafish) and invertebrate (e.g., crayfish) species, may be relevant to study animal emotional response and its deficits. Ideally, model organisms of disease should possess considerable genetic and physiological homology to mammals, display robust behavioral and physiological responses to stress, and should be sensitive to a wide range of drugs known to modulate stress and affective behaviors. Here, we summarize recent findings in the field of zebrafish- and crayfish-based tests of stress, anxiety, aggressiveness and social preference, and discuss further perspectives of using these novel model organisms in translational biological psychiatry. Outlining the remaining questions in this field, we also emphasize the need in further development and a wider use of crayfish and zebrafish models to study the pathogenesis of affective disorders. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.MCS is currently supported by National Funds through FCT ‐ Foundation for Science and Technology. AVK is supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant 19‐15‐00053. KAD is supported by the Fellowship of the President of Russia and SPSU Rector Productivity Fellowship for PhD Students. CM is supported by CNPq/Brazil under Edital Universal 2016 (400726/2016‐5). PMA and FB are supported by the strategic plan of MARE ‐ Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre (UID/MAR/04292/2019)

    Microfluidic systems for the analysis of the viscoelastic fluid flow phenomena in porous media

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    In this study, two microfluidic devices are proposed as simplified 1-D microfluidic analogues of a porous medium. The objectives are twofold: firstly to assess the usefulness of the microchannels to mimic the porous medium in a controlled and simplified manner, and secondly to obtain a better insight about the flow characteristics of viscoelastic fluids flowing through a packed bed. For these purposes, flow visualizations and pressure drop measurements are conducted with Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids. The 1-D microfluidic analogues of porous medium consisted of microchannels with a sequence of contractions/ expansions disposed in symmetric and asymmetric arrangements. The real porous medium is in reality, a complex combination of the two arrangements of particles simulated with the microchannels, which can be considered as limiting ideal configurations. The results show that both configurations are able to mimic well the pressure drop variation with flow rate for Newtonian fluids. However, due to the intrinsic differences in the deformation rate profiles associated with each microgeometry, the symmetric configuration is more suitable for studying the flow of viscoelastic fluids at low De values, while the asymmetric configuration provides better results at high De values. In this way, both microgeometries seem to be complementary and could be interesting tools to obtain a better insight about the flow of viscoelastic fluids through a porous medium. Such model systems could be very interesting to use in polymer-flood processes for enhanced oil recovery, for instance, as a tool for selecting the most suitable viscoelastic fluid to be used in a specific formation. The selection of the fluid properties of a detergent for cleaning oil contaminated soil, sand, and in general, any porous material, is another possible application

    Diversity of Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) in the World's Oceans – How Far Have We Come?

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    Tanaidaceans are small peracarid crustaceans which occur in all marine habitats, over the full range of depths, and rarely into fresh waters. Yet they have no obligate dispersive phase in their life-cycle. Populations are thus inevitably isolated, and allopatric speciation and high regional diversity are inevitable; cosmopolitan distributions are considered to be unlikely or non-existent. Options for passive dispersion are discussed. Tanaidaceans appear to have first evolved in shallow waters, the region of greatest diversification of the Apseudomorpha and some tanaidomorph families, while in deeper waters the apseudomorphs have subsequently evolved two or three distinct phyletic lines. The Neotanaidomorpha has evolved separately and diversified globally in deep waters, and the Tanaidomorpha has undergone the greatest evolution, diversification and adaptation, to the point where some of the deep-water taxa are recolonizing shallow waters. Analysis of their geographic distribution shows some level of regional isolation, but suffers from inclusion of polyphyletic taxa and a general lack of data, particularly for deep waters. It is concluded that the diversity of the tanaidomorphs in deeper waters and in certain ocean regions remains to be discovered; that the smaller taxa are largely understudied; and that numerous cryptic species remain to be distinguished. Thus the number of species currently recognized is likely to be an order of magnitude too low, and globally the Tanaidacea potentially rival the Amphipoda and Isopoda in diversity