6 research outputs found

    The Right Non Self-Incrimination and Epistemology of Criminal Witnesses

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    The absence of a clear normative interpretation related to witnesses who are also criminal perpetrators in the Indonesian court has controversy on the theoretical level. In practice, the practitioners adopt a concept known in other countries. However, in adopting ideas from other countries, practitioners are often trapped in practitioners’ paradigms. Translating the perpetrators’ witnesses such as crown witnesses, justice collaborators (JC), and whistleblowers (wb,) are not the concepts comprehensively. In the end, the witness being denied the rights of the perpetrators, namely right non-self-incrimination. The paper offers a concept for finding solutions in the use of witnesses who are also as criminal perpetrators in epistemological basis. These considerations are used to provide a coherent way based on the principle to justify the use of witness evidence from the criminal perpetrators. The purpose is to accord with the principle of due process of law, not to clash the principle of non-self-incrimination in proving the search of material truth

    Implementation of Death Penalty Crime: Dilemma between the Nationality Principle and Human Rights

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    Extradition and prosecution are cornerstones of international law cooperation’s enforcement to prevent immunity from criminal responsibility, especially regarding the refusal to extradite nationals. The principle’s implementation in its development is influenced by the trend from abolitionist countries to refuse the requests for Mutual Legal Assistance in criminal matters (MLA) related to death penalty crimes. Guarantees from requesting the state not to impose death penalty sentences needs to implement nationality jurisdiction if the state refuses to extradite its citizens to another country. Countries that impose death penalty demonstrate that the nationality principle is very successful in investigating crimes committed abroad, whereas countries that have abolished the death penalty consider the nationality principle to be a violation of human rights. This paper focuses its discussion on the usefulness of Article 8 paragraph (5) of the Criminal Code Draft, which regulates the exceptional nature of the death penalty in the nationality principle’s implementation. This paper concludes that the exceptional nature of the death penalty in nationality principles' implementation is regulated in Article 8 paragraph (5) of the Criminal Code Draft. This Article elaborates that a country of hindered crime could prevent MLA requests from Indonesia related to death penalty crimes based on its international obligations and the perspective of human right. This research uses a normative approach and pragmatic-descriptive analysis

    Analisis Kebijakan Resettlement Dalam Penanggulangan Bencana Alam Di Lampung Selatan

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    Artikel ini menganalisis pelaksanaan kebijakan resettlement bagi masyarakat korban bencana alam tsunami di Lampung Selatan yang terjadi pada Desember 2018 lalu. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan dan konseptual, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menurut UU Penanggulangan Bencana dinyatakan bahwa penyelenggaraan penanggulangan bencana meliputi empat tahapan yaitu: penetapan kebijakan pembangunan yang berisiko timbulnya bencana, kegiatan pencegahan bencana, tanggap darurat, dan rehabilitasi. Dua tahapan di awal dibuat sebelum adanya bencana (prabencana), tanggap darurat dilakukan saat terjadinya bencana, dan rehabilitasi dilakukan pascabencana. Dalam konteks bencana tsunami di Lampung Selatan pada 2018 silam, salah satu kebijakan pascabencana yang dilakukan adalah resettlement. Kebijakan ini dilakukan berdasarkan Keputusan Bupati No. B/613.1/VI.02/HK/2019. Dalam keputusan tersebut ditentukan bahwa kebijakan resettlement ini dilakukan pada 4 kecamatan yang telah ditentukan yakni Kecamatan Rajabasa, Kecamatan Kalianda, Kecamatan Sidomulyo dan Kecamatan Katibung. Pada pelaksanaannya, kebijakan ini berdampak pada beberapa aspek kehidupan masyarakat yang dipindahkan, seperti dalam aspek sosial dan ekonomi