2,346 research outputs found

    Massively Parallel Computing and the Search for Jets and Black Holes at the LHC

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    Massively parallel computing at the LHC could be the next leap necessary to reach an era of new discoveries at the LHC after the Higgs discovery. Scientific computing is a critical component of the LHC experiment, including operation, trigger, LHC computing GRID, simulation, and analysis. One way to improve the physics reach of the LHC is to take advantage of the flexibility of the trigger system by integrating coprocessors based on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) or the Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture into its server farm. This cutting edge technology provides not only the means to accelerate existing algorithms, but also the opportunity to develop new algorithms that select events in the trigger that previously would have evaded detection. In this article we describe new algorithms that would allow to select in the trigger new topological signatures that include non-prompt jet and black hole--like objects in the silicon tracker.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, submitted to NIM

    First Evaluation of the CPU, GPGPU and MIC Architectures for Real Time Particle Tracking based on Hough Transform at the LHC

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    Recent innovations focused around {\em parallel} processing, either through systems containing multiple processors or processors containing multiple cores, hold great promise for enhancing the performance of the trigger at the LHC and extending its physics program. The flexibility of the CMS/ATLAS trigger system allows for easy integration of computational accelerators, such as NVIDIA's Tesla Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) or Intel's \xphi, in the High Level Trigger. These accelerators have the potential to provide faster or more energy efficient event selection, thus opening up possibilities for new complex triggers that were not previously feasible. At the same time, it is crucial to explore the performance limits achievable on the latest generation multicore CPUs with the use of the best software optimization methods. In this article, a new tracking algorithm based on the Hough transform will be evaluated for the first time on a multi-core Intel Xeon E5-2697v2 CPU, an NVIDIA Tesla K20c GPU, and an Intel \xphi\ 7120 coprocessor. Preliminary time performance will be presented.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Accepted to JINS

    Search for Free Fractional Electric Charge Elementary Particles

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    We have carried out a direct search in bulk matter for free fractional electric charge elementary particles using the largest mass single sample ever studied - about 17.4 mg of silicone oil. The search used an improved and highly automated Millikan oil drop technique. No evidence for fractional charge particles was found. The concentration of particles with fractional charge more than 0.16e (e being the magnitude of the electron charge) from the nearest integer charge is less than 4.71×10−224.71\times10^{-22} particles per nucleon with 95% confidence.Comment: 10 pages,LaTeX, 4 PS figures, submitted to PR

    On the Cardy-Verlinde Formula and the de Sitter/CFT Correspondence

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    We derive the Cardy--Verlinde entropy formula for the field theory that lives on the boundary of an asymptotically de Sitter space with a black hole. The boundary theory which is not conformal has a monotonic CC--function defined by the Casimir energy. The instability of the space due to Hawking radiation from the black hole corresponds to an RG flow from the IR to the UV during which CC increases. The endpoint of black hole evaporation is de Sitter space which is described by a conformal theory at the UV fixed point of the RG flow.Comment: 16 pages in phyzzx.tex, the discussion in section 4 clarified, minor corrections, two references added; v3: the relation between time evolution and RG flow made explicit, Comments and references adde

    A New Method for Searching for Free Fractional Charge Particles in Bulk Matter

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    We present a new experimental method for searching for free fractional charge in bulk matter; this new method derives from the traditional Millikan liquid drop method, but allows the use of much larger drops, 20 to 100 mm in diameter, compared to the traditional method that uses drops less than 15 mm in diameter. These larger drops provide the substantial advantage that it is then much easier to consistently generate drops containing liquid suspensions of powdered meteorites and other special minerals. These materials are of great importance in bulk searches for fractional charge particles that may have been produced in the early universe.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures in a singl PDF file (created from WORD Doc.). Submitted to Review of Scientific Instrument

    GPU Enhancement of the Trigger to Extend Physics Reach at the Large Hadron Collider

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    At the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the trigger systems for the detectors must be able to process a very large amount of data in a very limited amount of time, so that the nominal collision rate of 40 MHz can be reduced to a data rate that can be stored and processed in a reasonable amount of time. This need for high performance places very stringent requirements on the complexity of the algorithms that can be used for identifying events of interest in the trigger system, which potentially limits the ability to trigger on signatures of various new physics models. In this paper, we present an alternative tracking algorithm, based on the Hough transform, which avoids many of the problems associated with the standard combinatorial track finding currently used. The Hough transform is also well-adapted for Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-based computing, and such GPU-based systems could be easily integrated into the existing High-Level Trigger (HLT). This algorithm offers the ability to trigger on topological signatures of new physics currently not practical to reconstruct, such as events with jets or black holes significantly displaced from the primary vertex. This paper presents, for the first time, an implementation and preliminary performance results using NVIDIA Tesla C2075 and K20c GPUs.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP2013), Amsterda

    Black Holes with Multiple Charges and the Correspondence Principle

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    We consider the entropy of near extremal black holes with multiple charges in the context of the recently proposed correspondence principle of Horowitz and Polchinski, including black holes with two, three and four Ramond-Ramond charges. We find that at the matching point the black hole entropy can be accounted for by massless open strings ending on the D-branes for all cases except a black hole with four Ramond-Ramond charges, in which case a possible resolution in terms of brane-antibrane excitations is considered.Comment: 26 pages, harvmac, minor correction

    Lepton Polarization Asymmetry in B l l(bar) decays in R-parity violating Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We study the implication of R-parity violating Rp Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) model in lepton polarization asymmetry ALP in B l l(bar) decays . The analysis show that the ALP is significant in a certain phenomenological parametric region of Yukawa couplings. We have also placed indirect bounds on Lambda' lambda couplings as obtained from B t t(bar).Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures Changes of notation in Eq(8-11,17-19),Eq.20 adde

    D-terms and D-strings in open string models

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    We study the Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) D-terms on D-branes in type II Calabi-Yau backgrounds. We provide a simple worldsheet proof of the fact that, at tree level, these terms only couple to scalars in closed string hypermultiplets. At the one-loop level, the D-terms get corrections only if the gauge group has an anomalous spectrum, with the anomaly cancelled by a Green-Schwarz mechanism. We study the local type IIA model of D6-branes at SU(3) angles and show that, as in field theory, the one-loop correction suffers from a quadratic divergence in the open string channel. By studying the closed string channel, we show that this divergence is related to a closed string tadpole, and is cancelled when the tadpole is cancelled. Next, we study the cosmic strings that arise in the supersymmetric phases of these systems in light of recent work of Dvali et. al. In the type IIA intersecting D6-brane examples, we identify the D-term strings as D4-branes ending on the D6-branes. Finally, we use N=1 dualities to relate these results to previous work on the FI D-term of heterotic strings.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures; v2: improved referencin
