15 research outputs found
Surgical outcome of type II odontoid fracture, Harms technique
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Rare Complications of Cervical Spine Surgery: Horner’s Syndrome
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Methods relating to evaluation of therapeutic outcome
- Author
- B Apfelbaum
- BJ Betz
- CR Rogers
- DJ Clyde
- DM McNair
- DM McNair
- DM McNair
- DM McNair
- DM Sundland
- EF Borgatta
- FE Fiedler
- FE Fiedler
- FE Fiedler
- GG Stern
- HA Murray
- HH Strupp
- HL Rausch
- J Dollard
- JC Whitehorn
- JC Whitehorn
- LL Thurstone
- M Lorr
- M Lorr
- M Lorr
- MB Parloff
- RF Bales
- RF Green
- RL Cutler
- SB Sells
- T Leary
- WC Schutz
- WF Fey
- WU Snyder
- WU Snyder
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1966
- Field of study
Ultrasound guided repositioning of a new suture-method catheter for adductor canal block – a randomized pilot study in healthy volunteers
- Author
- A DasGupta
- AE Bingham
- Ai-Zhong Wang
- BM Ilfeld
- C Rothe
- C. Rothe
- Christian Rothe
- D Marhofer
- D Wasserstein
- Hesham Elsharkawy
- HJ Gerbershagen
- HL Andersen
- I Grosu
- J Lund
- JL Apfelbaum
- Kai Henrik Wiborg Lange
- Lars Hyldborg Lundstrøm
- MJ Fredrickson
- MT Jenstrup
- RW Hauritz
- Seung Suk Seo
- SL Kopp
- Steven Lee
- TJ Gan
- Tobias Stenbjerg Lyngeraa
- TS Lyngeraa
- Ulrik Grevstad
- Zarah Maria Jordahn
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chronobiology and Nutrition
- Author
- A Bosshard
- A Bérard
- A Mandenoff
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Reinberg
- A Szafarczyk
- AJ Bowen
- C Chossat
- C Cohn
- C Kayser
- C Migraine
- C Poirel
- C Poirel
- CF Ehret
- CF Ehret
- CS Pittendrigh
- D Pansu
- DE David
- DL Margules
- DR Gamble
- DT Krieger
- DT Krieger
- DT Krieger
- E Halberg
- E Haus
- E Haus
- E Hughes
- EB Marliss
- ET Pengelley
- F Capani
- F Chrometzka
- F Debry
- F Goetz
- F Halberg
- F Halberg
- F Halberg
- F Halberg
- FG Sulzman
- FII Sargent
- FR Griffith Jr
- G Collier
- G Collier
- G Debry
- G Debry
- G Debry
- G Hildebrandt
- G Rauline
- H Hommel
- H Lestradet
- H Mayersbach von
- HL Campbell
- HW Simpson
- I Assenmacher
- IT Campbell
- IT Campbell
- J Aschoff
- J Aschoff
- J Aschoff
- J Aschoff
- J Foret
- J Ghata
- J Magnen Le
- J Mirouze
- J Mirouze
- J Mouret
- J Peret
- JD Achelis
- JE Pauly
- JE Pauly
- JE Stone
- JG Moore
- JH Galicich
- JL Ardisson
- JN Hugues
- JP Accary
- JP Accary
- JR Murlin
- K Nagai
- KMH Philippens
- LE Scheving
- LE Scheving
- LE Scheving
- M Apfelbaum
- M Apfelbaum
- M Apfelbaum
- M Apfelbaum
- M Apfelbaum
- M Apfelbaum
- M Lagoguey
- M Lagoguey
- M Shirley
- M Smolensky
- M Stupfel
- MJ Whichelow
- MJ Zigmond
- N Freinkel
- N Kleitman
- N Kleitman
- N Kleitman
- N Vieux
- N Vieux
- P Andlauer
- P Bobillier
- P Felig
- P Haberey
- P Nillus
- PE Howe
- PR Walker
- PZ Zimmet
- R Bazin
- R Martin du Pan
- RA Baker
- RB Fisher
- RJ Jarrett
- RJ Jarrett
- RJ Jarrett
- RJ Wurtman
- RJ Wurtman
- RW Fuller
- S Furuya
- S Sensi
- SG Krulin
- ST Inouye
- T Gibson
- T Hellbrügge
- W Nelson
- W Nelson
- W Nelson
- WJ Rietveld
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1983
- Field of study
A Depth-Based Head-Mounted Visual Display to Aid Navigation in Partially Sighted Individuals
- Author
- Christopher Kennard
- E Peli
- E Sampaio
- E Striem-Amit
- E Striem-Amit
- G Luo
- HL Apfelbaum
- Iain Wilson
- JJ Gibson
- John Worsfold
- LA Johnson
- Louwai Muhammed
- ME Cupples
- Mel Slater
- MJ Proulx
- MR Everingham
- MS Alexander
- N Bourbakis
- P Bach-y-Rita
- P Bach-y-Rita
- PM Hart
- PM Hart
- RP O'Shea
- RW Massof
- Stephen L. Hicks
- Susan M. Downes
- TA Martin
- WI Al-Atabany
- ZW Tu
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Sibutramine metabolites increase glucose transport by cultured rat muscle cells
- Author
- A Klip
- A Klip
- AD Baron
- AJ Scheen
- C Day
- CJ Vlahos
- CR Kahn
- D Yaffe
- DJ Heal
- DJ Heal
- DT Wong
- DT Wong
- GD Holman
- GP Luscombe
- HC Jackson
- HC Jackson
- HL Rowley
- IP Connoley
- J Griffiths
- L Kosmiski
- M Apfelbaum
- M Weintraub
- MJ Bickerdike
- MJ Kirby
- PS Walker
- R Vargas
- RA DeFronzo
- RG Pestell
- RR Henry
- RR Wing
- S Sasson
- UM Koivisto
- W McNeely
- WR Buckett
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Statistical learning and dyslexia: a systematic review
- Author
- A Castles
- A Gelman
- A Gelman
- A Gelman
- AS Reber
- BF Pennington
- CJ Stoodley
- CJ Stoodley
- Claudio Mulatti
- D Fanelli
- D Menghini
- D Menghini
- DP Waber
- E Ise
- EM Pothos
- EM Pothos
- EV Pavlidou
- EV Pavlidou
- EV Pavlidou
- EV Pavlidou
- FL Schmidt
- G Jiménez-Fernández
- Gianmarco Altoè
- HL Swanson
- IJ Bennett
- J Arciuli
- J Rothe
- J Rothe
- J Rüsseler
- J Ziegler
- JH Howard
- JR Saffran
- K-M Petersson
- KS Apfelbaum
- M Borenstein
- M Borenstein
- M Cassar
- M Egger
- M Hedenius
- M Laasonen
- M Seidenberg
- MJ Nissen
- N Deroost
- N Siegelman
- NZ Kirkham
- P Perruchet
- R Christley
- R Frost
- R Frost
- R Nicolson
- R Rosenthal
- S Pacton
- S Pacton
- S Roodenrys
- S Vicari
- S Vicari
- SH Deacon
- SW Kelly
- TC Pollo
- TD Sterling
- U Schimmack
- U Simonsohn
- V Kempe
- Xenia Schmalz
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Airway Management in Cervical Spine Injured Patients
- Author
- A Meschino
- A Ovassapian
- AA White
- AA White
- B Waltl
- BG Santoni
- BK Kwon
- BM Wahlen
- C Aprahamian
- C Rudolph
- CB Graham
- CE Smith
- CG Morris
- CGT Morris
- CGT Morris
- CH Tattor
- CM Dunham
- CM Goutcher
- CR Turner
- D Demetriades
- DC Reid
- DZ Ferson
- ET Crosby
- F Agro
- FC Henderson
- G Davies
- G Fuchs
- G LaRosa
- GC Velmahos
- GJ Hogan
- GK Nguyen
- H Patterson
- HL Frankel
- IG Stiell
- J Brimacombe
- J Farmer
- JC Criswell
- JF Cusick
- JK Wong
- JL Apfelbaum
- JR Hoffman
- JS Harrop
- JW Davis
- LF Marshall
- M Hadley
- M Hauswald
- MA Maktabi
- MC Gerling
- MC Gerling
- MG Fehlings
- ML Stallmer
- MN Hadley
- MN Hadley
- OI Schmidt
- PD Sawin
- PJ Lennarson
- PM Poonnoose
- PR MacIntyre
- R Shuster
- RB Delamarter
- RH Hastings
- RM Johnson
- RP Ching
- S Podolsky
- SA Lord
- TC Lee
- TP Turkstra
- V Bandi
- W Goldberg
- WA Horton
- WF Donaldson
- WH Rosenblatt
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The measurement of interpersonal interactions with continuous spatiotemporal data: Application to a study of the effects of resource competition on racial group interactions
- Author
- A Mehrabian
- AF Hayes
- AH Eagly
- BE Saelens
- BG Glaser
- BG Tabachnick
- BS Hasler
- C Cattuto
- C McCall
- C Steglich
- CE Shannon
- D Williams
- DF Feldon
- DP Crowne
- EM Rogers
- EP Apfelbaum
- ER Cole
- ET Hall
- F Bayraktar
- G Allport
- G Kossinets
- G McArdle
- GG van de Bunt
- GW Evans
- H Blumer
- HL Toppenberg
- HM Levitt
- J Blascovich
- J Lee
- J Suler
- J Tawa
- J Tawa
- JA Long
- JA Long
- JF Hemphill
- JJ Sijtsema
- JK Dijkstra
- JN Bailenson
- JN Bailenson
- John Tawa
- JW Creswell
- Jürgen Pfeffer
- K Woolf
- KJ Preacher
- L Bian
- L Freeman
- L Mercken
- L Quillian
- L Sechrest
- M Andersson
- M Benkert
- M de Klepper
- MAJ van Duijn
- MH Vang
- N Aharony
- N Andrienko
- N Eagle
- N Yee
- N Yee
- NJ Allen
- NL Ashton
- P Laube
- P Passos
- PM Hurvitz
- PW Eastwick
- R Dotsch
- R Duarte
- RF Baumeister
- Rosalyn Negrón
- S Cheryan
- S Dodge
- S Dodge
- S Lo
- S Silm
- V Noyon
- WG Stephan
- WGP Frencken
- Y Zhang
- Z Ákos
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study