1,189 research outputs found


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    A two-stage study was conducted of potential software application package users. The first stage defined 38 issues which were viewed as potential obstacles t o the purchase and implementation of applications packages. In the second stage, the relative importance of these 38 issues was quantified. The results suggest that the key obstacle to wider usage of applications packages is uncertainty. Various steps which package developers and package users can take to reduce uncertainty are suggested.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Renormalization of minimally doubled fermions

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    We investigate the renormalization properties of minimally doubled fermions, at one loop in perturbation theory. Our study is based on the two particular realizations of Borici-Creutz and Karsten-Wilczek. A common feature of both formulations is the breaking of hyper-cubic symmetry, which requires that the lattice actions are supplemented by suitable counterterms. We show that three counterterms are required in each case and determine their coefficients to one loop in perturbation theory. For both actions we compute the vacuum polarization of the gluon. It is shown that no power divergences appear and that all contributions which arise from the breaking of Lorentz symmetry are cancelled by the counterterms. We also derive the conserved vector and axial-vector currents for Karsten-Wilczek fermions. Like in the case of the previously studied Borici-Creutz action, one obtains simple expressions, involving only nearest-neighbour sites. We suggest methods how to fix the coefficients of the counterterms non-perturbatively and discuss the implications of our findings for practical simulations.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    A survey to investigate the association of pain, foot disability and quality of life with corns

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    Background Corns are a common foot problem affecting a large proportion of the population. This study describes the characteristics of corns experienced by 201 participants taking part in a randomised controlled trial to investigate associations between demographic and corn parameters on pain, foot related disability and quality of life (QoL). Methods Pain from the main (index) corn was measured using a visual analogue scale (VAS); foot related disability was assessed with the Foot Disability Questionnaire (now known as the Manchester Foot Pain and Disability Index) and quality of life was recorded with the EQ-5D questionnaire. The effect of demographic and corn parameters on the pain and quality of life outcomes was assessed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) methods. The effect of the same factors on a linear combination of the foot-related disability outcome measures was assessed using multivariate ANOVA methods. Pain was also tested for its mediating properties on the causal pathway between the independent variables and quality of life. Results The mean pain score was 5.29 points on a 10 cm VAS, with females reporting substantively higher pain levels than males. Age affected foot-related disability, with lower levels on all domains of the MFPDI reported in older participants; each year of advancing age was associated with falls of: 0.009 points on the Concern about Appearance (CA) domain; 0.047 points on the Functional Limitation (FL) domain and 0.048 points on the Pain Intensity (PI) domain. Sex and corn type also affected disability, with higher scores reported by females and participants with plantar corns. Conclusions The effect of pain was shown to mediate the relationship between sex and foot-related disability. The presence of plantar corns has a more detrimental effect on QoL than dorsal/inter-digital corns


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    Nowadays, massively development of food consumption makes many changes, including the humanbiological element, the eating activity. In Earlier, taste of food is a priority in exchange value, but everythingsbe changed because the new concept about presentation and appearance of food itself. The presentationof food becomes important and creates more value for the food. Appearance is the main stimulant for thefood to deciding the taste from the food itself. In deep researched, implicity, the condition emphasis thathappened about commodifiation of exchange value in food perspective. Discussing about value in food, isa form of commodification and has correlation with society existence. To solve the problem, ethnofraphyand art perspective method is a source to analyzing data, with interviews and literature studies as a sourceof data, to interpret and respond the phenomena. The results of researched had founded, art is the newelement in value exchange of food. Food and art created an aesthetic and enchant point, and giving ahigher price. The high consumerism pattern makes aesthetic food as a symbol of class existence. The highvalue on aesthetic food becomes a reference for society to show who they are. The food created, not onlybecause the food itself, but also the contextual makes the food more essential

    Musik sebagai Wujud Eksistensi dalam Gelaran World Cup

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    We Are One atau “Ole Ola” merupakan lagu resmi dari gelaran World Cup. Setiap World Cupmempunyai lagu resminya ditiap gelarannya. Dalam keberlangsungannya, setiap lagu world cupmembutuhkan pertimbangan dalam pembentukannya. Aspek-aspek seperti budaya, sosial, politikdan lainya menjadi alasan penting dalam pembentukannya. Pembentukan Ole Ola didasarkan padaproses hibriditas budaya lokal dan global. Perpaduan samba dan hip hop menjadi variant dalampembentukannya. Perpaduan tersebut membentuk identitas untuk lagu itu sendiri, dan untuk gelaranworld cup. Eksistensi dari lagu sehingga makin terasa karena perpaduan yang membentuk identitas.Terlebih lagu tersebut tercipta tidak hanya karena gelaran, tetapi mempunyai fungsi dan guna untukmasyarakat. Musik sebagai media dalam mengkonstruksi pesan atas kepentingan. Musik membentukidentitas, dan mempunyai eksistensi dalam keberlangsungannya. Musik tidak lagi hanya berfungsisebagai musik saja, tetapi musik mempunyai peran dalam pembentukan identitas dan menjamineksistensi.Music as a form of Existance in the World Cup Performance. We are one or Ole Ola is the officialsong of the world cup performance. Every world cup has its official song in each event. In its development ofexistance, every song in world cup needs requires of consideration for creating process. Aspects such as cultural,social, politics and others become the important reason for creation. The creating proses of Ole Ola song isbased on the local and global cultural hybridity. The combination of samba and hip hop is a primary varianton creating process. The combination creates an identity for the song itself, and for world cup identity. Theexistance of Ole Ola is stronger because the combination may create the new identity. Moreover, the songcreated is not only for the event, but also has a function and purpose to society. Music is as a medium inconstructing the messages of interest. Music creates an identity, and has an existance in its continuty. Musicis not only for music itself, but also has a role in creating identity and ensures the existance


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    Nowadays, massively development of food consumption makes many changes, including the human biological element, the eating activity. In Earlier, taste of food is a priority in exchange value, but everythings be changed because the new concept about presentation and appearance of food itself. The presentation of food becomes important and creates more value for the food. Appearance is the main stimulant for the food to deciding the taste from the food itself. In deep researched, implicity, the condition emphasis that happened about commodifiation of exchange value in food perspective. Discussing about value in food, is a form of commodification and has correlation with society existence. To solve the problem, ethnofraphy and art perspective method is a source to analyzing data, with interviews and literature studies as a source of data, to interpret and respond the phenomena. The results of researched had founded, art is the new element in value exchange of food. Food and art created an aesthetic and enchant point, and giving a higher price. The high consumerism pattern makes aesthetic food as a symbol of class existence. The high value on aesthetic food becomes a reference for society to show who they are. The food created, not only because the food itself, but also the contextual makes the food more essential

    Kontestasi Kekuasaan dan Keteladanan Semu di Indonesia

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    Kepemimpinan di Indonesia merupakan persoalan yang menarik untuk ditelaah. Jika bertolak dari tataran diakronis, secara kronologis Indonesia telah mengalami pelbagai macam fase kepemimpinan dan rezim. Ihwal ini dapat menjadi stimulan positif jika masyarakat dapat mengartikulasikan pengalaman bernegaranya dengan tepat. Kontestasi kekuasaan pun tidak dapat terhindarkan, terlebih setiap pemimpin melakukan persaingan dalam memperebutkan kekuasaan. Kontestasi ini tidak hanya merujuk pada tingkat lokal, namun hingga tingkat nasional. Berbagai aspek pun turut menjadi faktor utama dari kontestasi tersebut, seperti tipe kepemimpinan aristokrasi dan demokrasi, hingga perbedaan gender pemimpinnya. Ihwal tersebut turut mengejewantah kan bahwa keteladanan yang didasarkan atas beberapa kontekstual, bersifat pseudo, atau semu. Dalam mengupas ihwal tersebut, telaah yang digunakan merujuk pada pemahaman Barkerakan agen, dan Gramsci akan hegemoni. Tidak hanya itu, Kouzes dan Posner digunakan untuk menilik parameter keteladanan. Asumsi penulis, keteladanan merupakan unsur yang tercipta untuk menghegomoni agen di dalamnya. Bertolak dari mempertanyakan keteladanan, maka pembahasan akan lebih mempertimbangkan aspek agen, hegemoni dan kuasa. Penulis menyadari bahwa tidak mungkin meneliti semua pola kepemimpinan yang ada di Indonesia, maka rujukan contoh kepemimpinan didasarkan pada beberapa contoh di era kolonial, orde lama, orde baru,dan pemerintahan kini. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengupas persoalan keteladanan dalam kepemimpinan yang kerap diunggulkan kepemimpinan yang ada di Indonesia

    Selfi e dan Media Sosial pada Seni sebagai Wujud Eksistensi

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    This article discusses the existence of individuals that are constructed based arts events. Selfi e and social media in arts as a form of existance is the right word to respons upon the development of society. There is a issues would be discuss in this article; discuss about elements of arts existence, commodifi cation of arts, and patterns of consumption. Literature review and ethnography is the method to solve the problem, with qualitative research. The restult of this article are; selfi e is the new practice of arts consumption, social media as a fi eld of existence, arts became a major commodity in society. The exchange not only enjoy arts object, but also there is technology that aims to increase its existence. Social media is new fi eld for society to show the existence, and when someone selfi e with art, would be more prestige. Arts became exist with a different way

    Health effects in fish of long-term exposure to effluents from wastewater treatment works

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    The effects of simple mixtures of chemicals, with similar mechanisms of action, can be predicted using the concentration addition model (CA). The ability of this model to predict the estrogenic effects of more complex mixtures such as effluent discharges, however, has yet to be established. Effluents from 43 U.K. wastewater treatment works were analyzed for the presence of the principal estrogenic chemical contaminants, estradiol, estrone, ethinylestradiol, and nonylphenol. The measured concentrations were used to predict the estrogenic activity of each effluent, employing the model of CA, based on the relative potencies of the individual chemicals in an in vitro recombinant yeast estrogen screen (rYES) and a short-term (14-day) in vivo rainbow trout vitellogenin induction assay. Based on the measured concentrations of the four chemicals in the effluents and their relative potencies in each assay, the calculated in vitro and in vivo responses compared well and ranged between 3.5 and 87 ng/L of estradiol equivalents (E2 EQ) for the different effluents. In the rYES, however, the measured E2 EQ concentrations in the effluents ranged between 0.65 and 43 ng E2 EQ/L, and they varied against those predicted by the CA model. Deviations in the estimation of the estrogenic potency of the effluents by the CA model, compared with the measured responses in the rYES, are likely to have resulted from inaccuracies associated with the measurement of the chemicals in the extracts derived from the complex effluents. Such deviations could also result as a consequence of interactions between chemicals present in the extracts that disrupted the activation of the estrogen response elements in the rYES. E2 EQ concentrations derived from the vitellogenic response in fathead minnows exposed to a series of effluent dilutions were highly comparable with the E2 EQ concentrations derived from assessments of the estrogenic potency of these dilutions in the rYES. Together these data support the use of bioassays for determining the estrogenic potency of WwTW effluents, and they highlight the associated problems for modeling approaches that are reliant on measured concentrations of estrogenic chemicals