6 research outputs found
Influence of ZnO doping and calcination temperature of nanosized CuO/MgO system on the dehydrogenation reactions of methanol
- Author
- A Guerrero-Ruiz
- F Pepe
- GA El-Shobaky
- GA El-Shobaky
- GA El-Shobaky
- GA El-Shobaky
- GC Wang
- HG El-Shobaky
- HP Klug
- J Chen
- JS Lee
- JS Spendelow
- K Adamson
- M Wojciechowska
- MM Branda
- MM Dohiem
- NRE Radwan
- P Zaza
- S Rossignol
- S Thorud
- SA El-Molla
- SA El-Molla
- SA El-Molla
- SA El-Molla
- SM Ibrahim
- SS Fu
- VE Henrich
- VK Diez
- WD Hsu
- XQ Gong
- YS Lee
- Zhou J-p
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Phase Diagram of the Quaternary Al(NO3)3-Cu(NO3)2-Zn(NO3)2-H2O System
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Catalytically active cobalt-copper-oxide layers on aluminum and titanium
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Recycled eggshells as precursors for iron-impregnated calcium oxide catalysts for partial oxidation of methane
- Author
- A Cherrak
- A Gollakota
- A Laca
- A Mittal
- AA Ibrahim
- AL Barbosa
- AP York
- B Michalkiewicz
- BC Enger
- BK Simpson
- CF Cullis
- G Karoshi
- G Karoshi
- GJ Hutchings
- HG El-Shobaky
- International Energy Agency
- J Xu
- J-D Grunwaldt
- KTC Roseno
- M Ravi
- M Waheed
- MJ Borah
- MS Tizo
- O Eletta
- P Schwach
- R Horn
- R Sankaran
- R Sharma
- S Lim
- S Santos
- SN Vereshchagin
- T Zhang
- TA Ahmed
- TD Mashangwa
- Y Wang
- YH Tan
- Z Fang
- Z Helwani
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Silicate coatings on titanium modified by cobalt and/or copper oxides and their activity in CO oxidation
- Author
- AV Dul’nev
- AY Vodyankin
- BL Jiang
- CN Satterfield
- D Hönicke
- D Stoyanova
- DB Li
- F Patcas
- FC Walsh
- G Fierro
- G Formasary
- HG El-Shobaky
- HJ Freund
- IV Lukiyanchuk
- IV Lukiyanchuk
- J Lojewska
- J Zhu
- JA Curran
- JC Ganley
- JE Baker
- JJ Su
- JP EspinĂłs
- L Jia
- LP Xu
- M Wojciechowska
- MC Biesinger
- ME Galvez
- ML Smith
- MS Vasilyeva
- MV Ved’
- NM Popova
- NN Bobrov
- NV Lebukhova
- P Avila
- P Courty
- RI Kuzmina
- S Angelov
- SA Solov’ev
- SF Tikhov
- SV Kolotilov
- SYu Grilikhes
- U Zavyalova
- UF Zav’yalova
- VA Sadykov
- VI Vovna
- VS Rudnev
- VS Rudnev
- VY Zabuga
- X Jiang
- Publication venue
- 'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Treatment of Anal Fistula: ACPGBI Position Statement
- Author
- Adams D
- Ahlberg J
- Aitola P
- Anthony T
- Atrah HI
- Ball CS
- Balogh G
- Barrett WI
- Beets-Tan RG
- Berman IR
- Buchanan GN
- Buchanan GN
- Burke D
- Burke RM
- Chaikhouni A
- Champagne BJ
- Chan KM
- Chapple KS
- Cho DY
- Christensen A
- Church JM
- Connell WR
- Conole FD
- Consten EC
- Cox SW
- Culp CE
- Culp CE
- Del Pino A
- deSouza NM
- Doberneck RC
- Duinslaeger M
- Dwarkasing S
- Eccles M
- Edwards CM
- Eisenhammer S
- Eisenhammer S
- El-Shobaky M
- Fasth SB
- Fenger C
- Filingeri V
- Fry RD
- Fucini C
- Fucini C
- Gisbertz SS
- Goligher JC
- Goodsall DH
- Gorenstein L
- Graf W
- Grey E
- Groom J
- Guillaumin E
- Gustafsson UM
- Halligan S
- Halligan S
- Halligan S
- Halme L
- Hamel CT
- Harper PH
- Harris GJ
- Harvey S
- Healy JC
- Hebjorn M
- Hedelin H
- Held D
- Heriot AG
- Hermann G
- Hill MR
- Hjortrup A
- Ho Y-H
- Hussain SM
- Hyman N
- Inamdar NV
- Johnson EK
- Johnson P
- Jones IT
- Joo JS
- Keighley MR
- Kennedy HL
- Kikegaard P
- Knoefel WT
- Koehler A
- Koelbel G
- Kouraklis G
- Kratzer GL
- Kronborg O
- Kruskal JB
- Kuster GG
- Larach SW
- Lentner A
- Levien DH
- Lewis P
- Lillius HG
- Lindsey I
- Lockhart-Mummery JP
- Lunniss PJ
- Lunniss PJ
- Lunniss PJ
- Lunniss PJ
- Maccioni F
- Maier AG
- Makowiec F
- Makowiec F
- Markowitz J
- McColl I
- Mentes BB
- Miles RPM
- Misra MC
- Morgan CN
- Myhr GE
- Narashimaharo KL
- Navarro-Luna A
- Nguyen MH
- O?Brien JJ
- O?Connor L
- O?Kelly T
- Oliver I
- Olmo DG
- Ortiz H
- Parks AG
- Penner A
- Perez F
- Platell C
- Present DH
- Prohm P
- Pye G
- Quah HM
- Ramanujam PS
- Robertson WG
- Sabir N
- Sainio P
- Sainio P
- Salim AS
- Schaefer O
- Scholefield JH
- Schratter-Sehn AU
- Seow Choen F
- Seow-Choen F
- Seow-Choen F
- Shah NS
- Spencer JA
- Spencer JA
- Steltzner F
- Stoker J
- Stoker J
- Sudol-Szopinska I
- Sudol-Szopinska I
- Swinscoe MT
- Szyszko TA
- Tang CL
- Taniguchi S
- Theerapol A
- Thompson HR
- Thomson JP
- Thomson JPS
- Tran KT
- Van Tets WF
- Viso L
- Walfisch S
- Weedon DD
- Wexner SD
- Williams AB
- Williams AB
- Wu CL
- Yuhan R
- Zbar AP
- Zelas P
- Zinicola R
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study