62 research outputs found

    Psychological responses to the proximity of climate change

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    A frequent suggestion to increase individuals’ willingness to take action on climate change and to support relevant policies is to highlight its proximal consequences. However, previous studies that have tested this proximising approach have not revealed the expected positive effects on individual action and support for addressing climate change. We present three lines of psychological reasoning that provide compelling arguments as to why highlighting proximal impacts of climate change might not be as effective a way to increase individual mitigation and adaptation efforts as is often assumed. Our contextualisation of the proximising approach within established psychological research suggests that, depending on the particular theoretical perspective one takes to this issue, and on specific individual characteristics suggested by these perspectives, proximising can bring about the intended positive effects, can have no (visible) effect, or can even backfire. Thus, the effects of proximising are much more complex than is commonly assumed. Revealing this complexity contributes to a refined theoretical understanding of the role psychological distance plays in the context of climate change and opens up further avenues for future research and for interventions

    Single-Cell Expression Profiling Reveals a Dynamic State of Cardiac Precursor Cells in the Early Mouse Embryo

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    In the early vertebrate embryo, cardiac progenitor/precursor cells (CPs) give rise to cardiac structures. Better understanding their biological character is critical to understand the heart development and to apply CPs for the clinical arena. However, our knowledge remains incomplete. With the use of single-cell expression profiling, we have now revealed rapid and dynamic changes in gene expression profiles of the embryonic CPs during the early phase after their segregation from the cardiac mesoderm. Progressively, the nascent mesodermal gene Mesp1 terminated, and Nkx2-5+/Tbx5+ population rapidly replaced the Tbx5low+ population as the expression of the cardiac genes Tbx5 and Nkx2-5 increased. At the Early Headfold stage, Tbx5-expressing CPs gradually showed a unique molecular signature with signs of cardiomyocyte differentiation. Lineage-tracing revealed a developmentally distinct characteristic of this population. They underwent progressive differentiation only towards the cardiomyocyte lineage corresponding to the first heart field rather than being maintained as a progenitor pool. More importantly, Tbx5 likely plays an important role in a transcriptional network to regulate the distinct character of the FHF via a positive feedback loop to activate the robust expression of Tbx5 in CPs. These data expands our knowledge on the behavior of CPs during the early phase of cardiac development, subsequently providing a platform for further study

    Transfer von festen, flĂŒssigen und gasförmigen Stoffen aus Vulkanen in die AtmosphĂ€re

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    Die hĂ€ufigsten vulkanischen Volatilen sind H2O, CO2, SO3 und Halogene. Zusammensetzung, Menge und Injektionsraten von vulkanischen Gasen und Partikeln in die TroposphĂ€re und StratosphĂ€re hĂ€ngen ab von der chemischen Zusammensetzung eines Magmas, dem plattentektonischen Milieu sowie Eruptionsmechanismen und Eruptionsraten. Über 90% der eruptierten Magmen sind basaltischer Zusammensetzung mit niedriger ViskositĂ€t, relativ geringen Volatilengehalten und meist niedrigen Eruptionsraten sowie wenig explosiven Eruptionen ĂŒberwiegend entlang der mittelozeanischen RĂŒcken in großen Wassertiefen. Magmen in Inselbögen und Subduktionszonen an KontinentrĂ€ndern sind H2O-reich, in anderen plattentektonischen Milieus ĂŒberwiegt in basaltischen Magmen CO2. In mafischen Magmen ist CO2 schlecht löslich und kann daher schon mehrere Kilometer unter der ErdoberflĂ€che als Gasphase aus einem Magma entweichen. Felsische (hochdifferenzierte) Magmen, H2O-reich und CO2-arm, eruptieren oft hochexplosiv, insbesondere an Subduktionszonen, und mit hohen Eruptionsraten, z.B. El ChichĂłn (Mexiko, 1982) und Pinatubo (Philippinen, 1991). Ihre EruptionssĂ€ulen (Gas-/Partikelgemische) können bis ca. 40 km Höhe erreichen und sind Hauptlieferant der in die StratosphĂ€re injizierten Gasmengen

    Corporatised Identities ≠ Digital Identities: Algorithmic Filtering on Social Media and the Commercialisation of Presentations of Self

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    Goffman’s (1959) dramaturgical identity theory requires modification when theorising about presentations of self on social media. This chapter contributes to these efforts, refining a conception of digital identities by differentiating them from ‘corporatised identities’. Armed with this new distinction, I ultimately argue that social media platforms’ production of corporatised identities undermines their users’ autonomy and digital well-being. This follows from the disentanglement of several commonly conflated concepts. Firstly, I distinguish two kinds of presentation of self that I collectively refer to as ‘expressions of digital identity’. These digital performances (boyd 2007) and digital artefacts (Hogan 2010) are distinct, but often confused. Secondly, I contend this confusion results in the subsequent conflation of corporatised identities – poor approximations of actual digital identities, inferred and extrapolated by algorithms from individuals’ expressions of digital identity – with digital identities proper. Finally, and to demonstrate the normative implications of these clarifications, I utilise MacKenzie’s (2014, 2019) interpretation of relational autonomy to propose that designing social media sites around the production of corporatised identities, at the expense of encouraging genuine performances of digital identities, has undermined multiple dimensions of this vital liberal value. In particular, the pluralistic range of authentic preferences that should structure flourishing human lives are being flattened and replaced by commercial, consumerist preferences. For these reasons, amongst others, I contend that digital identities should once again come to drive individuals’ actions on social media sites. Only upon doing so can individuals’ autonomy, and control over their digital identities, be rendered compatible with social media
