14 research outputs found

    The influence of various pressures in pneumatic tyre on braking process of car with anti-lock braking system

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    In this article has been presented the influence of various pressures inpneumatic tyre of passenger car Fiat Panda 1.3 JTD with anti-lock braking system on chosen parameters of braking process: course of braking deceleration, maximum value of deceleration, braking distances

    Advantages of new micro-jet welding technology on weld microstructure control

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    An innovative apparatus to welding process with micro-jet cooling of the weld made it possible to carry out technological tests, which have proved theoretical considerations about this problem. This project gives real opportunities for professional development in the field of welding with controlling the parameters of weld structure. These tests have proved that the new micro-jet technology has the potential for growth. It may be great achievement of welding technology in order to increase weld metal strength. The new technology with micro-jet cooling may have many practical applications in many fields, for example such as in the transport industry or to repair damaged metal elements. The advantages of the new device over the traditional system are the ability to control the structure of the weld, the weld mechanical performance increases and improve the quality of welded joints

    Driver safety in relation to the post–accident vehicle reparation

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    The paper presents the basic criteria for estimation of the post-accident reparation of a vehicle body. The article made reference to deceleration during an impact, to deformation of the vehicle body (as a result of a collision) and to the coefficient of restitution that describes such a collision

    Motorcycle – an aesthetic technical object

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    Pierwszy motocykl powstał ponad 130 lat temu. Dzisiaj użytkują motocykle z przynajmniej kilku powodów, to znaczy: ich eksploatacja jest stosunkowo tania, łatwo nimi manewrować w zatłoczonych miastach, jazda na motocyklu daje poczucie wolności i niezależności. Niezależnie od powodu użytkowania motocykli, pewna część posiadaczy tych jednośladów czyni usilne starania, aby nadać swoim motocyklom indywidualny i niepowtarzalny charakter. Chęć wyróżniania się z tłumu identycznych seryjnych maszyn jest powodem poświęcania mnóstwa czasu i środków finansowych. Głównym celem niniejszego opracowania było przedstawiono podstawowych możliwości nadania motocyklowi cech indywidualnych pożądanych przez jego właściciela wraz z przykładami. A estetyka pojmowana będzie tu jako ładny i gustowny wygląd.The first motorcycle was created over 130 years ago. Today people use motorcycles for at least several reasons, that is: their operation is relatively cheap, they are easy to maneuver in crowded cities, riding a motorcycle gives a sense of freedom and independence. Regardless of the reason for using motorcycles, some owners of these two-wheelers vehicles are making great efforts to give their motorcycles individual and unique character. The desire to stand out from the crowd of identical serial machines is a reason to spend a lot of time and financial resources. The main purpose of this study was to present the basic possibilities of giving the motorcycle individual features desired by its owner along with examples. And aesthetics will be understood here as a nice and tasteful look

    Safe operating and using of contemporary air-conditioning system in a car vehicle

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    Klimatyzacja w pojeździe samochodowym wymaga czynności związanych z jej obsługą, które zapewniają poprawne działanie tego układu. Czynności te wykonuje pracownik zatrudniony w warsztacie samochodowym, który po przejściu odpowiedniego przeszkolenia uzyskał stosowne uprawnienia. W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe informacje na temat bezpiecznego obsługiwania, a także użytkowania układu klimatyzacji samochodowej. Omówiono między innymi: zapisy dyrektywy unijnej, która dotyczy emisji gazów fluorowanych stosowanych w systemach klimatyzacji, budowę i zasadę działania klimatyzacji w pojeździe samochodowym, scharakteryzowano poszczególne czynniki robocze (chłodnicze) omawiając ich własności fizykochemiczne. W opisie bezpiecznego obsługiwania układów klimatyzacji uwzględniono: kwalifikacje, jakie powinien posiadać serwisant, zasady BHP przy pracy z czynnikiem oraz skutki i objawy kontaktu z czynnikiem chłodniczym. W części poświęconej bezpiecznemu użytkowaniu układu klimatyzacji w pojeździe wskazano, istotne z punktu widzenia osób podróżujących samochodem, zasady odpowiedzialnego korzystania z tego układu.Air-contitionig in a car vehicle requires activities connected with its operation which ensure correct functioning of this system. These activities are carried out by an employee working in the car repair shop who, after training, has obtained appropriate permissions. The article presents basic information on safe operating and using the system of car vehicle air-conditioning. The following issues have been, among others discusses: principle of the EU directive which concerns the emission of fluorinated gases udes in the ari-conditioning systems, structure and working of air-conditioning in the car vehicle, particular working (cooling) factors have been characterized including the discussion of their physicochemical properties. The description of safe operating of air-conditioning system included: qualifications which a serviceman should possess, safety regulations while working with cooling factor as well as the consequences and symptoms of contact with such factor. In the part devoted to the safe using of air-conditioning system in the vehicle, the rules of responsible using of this system from the point of view people travelling by car have been pointed out

    Deceleration and deformation during dynamic loading of model car body parts after post-accident repair

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    Absorption of impact energy by the passive safety elements of the vehicle body is the basic feature to ensure conditions of safety for the driver and passengers in transport. The parts especially designed for this objective in the self-supporting car body are longitudinals. Their energy-absorbing features are designed in different ways. Evaluation of the degree to which the vehicle (body) ensures safety during a collision is difficult and expensive. Usually, tests under impact conditions are required. The most advanced and costly are the tests carried out on a complete vehicle (whole real object for tests). Whole vehicle testing can be replaced by testing of individual car body elements (for example longitudinal). The main aim of this article is to present and compare the results of dynamic studies on model energy-consuming objects (new model longitudinals and model longitudinals repaired with welding methods). For the purpose of this study, models of vehicle passive safety elements (model longitudinals) were designed. On the basis of the conducted tests, it was found that it is worth considering the replacement of collision tests of the whole vehicle by tests of its individual components. This can be considered a new approach that is not widely used. Currently, most often, crash tests of entire vehicles are conducted (high costs) or computer simulations are performer (often with unsatisfactory accuracy)

    Methods for assessing the technical condition of bearing hubs in means of transport

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    This article presents two methods of testing bearing hubs, which may supplement the existing subjective and unreliable methods of diagnostics of rolling bearings used in wheel bearing hubs of motor vehicles and other means of road transport. One of the most important elements responsible for the safety of a vehicle is the bearing hub. Regular monitoring of the technical condition of bearings should become an obligation at vehicle inspection stations when carrying out a technical inspection of a vehicle, authorising it to travel on public roads. This article presents the results of vehicle tests with signs of damage to rolling bearings, using two test stands: one on which the dynamic balancer acted as a device for accelerating the wheel, and the other, which was designed as a test dedicated to automotive rolling bearings, where a dynamic weighbridge was used as the wheel drive, made it impossible to test the wheel at lower rotational speeds. The newly designed and manufactured bearing testing device eliminates the disadvantages of the previous stand, and additionally, enables the measurement of a fully loaded bearing hub, which enables the simulation of real operating conditions on the bearing hub