14 research outputs found

    The Belgrade, Istanbul and Stuttgart Multilateral Conferences of Emigration and Immigration Countries’ Trade Unions

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    U ovom radu autor razmatra nastanak i tok triju multilateralnih konferencija sindikata zemalja emigracije i imigracije, održanih u Beogradu (1972), Istanbulu (1973) i Stuttgartu (1976), spominjući ukratko i druge, ranije, multilateralne sindikalne skupove na kojima se raspravljalo o problemima zapošljavanja stranaca. Dok se na prvoj konferenciji u Beogradu težilo općoj razmjeni mišljenja i ispitivanju mogućnosti suradnje između ideološki različitih sindikata država emigracije i imigracije, konferencija u Istanbulu raspravljala je o tri konkretna središnja problema zaposlenih stranaca u Zapadnoj Evropi (ugovornim normama, obrazovanju stranih radnika i njihove djece te sudjelovanju stranih radnika u radu sindikata u zemlji primitka). Konferencija u Stuttgartu, unatoč stanovitoj tematskoj uskoći, uspjela je ostvariti neku vrstu zajedničke platforme sindikata zemalja imigracije i emigracije u pogledu ekonomskoga, socijalnog i pravnog statusa stranih radnika. Međutim, svjetska ekonomska kriza, prema mišljenju autora, uvelike je utjecala da se dobro započeta međunarodna sindikalna suradnja i aktivnosti u korist stranih radnika dobrano smanji, o čemu ponajprije govori činjenica da se od 1976. nije održala više nijedna međunarodna konferencija sindikata.The author examines the beginnings and course of three multilateral conferences of emigration and immigration countries\u27 trade unions, which were held in Belgrade (1972), Istanbul (1973) and Stuttgart (1976) respectively. Some earlier multilateral gat¬herings of trade unions, at which the problems of foreigners\u27 employment were discussed, are briefly mentioned too. While the earliest, Belgrade conference aimed at a general exchange of views and an exploration of possibilities for co-operation between the ideologically different trade unions of the countries of emigration and the countries of immigration, the Istanbul conference focused itself on three concrete problems crucial to foreigners employed in Western Europe (that is, contractual and social norms, the education of foreign workers and their children, and the participation of the former in trade unions in the countries of immigration.) The Stuttgart conference, however limited in scope as for the topics discussed, managed to create some kind of a joint platform pertaining to the trade unions of both immigration and emigration countries, regarding the economic, social and legal status of foreign workers. In the author\u27s opinion, however, the world economic crisis has stalled what was the successfully launched trade unions\u27 international co-operation and activities benefiting foreign workers. This can be corroborated, in the first place, by the fact that not a single international conference of trade unions has been held ever since 1976

    Živković, Dušan: Narodni front Jugoslavije 1935—1945

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