8,208 research outputs found

    Experimental determination of the state-dependent enhancement of the electron-positron momentum density in solids

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    The state-dependence of the enhancement of the electron-positron momentum density is investigated for some transition and simple metals (Cr, V, Ag and Al). Quantitative comparison with linearized muffin-tin orbital calculations of the corresponding quantity in the first Brillouin zone is shown to yield a measurement of the enhancement of the s, p and d states, independent of any parameterizations in terms of the electron density local to the positron. An empirical correction that can be applied to a first-principles state-dependent model is proposed that reproduces the measured state-dependence very well, yielding a general, predictive model for the enhancement of the momentum distribution of positron annihilation measurements, including those of angular correlation and coincidence Doppler broadening techniques

    What is wrong with 'being a pill-taker'? The special case of statins.

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    In an interview study of decision-making about statins, many participants said they took pills regularly, yet described themselves as 'not really pill-takers'. This paper explores this paradox and its implications. The practice of pill-taking itself can constitute a challenge to the presentation of moral adequacy, beyond the potential for rendering stigmatised illnesses visible. Meeting this challenge involves a complex process of calibrating often-conflicting moral imperatives: to be concerned, but not too concerned, over one's health; to be informed, but not over-informed; and deferential but not over-deferential to medical expertise. This calibration reflects a broader tension between rival tropes: embracing medical progress and resisting medicalisation. Participants who take statins present them as unquestionably necessary; 'needing' pills, as opposed to choosing to take them, serves as a defence against the devalued identity of being a pill-taker. However, needing to take statins offers an additional threat to identity, because taking statins is widely perceived to be an alternative strategy to 'choosing a healthy lifestyle'. This perception underpins a responsibilising health promotion discourse that shapes and complicates the work participants do to avoid presenting themselves as 'pill-takers'. The salience of this discourse should be acknowledged where discussions of medicalisation use statins as an example

    Rotational Widths for Use in the Tully-Fisher Relation. II. The Impact of Surface Brightness

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    Using a large sample of spiral galaxies for which 21 cm single-dish and/or long-slit optical spectra are available, we make a detailed comparison between various estimates of rotational widths. Different optical width estimators are considered and their limitations discussed, with emphasis on biases associated with rotation curve properties (shape and extent) and disk central surface brightness. The best match with HI rotational velocities is obtained with Polyex widths, which are measured at the optical radius (encompassing a fixed fraction of the total light of the galaxy) from a model fit to the rotation curve. In contrast with Polyex widths, optical rotational velocities measured at 2.15 disk scale lengths r_d deviate from HI widths by an amount that correlates with the central surface brightness of the disk. This bias occurs because the rotation curves of galaxies are in general still rising at 2.15 r_d, and the fraction of total mass contained within this radius decreases with increasing disk surface brightness. Statistical corrections, parameterized by the radial extent of the observed rotation curve, are provided to reduce Polyex and HI width measurements into a homogeneous system. This yields a single robust estimate of rotational velocity to be used for applications of disk scaling relations.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. To appear in the Astronomical Journal (August 2007

    The Search for Intergalactic Hydrogen Clouds in Voids

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    I present the results of a search for intergalactic hydrogen clouds in voids. Clouds are detected by their HI LyA absorption lines in the HST spectra of low-redshift AGN. The parameter with which the environments of clouds are characterized is the tidal field, which places a lower limit on the cloud mass-density which is dynamically stable against disruption. Galaxy redshift catalogs are used to sum the tidal fields along the lines of sight, sorting clouds according to tidal field upper, or lower limits. The analytical methodology employed is designed to detect gas clouds whose expansion following reionization is restrained by dark matter perturbations. End-products are the cloud equivalent width distribution functions (EWDF) of catalogs formed by sorting clouds according to various tidal field upper, or lower limits. Cumulative EWDFs are steep in voids (S ~ -1.5 \pm 0.2), but flatter in high tidal field zones (S ~ -0.5 \pm 0.1). Most probable cloud Doppler parameters are ~30 km/s in voids and ~60 km/s in proximity to galaxies. In voids, the cumulative line density at low EW (~ 15 mA) is ~ 500 per unit redshift. The void filling factor is found to be 0.87 <= f_v <= 0.94. The void EWDF is remarkably uniform over this volume, with a possible tendency for more massive clouds to be in void centers. The size and nature of the void cloud population suggested by this study is completely unanticipated by the results of published 3-D simulations, which predict that most clouds are in filamentary structures around galaxy concentrations, and that very few observable absorbers would lie in voids. Strategies for modeling this population are briefly discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, apjemulate style, to appear in ApJ vol. 57

    The Universality of the Fundamental Plane of E and S0 Galaxies. Spectroscopic data

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    We present here central velocity dispersion measurements for 325 early-type galaxies in eight clusters and groups of galaxies, including new observations for 212 galaxies. The clusters and groups are the A262, A1367, Coma (A1656), A2634, Cancer and Pegasus clusters, and the NGC 383 and NGC 507 groups. The new measurements were derived from medium dispersion spectra, that cover 600 A centered on the Mg Ib triplet at lambda ~ 5175. Velocity dispersions were measured using the Tonry & Davis cross-correlation method, with a typical accuracy of 6%. A detailed comparison with other data sources is made.Comment: 12 pages, 5 tables, 3 figures, to appear in AJ. Note that tables 2 and 3 are in separate files, as they should be printed in landscape forma

    No Hubble Bubble in the Local Universe

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    Zehavi et al. (1998) have suggested that the Hubble flow within 70/h Mpc may be accelerated by the existence of a void centered on the Local Group. Its underdensity would be ~20 %, which would result in a local Hubble distortion of about 6.5 %. We have combined the peculiar velocity data of two samples of clusters of galaxies, SCI and SCII, to investigate the amplitude of Hubble distortions to 200/h Mpc. Our results are not supportive of that conclusion. The amplitude of a possible distortion in the Hubble flow within 70/h Mpc in the SCI+SCII merged data is 0.010\pm0.022. The largest, and still quite marginal, geocentric deviation from smooth Hubble flow consistent with that data set is a shell with (Delta H)/H =0.027\pm0.023, centered at hd = 101 Mpc and extending over some 30/h Mpc. Our results are thus consistent with a Hubble flow that, on distances in excess of about 50/h Mpc, is remarkably smooth.Comment: 11 pages, 1 tables, 1 figure; uses AAS LaTex; to appear in ApJ Nov 9

    A Digital Archive of HI 21 cm Line Spectra of Optically-targeted Galaxies

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    We present a homogeneous compilation of HI spectral parameters extracted from global 21 cm line spectra for some 9000 galaxies in the local universe (heliocentric velocity -200 < V_Sun < 28,000 km/s) obtained with a variety of large single dish radio telescopes but reanalyzed using a single set of parameter extraction algorithms. Corrections to the observed HI line flux for source extent and pointing offsets and to the HI line widths for instrumental broadening and smoothing are applied according to model estimates to produce a homogenous catalog of derived properties with quantitative error estimates. Where the redshift is available from optical studies, we also provide flux measurements for an additional 156 galaxies classified as marginal HI detections and rms noise limits for 494 galaxies classified as nondetections. Given the diverse nature of the observing programs contributing to it, the characteristics of the combined dataset are heterogeneous, and as such, the compilation is neither integrated HI line flux nor peak flux limited. However, because of the large statistical base and homogenous reprocessing, the spectra and spectral parameters of galaxies in this optically targeted sample can be used to complement data obtained at other wavelengths to characterize the properties of galaxies in the local universe and to explore the large scale structures in which they reside.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 3 external online tables, accepted for publication in ApJ
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