10 research outputs found

    Data underlying the publication: Exploring plastic transport dynamics in the Odaw river, Ghana

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    This database is the suplementary material for the scientific paper in preparation : Exploring plastic transport dynamics in the Odaw river, Ghana. The data contains the field data of floating macroplastics within the study area over the sampling period. Since the paper looks at exploring the dynamics of plastics to rainfall, tide and discharges data, the file also contains&nbsp;1. the daily raingauge rainfall data accessed online through the TAHMO website&nbsp;2. Tide data from online3. simulated discharges over the sampling period.This file also has the coordinates of the sampling locations for the study as well as the coordinates of the raingauges within the study area.</p

    Data underlying the publication: Exploring plastic transport dynamics in the Odaw river, Ghana

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    This database is the suplementary material for the scientific paper in preparation : Exploring plastic transport dynamics in the Odaw river, Ghana. The data contains the field data of floating macroplastics within the study area over the sampling period. Since the paper looks at exploring the dynamics of plastics to rainfall, tide and discharges data, the file also contains&nbsp;1. the daily raingauge rainfall data accessed online through the TAHMO website&nbsp;2. Tide data from online3. simulated discharges over the sampling period.This file also has the coordinates of the sampling locations for the study as well as the coordinates of the raingauges within the study area.</p

    Replication Dataset: Analyzing natural bed-level dynamics to mitigate the morphological impact of river interventions

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    The river bed level in low-land rivers like the Rhine branches in the Netherlands changes continuously on various spatial and temporal scales. We use biweekly (2005-2020) multibeam bed-level measurements of the river Bovenrijn/Waal to study the morphological changes on multiple scales using a wavelet transform. The dataset contains the unfiltered and the filtered results that were presented in the article. The data is aggregated in the interactive atlas to show the bed-level changes in time and as function of the discharge.</p

    Replication Dataset: Analyzing natural bed-level dynamics to mitigate the morphological impact of river interventions

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    The river bed level in low-land rivers like the Rhine branches in the Netherlands changes continuously on various spatial and temporal scales. We use biweekly (2005-2020) multibeam bed-level measurements of the river Bovenrijn/Waal to study the morphological changes on multiple scales using a wavelet transform. The dataset contains the unfiltered and the filtered results that were presented in the article. The data is aggregated in the interactive atlas to show the bed-level changes in time and as function of the discharge.</p