6,001 research outputs found

    Stationary quantum Markov process for the Wigner function

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    As a stochastic model for quantum mechanics we present a stationary quantum Markov process for the time evolution of the Wigner function on a lattice phase space Z_N x Z_N with N odd. By introducing a phase factor extension to the phase space, each particle can be treated independently. This is an improvement on earlier methods that require the whole distribution function to determine the evolution of a constituent particle. The process has branching and vanishing points, though a finite time interval can be maintained between the branchings. The procedure to perform a simulation using the process is presented.Comment: 12 pages, no figures; replaced with version accepted for publication in J. Phys. A, title changed, an example adde

    The Influence of N14(e-,nu)C14(alpha,gamma)O18 reaction on the He-Ignition in Degenerate Physical Conditions

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    The importance of NCO chain on the onset of the He-flash in degenerate physical conditions has been reevaluated. We find that low-mass, metal-rich (Z ≥\ge 0.001) structures climbing the Red Giant Branch do never attain the physical conditions suitable for the onset of this chain, while at lower metallicities the energy contribution provided by NCO reaction is too low to affect the onset of the central He-flash. At the same time, our evolutionary models suggest that for a Carbon-Oxygen White Dwarf of mass M_{WD}=0.6 M_sun accreting He-rich matter, directly or as a by-product of an overlying H-burning shell, at rates suitable for a dynamical He-flash, the NCO energy contribution is not able to keep hot enough the He-shell and in turn to avoid the occurrence of a strong electron degeneracy and the ensuing final explosion.Comment: 15 pages, 3 tables, 10 figure, to appear in Ap

    Strings between branes

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    D-brane configurations containing fundamental strings are constructed as classical solutions of Yang-Mills theory. The fundamental strings in these systems stretch between D-branes. In the case of D1-branes, this construction gives smooth (classical) resolutions of string junctions and string networks. Using a non-abelian Yang-Mills analysis of the string current, the string charge density is computed and is shown to have support in the region between the D-brane world-volumes. The 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole is analyzed using similar methods, and is shown to contain D-strings whose flux has support off the D-brane world-volume defined by the Higgs scalar field, when this field is interpreted in terms of a transverse dimension. The constructions presented here are used to give a qualitative picture of tachyon condensation in the Yang-Mills limit, where fundamental strings and lower-dimensional D-branes arise in a volume of space-time where brane-antibrane annihilation has occurred.Comment: 35 pages, 16 eps figures, JHEP style; v2: a comment adde

    Detection of a Far-Infrared Bow-Shock Nebula Around R Hya: the First MIRIAD Results

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    We present the first results of the MIRIAD (MIPS [Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer] Infra-Red Imaging of AGB [asymptotic giant branch] Dustshells) project using the Spitzer Space Telescope. The primary aim of the project is to probe the material distribution in the extended circumstellar envelopes (CSE) of evolved stars and recover the fossil record of their mass loss history. Hence, we must map the whole of the CSEs plus the surrounding sky for background subtraction, while avoiding the central star that is brighter than the detector saturation limit. With our unique mapping strategy, we have achieved better than one MJy/sr sensitivity in three hours of integration and successfully detected a faint (< 5 MJy/sr), extended (~400 arcsec) far-infrared nebula around the AGB star R Hya. Based on the parabolic structure of the nebula, the direction of the space motion of the star with respect to the nebula shape, and the presence of extended H alpha emission co-spatial to the nebula, we suggest that the detected far-IR nebula is due to a bow shock at the interface of the interstellar medium and the AGB wind of this moving star. This is the first detection of the stellar-wind bow-shock interaction for an AGB star and exemplifies the potential of Spitzer as a tool to examine the detailed structure of extended far-IR nebulae around bright central sources. \Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Aspects of Puff Field Theory

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    We describe some features of the recently constructed "Puff Field Theory," and present arguments in favor of it being a field theory decoupled from gravity. We construct its supergravity dual and calculate the entropy of this theory in the limit of large 't Hooft coupling. We also determine the leading irrelevant operator that governs its deviation from N=4 super Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Non-commutative gauge theory on D-branes in Melvin Universes

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    Non-commutative gauge theory with a non-constant non-commutativity parameter can be formulated as a decoupling limit of open strings ending on D3-branes wrapping a Melvin universe. We construct the action explicitly and discuss various physical features of this theory. The decoupled field theory is not supersymmetric. Nonetheless, the Coulomb branch appears to remain flat at least in the large N and large 't Hooft coupling limit. We also find the analogue of Prasad-Sommerfield monopoles whose size scales with the non-commutativity parameter and is therefore position dependent.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, reference adde

    Cluster Structure in Cosmological Simulations I: Correlation to Observables, Mass Estimates, and Evolution

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    We use Enzo, a hybrid Eulerian AMR/N-body code including non-gravitational heating and cooling, to explore the morphology of the X-ray gas in clusters of galaxies and its evolution in current generation cosmological simulations. We employ and compare two observationally motivated structure measures: power ratios and centroid shift. Overall, the structure of our simulated clusters compares remarkably well to low-redshift observations, although some differences remain that may point to incomplete gas physics. We find no dependence on cluster structure in the mass-observable scaling relations, T_X-M and Y_X-M, when using the true cluster masses. However, estimates of the total mass based on the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium, as assumed in observational studies, are systematically low. We show that the hydrostatic mass bias strongly correlates with cluster structure and, more weakly, with cluster mass. When the hydrostatic masses are used, the mass-observable scaling relations and gas mass fractions depend significantly on cluster morphology, and the true relations are not recovered even if the most relaxed clusters are used. We show that cluster structure, via the power ratios, can be used to effectively correct the hydrostatic mass estimates and mass-scaling relations, suggesting that we can calibrate for this systematic effect in cosmological studies. Similar to observational studies, we find that cluster structure, particularly centroid shift, evolves with redshift. This evolution is mild but will lead to additional errors at high redshift. Projection along the line of sight leads to significant uncertainty in the structure of individual clusters: less than 50% of clusters which appear relaxed in projection based on our structure measures are truly relaxed.Comment: 57 pages, 18 figures, accepted to ApJ, updated definition of T_X and M_gas but results unchanged, for version with full resolution figures, see http://www.ociw.edu/~tesla/sims.ps.g

    Finite Temperature QCD on Anisotropic Lattices

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    We present results for mesonic propagators in temporal and spatial direction and for topological properties at T below and above the deconfining transition in quenched QCD. We use anisotropic lattices and Wilson fermions.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, Talk given at 16th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE 98(hightemp)) , Boulder, CO, 13-18 Jul 1998. (Replaced: Fig.4 corrected, further minor modifications in legends and text.

    Monopoles, noncommutative gauge theories in the BPS limit and some simple gauge groups

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    For three conspicuous gauge groups, namely, SU(2), SU(3) and SO(5), and at first order in the noncommutative parameter matrix h\theta^{\mu\nu}, we construct smooth monopole --and, some two-monopole-- fields that solve the noncommutative Yang-Mills-Higgs equations in the BPS limit and that are formal power series in h\theta^{\mu\nu}. We show that there exist noncommutative BPS (multi-)monopole field configurations that are formal power series in h\theta^{\mu\nu} if, and only if, two a priori free parameters of the Seiberg-Witten map take very specific values. These parameters, that are not associated to field redefinitions nor to gauge transformations, have thus values that give rise to sharp physical effects.Comment: 30 pages, no figure
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