1 research outputs found
Hormones in Milk: Their Presence and Possible Physiological Significance
- Author
- A Deutsch
- A Gil
- A Gil
- A Gil
- A Gil
- A Gil
- A Kobata
- A Lucas
- A Materia
- A Mosse
- A Robert
- A Tenore
- A Tenore
- AB Slebodzinski
- AD Bedrick
- AE Pierce
- AK Sarda
- AL Mulloy
- B Moller
- B Mosinger
- B Reid
- B Revsin
- B štrbák
- B štrbák
- D Gupta
- D Hiršová
- D Tapper
- DA Adamopoulos
- DL Healy
- DL Kleinberg
- E Bucht
- E Hazum
- E Vigouroux
- E Vigouroux
- EJ Ballard
- FJ Ballard
- G Carpenter
- GD Jahnke
- GW Evans
- H Mizuta
- H Werner
- H Werner
- HB Hahn
- HH Bode
- HHG McGarrigle
- J Falconer
- J Letarte
- J Mallol
- J Sack
- J Sack
- J Sack
- JD Robertson
- JE Chappell
- JG Manns
- JK Kulski
- JM Asplund
- JM Beardmore
- JP Skála
- JR Moran
- K Heim
- K Heim
- L Aloe
- L Jansson
- LC Read
- LC Read
- LM Janas
- LV Oberkotter
- LV Oberkotter
- M Alexandrovå
- M Bielecki
- M Bielecki
- M Schein
- MC Craig-Schmidt
- N Yaida
- NS Salakhova
- NS Whitworth
- O Koldovský
- O Koldovský
- PE Johnson
- PF Pollack
- R Denamur
- R Ekman
- RC Banagale
- RD Carmichael
- RD Leake
- RH Starkey
- RL Byyny
- RMG Nair
- RR Gala
- RR Gala
- S Cevreska
- S Werner
- SF Karimova
- SK Vanna
- ST Wolford
- T Amarant
- T Johke
- T Johke
- T Richardson
- T Sato
- TH Lippert
- V Abbassi
- V štrbák
- V štrbák
- W Hansel
- W Thornburg
- W Thornburg
- W Thornburg
- W Thornburg
- Y Hirata
- Y Vaucher
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1987
- Field of study