15 research outputs found


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    In view of the changes in the banking sector, the adoption of a customer relationship management (CRM) system is an important issue for banks. It contributes to the optimisation and management of customer portfolio, more precisely this system allows to acquire new customers and to increase the profitability of existing customers. This article aims to answer the following question: what is the relationship between CRM and the consumer buying behaviour (CBB) in Moroccan banks? The study we conducted among 21 bank branches. Also, the study provided insight into the direct and indirect relationships between the use of CRM systems and consumer buying behaviour. The respondents described each of the variables on the benefits of CRM systems as mediating factors and the variables on the attributes of consumer buying behaviour. JEL: M31, Z33 Article visualizations

    The impact of ethics on Moroccan consumer behavior toward Islamic banking products

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    Abstract. Participatory finance is currently operational in Morocco, following the agreement of the central bank, five banks and the subsidiaries of three major foreign banks has the right to provide Sharia-compliant products. These products bring a new dimension to the Moroccan banking services, the practice of the Islamic ethics in the operation of financing is a new component for the Moroccan consumer, the use of Islamic marketing combines the principle of maximizing value with the principles of equity and justice for the well-being of society. This article studies the different behaviors of Moroccan consumer towards participatory products, what values can the ethical dimension bring to Moroccan consumers and how to match they are convinced by these products. In this framework, we conducted a survey of a sample of 362 individuals and used the chi-square test on the SPSS software, from where we found a strong relationship between ethics and consumer choices.Keywords. Ethics, Marketing, Consumer, Banking products, Sharia-compliant.JEL. M31, G20, C12, Z13

    The contribution of participation banks on the development of the mixed banking system: case of the Turkish Republic

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    Abstract. In this paper, we examine the impact of participation banks on the development of the hybrid banking system in the Turkish Republic, through an empirical study of independent variables that represent the development of participation banks such as allocated funds, raised funds and net profits, and the development of the mixed banking system that is represented by total assets and this is during the period of December 2011 to July 2018, it’s about 80 observations. First, we will start with the unit root test such as ADF, PP and KPSS tests to verify the stationarity of all variables, then we will apply the Johansen cointegration test for the long-term relationship to verify if there is a long-term co-integration relationship between the dependent variable and the independent ones. The results showed that all variables are stationary at the same level (2nd difference), so they are integrated in the same order (I1), while the Johansen test found that there are three long-term cointegration relationships between the variables involved. So, we concluded that participation banks contribute in the long term to the development of the mixed banking system of the Turkish Republic.Keywords. Participation banks, Mixed banking system, Turkey, Unit root test, Cointegration test.JEL. D39, E49, F69, F69, G21


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    This study explains the relationship between the Moroccan automotive industry, employment and gross domestic product GDP, for this reason, a literature review on the subject was conducted, which allowed us to understand the relationship between all variables. After the analysis, the results show that the variables integration order allowed us to apply the error correction model (ECM), in fact, this model confirmed the relationships between the variables, and showed that the automotive industry in Morocco has a significant positive impact on employment and GDP. JEL: L60; L62 Article visualizations

    Optimizing LSTM Models for EUR/USD Prediction in the context of reducing energy consumption: An Analysis of Mean Squared Error, Mean Absolute Error and R-Squared

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    The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model for Forex prediction. The data used was reprocessed and the LSTM model was developed and trained using a supervised learning approach with popular deep learning frameworks. The performance of the model was evaluated using metrics such as Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and R-squared. In addition, we examined the literature on energy efficiency, highlighting its potential for reducing computational load and, consequently, energy consumption. We also considered the environmental impact of using such models. The results showed that the LSTM model was effective in Forex prediction and demonstrated superior performance compared to other predictive models. The best model among the several LSTM models evaluated had 90 epochs. These results provide evidence for the efficacy of the LSTM model in Forex prediction and highlight the potential benefits of using deep learning techniques in this field, particularly in terms of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability

    Model prédictif de traitement des opérations de soutage des navires utilisant l’approche de régression linéaire multiple.

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    En raison des nouvelles conditions économiques difficiles, le secteur de l'avitaillement est devenu une activité vitale pour les acteurs de la chaîne d'approvisionnement maritime. C'est pourquoi les armateurs, les opérateurs et les affréteurs sont en quête permanente de recherche des meilleurs fournisseurs d'avitaillement dans le monde notamment en termes de temps de soutage déployé. Des fournisseurs capables de garantir que les navires de leurs clients seront approvisionnés à l'arrivée et pendant la période d’escale, sans aucun retard dans leur programme opérationnel. Les compagnies maritimes demandent généralement la durée estimée de l'opération de soutage, afin de planifier à l'avance l'ensemble du scénario d'escale du navire en question. Cependant, en raison de la nature stochastique de l'approvisionnement physique en combustible de soutage, aucune réponse précise n'est obtenue du côté du fournisseur de combustible. Cet article a pour but d'aider les compagnies maritimes, les agents maritimes, les opérateurs de terminaux et tous les acteurs concernés à programmer leurs opérations de manière plus efficace. A cet égard, sur la base de données réelles acquises auprès d'un fournisseur de carburant au port de Tanger Med au Maroc, afin d'identifier les principaux facteurs qui ont un impact susceptible sur la durée de l'opération d’approvisionnement. En s’appuyant sur une base de données, nous utilisons un modèle de prédiction par régression linéaire multiple pour la mesure du temps de traitement du combustible de soutage.

    The contribution of microfinance to environmental sustainability and growth in Morocco: An empirical study

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    This research focuses on exploring the relationship between the attributes of microfinance programmes and their effects on financial, social, and environmental growth. The findings underscore the notable influence of acceptability, availability, and affordability of microfinance programmes on financial and social growth, with acceptability particularly impacting environmental growth. These results bear significant implications for those involved in the realm of microfinance, accentuating the necessity to enhance the acceptability and availability of microfinance services in order to catalyse sustainable growth. The study serves as a launchpad for future investigations into the multi-faceted impact of microfinance programmes and the effectiveness of diverse microfinance models and practices towards the goal of sustainable development. In conclusion, the study underscores the need to integrate environmental considerations into the planning and execution of microfinance programmes, ensuring their sustainability and efficacy in the long run


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    The COVID-19 lead to huge changes in the world economy: destabilization of economies, degradation of the structure of world finance, unemployment and fragility, disruption of logistics chains, near-stop of activities and travel, etc. States are called upon to be below invigilate and flexible in order to put in place adequate policies to adapt to this new unstable context and revive economic activity. At a time when the first signs of an improvement in health are appearing, several countries are beginning to reflect on the next phase of economic recovery and on the role of strong public action to stimulate demand, ensure replacement incomes and promote new investments. This remains a key issue as States have decided to stop a large number of activities during the containment phase. All this pushed us to reflect on the cost of this crisis and mainly on the role of the State after the pandemic to stimulate the economy and promote new investments to return to global equilibrium. An analysis of the different studies reveals a taxonomy of trends and scenarios. While the role of the state is crucial according to experts and officials, the only problem is that they do not completely agree. Through this paper, we try to analyze and decipher the economic impacts of COVID-19 in order to see what the different policies are to be considered by the States to minimize the impact of this pandemic, first of all, and then to revive the economic fabric to return to general equilibrium. JEL: A11, O11, O40, P11, P24  Article visualizations