1,467 research outputs found

    Mathematical models of cellular decisions: investigating immune response and apoptosis

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    The main objective of this thesis is to develop and analyze mathematical models of cellular decisions. This work focuses on understanding the mechanisms involved in specific cellular processes such as immune response in the vascular system, and those involved in apoptosis, or programmed cellular death. A series of simple ordinary differential equation (ODE) models are constructed describing the macrophage response to hemoglobin:haptoglobin (Hb:Hp) complexes that may be present in vascular inflammation. The models proposed a positive feedback loop between the CD163 macrophage receptor and anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) and bifurcation analysis predicted the existence of a cellular phenotypic switch which was experimentally verified. Moreover, these models are extended to include the intracellular mediator heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1). Analysis of the proposed models find a positive feedback mechanism between IL-10 and HO-1. This model also predicts cellular response of heme and IL-10 stimuli. For the apoptotic (cell suicide) system, a modularized model is constructed encompassing the extrinsic and intrinsic signaling pathways. Model reduction is performed by abstracting the dynamics of complexes (oligomers) at a steady-state. This simplified model is analyzed, revealing different kinetic properties between type I and type II cells, and reduced models verify results. The second model of apoptosis proposes a novel mechanism of apoptosis activation through receptor-ligand clustering, yielding robust bistability and hysteresis. Using techniques from algebraic geometry, a model selection criterion is provided between the proposed and existing model as experimental data becomes available to verify the mechanism. The models developed throughout this thesis reveal important and relevant mechanisms specific to cellular response; specifically, interactions necessary for an organism to maintain homeostasis are identified. This work enables a deeper understanding of the biological interactions and dynamics of vascular inflammation and apoptosis. The results of these models provide predictions which may motivate further experimental work and theoretical study

    Teaching Critical and Creative Thinking Skills as Part of the Technical Communications Curriculum

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    I incorporated critical thinking instruction in the writing curriculum by using three writing projects: journal writing, a policy paper on AIDS, and an assignment to evaluate grammar checkers. In their journal writing students both generated and evaluated ideas. In the AIDS project, they reinforced these convergent and divergent thinking skills within the context of a real-world issue. For the software project, students practiced thinking skills in an arena that was more technical and objective, but in which they were evaluating fundamental writing criteria. These diverse assignments, based on a philosophically compatible approach to the teaching of writing, helped students develop critical and creative thinking skills along with content knowledge and effective written expression

    Joining and decomposing reaction networks

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    In systems and synthetic biology, much research has focused on the behavior and design of single pathways, while, more recently, experimental efforts have focused on how cross-talk (coupling two or more pathways) or inhibiting molecular function (isolating one part of the pathway) affects systems-level behavior. However, the theory for tackling these larger systems in general has lagged behind. Here, we analyze how joining networks (e.g., cross-talk) or decomposing networks (e.g., inhibition or knock-outs) affects three properties that reaction networks may possess---identifiability (recoverability of parameter values from data), steady-state invariants (relationships among species concentrations at steady state, used in model selection), and multistationarity (capacity for multiple steady states, which correspond to multiple cell decisions). Specifically, we prove results that clarify, for a network obtained by joining two smaller networks, how properties of the smaller networks can be inferred from or can imply similar properties of the original network. Our proofs use techniques from computational algebraic geometry, including elimination theory and differential algebra.Comment: 44 pages; extensive revision in response to referee comment

    Texas’s New Habeas Corpus Procedure For Death-Row Inmates: Kafkaesque-And Probably Unconstitutional

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    Texas courts should embrace their duty to protect the constitution and forbid the legislature from pursuing a politically popular agenda at the expense of the fundamental rights of certain citizens. Article 11.071 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure runs afoul of the language, intent, and purpose of Texas constitutional guarantees, and eliminates procedural protections designed to guard against the execution of innocent persons. The Texas Legislature should not be allowed to shorten the time period for seeking habeas relief. Article 11.071 violates the due course of law provisions of the Texas Constitution and violates the Texas equal rights provision. The principal purpose of the writ of habeas corpus is to provide prisoners with the means to challenge the legality of his or her confinement outside of the ordinary appellate process. By limiting access to the Great Writ, the Texas Legislature has engaged in the very governmental abuses that the framers and ratifiers of the Texas Bill of Rights sought to prevent
