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9 research outputs found
Mutually repressing repressor functions and multi‐layered cellular heterogeneity regulate the bistable S
Komeda Y.
Maloy S.R.
Moyed H.S.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Bistability in bacteria
Chung J.D.
Hahn J.
+10 more
Hamoen L.W.
Margot P.
Mirel D.B.
Moyed H.S.
Ptashne M.
Serror P.
Storz G.
van Sinderen D.
van Sinderen D.
Zieg J.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Rifampicin-induced protein synthesis: A pre-requisite for increased expression of the ββ′ operon in Escherichia coli
A.B. Pardee
A.B. Pardee
+14 more
D.G. Dalbow
H. Matzura
H. Matzura
H.S. Moyed
I.P.B. Tittawella
I.P.B. Tittawella
K.B. Kirschbaum
M.P. Oeschger
R. Schleif
R.F. Goldberger
R.S. Hayward
U.K. Laemmli
Y. Iwakura
Y. Nakamura
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Simulation Is Helping Biomedical Research
Angers D.
Cerasi E.
+27 more
Coleman T.G.
Colemantg Bower
Cowley A.W. Jr
Defares J.G.
Douglas B.H.
Guyton A.C.
Guyton A.C.
Guytonac Milhorn H.T. Jr
Guytonac Milhorn H.T. Jr
Halberg M.R.
Koch A.R.
Koushanpour E.
Milhorn H.T. Jr
Moyed H.S.
Robinson D.A.
Sakata K.
Sias F.R. Jr
Spyker D.A.
Stokely E.M.
Thomas G. Coleman
Urquhart J.
Vukobratovic M.
Warner H.R.
Warner H.R.
Winton H.J.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
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Correlation between the serine sensitivity and the derepressibility of the ilv genes in Escherichia coli relA −mutants
A. Danchin
A.V. Furano
+39 more
B.J. Bachman
B.M. Cohen
B.R. Baumstarl
C.B. Bruni
C.E. Singer
C.R. Sommerville
D.E. Morse
F. Kavanagh
F. Schiavo Lo
G. Edlin
H.L. Yang
H.S. Moyed
I. Raskó
J. Fraser
J. Gallant
J. Guardiola
J. Guardiola
J. Wild
J.C. Stephens
J.E. Brenchley
J.H. Miller
J.P. Changeux
J.R. Roth
L. Alföldi
L. Alföldi
M. Cashel
M. Cashel
M. Feunlich
M. Uzan
M.E. Wrinkler
N. Fiil
R. Favre
R.P. Lawther
R.S. Bresalier
S.C. Quay
S.D. Cosloy
S.D. Cosloy
T. Ramakrishnan
T.E. Barman
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Campylobacter and fluoroquinolones: a bias data set?
Alekshun M.N.
Annable M.
+40 more
Aspinall S.T.
Blaser J.
Bourke B.
Brismar B.
Brooks B.W.
Brumfitt W.
Cofsky R.D.
Dickins M.A.
Drusano G.L.
Drusano G.L.
DuPont H.L.
Endtz H.P.
Fliegelman R.M.
Forrest A.
Goodman L.J.
Goossens H.
Goossens H.
Huysmans M.B.
Korten V.
Kramer J.M.
Lastovica A.J.
Lawson A.J.
Lomovskaya O.
Moniot-Ville N.
Moore J.E.
Moyed H.S.
Nachamkin I.
Ng L.-K.
Ng L.-K.
Oethinger M.
On S.L.W.
Piddock L.J.V.
Ruberg F.
Sanchez M.X.
Scherrer R.
Segreti J.
Thomas J.K.
Walmsley S.L.
Wolfson J.S.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Gene regulation by tetracyclines. Constraints of resistance regulation in bacteria shape TetR for application in eukaryotes
Ackland-Berglund C.E.
Altschmied L.
+54 more
Argast M.
Argast M.
Ashley R.L.
Baron U.
Berg C.M.
Bertrand K.P.
Biburger M.
Bohl D.
Deuschle U.
Dingermann T.
Dingermann T.
Doherty D.G.
Eckert B.
Epe B.
Faryar K.
Felsher D.W.
Forsburg S.L.
Freundlieb S.
Frohberg C.
Gatz C.
Gatz C.
Gossen M.
Gossen M.
Hecht B.
Heins L.
Hinrichs W.
Hume D.A.
Hutchings B.L.
Katiyar S.K.
Kim H.-J.
Knott A.
Levy S.B.
Margolin J.F.
McMurry L.
Mikloska Z.
Moody S.E.
Moyed H.S.
Muller G.
Nakano K.
Nakayama H.
Nguyen T.N.
Nikaido H.
Pikaart M.J.
Rossant J.
Rossi F.M.V.
Takahashi M.
Thanassi D.G.
Walters M.C.
Weinberg R.A.
Wirtz E.
Wissmann A.
Yamaguchi A.
Yamaguchi A.
Yao F.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Molecular Mechanisms of Non-Inherited Antibiotic Tolerance in Bacteria and Archaea
A. Raji
A. Tripathi
+108 more
B.P. Conlon
B.W. Kwan
C. Lou
C. Ma
C.C. Shu
C.I. Kint
D. Angeli
D. Dubnau
D. Nguyen
D. Shah
D.R. Cameron
E. Germain
E. Maisonneuve
E.M. Ozbudak
E.V. Koonin
F. Belinky
G.J. Pruss
H.L. Torrey
H.S. Moyed
I. Keren
I. Klapper
I.I. Schmalhausen
I.S. Tan
J. Feng
J. Lederberg
J. Megaw
J.A. Shapiro
J.C. Kester
J.E. Ferrell
J.L. King
J.L. Radzikowski
J.S. Kim
J.W. Bigger
K. Gerdes
K. Gerdes
K. Gupta
K. Lewis
K. Lewis
K. Lewis
K. Shearwin
K. Sureka
K.S. Makarova
L. Gelens
L. Grassi
L. Michaelis
L. Michaelis
M. Frenkel-Morgenstern
M. Kaern
M. Kimura
M. Kimura
M. Kimura
M. Schaechter
M.A. Schumacher
M.S. Avendaño
M.V. Omelchenko
M.V. Volkenstein
M.V. Volkenstein
N. Dhar
N. Hofsteenge
N. Verstraeten
N.Q. Balaban
O. Kotte
P. Cui
P. Piggot
P. Thomas
P.A. Gurnev
P.J. Haney
R. Bernander
R. Jayaraman
R.A. Fasani
R.C. Molina-Quiroz
R.S. Koh
S. DiNardo
S. Ghosh
S. Ghosh
S. Hansen
S.B. Namugenyi
S.J. Unterholzner
S.M. Amato
S.M. Amato
S.M. Amato
S.P. Bernier
S.S. Grant
S.S. Grant
T. Day
T. Dörr
T. M. Khlebodarova
T. Ohta
T. Ohta
T.K. Wood
T.L. To
T.M. Khlebodarova
V. A. Likhoshvai
V. Defraine
V.A. Likhoshvai
V.A. Likhoshvai
V.A. Likhoshvai
V.W. Soo
W. Shi
W.K. Smits
X.D. Zheng
Y. Kim
Y. Li
Y. Mao
Y. Otsuka
Y. Shan
Y. Wang
Y. Wu
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Toxin-Antitoxin Systems and Bacterial Persistence (Review)
A. Eldar
A. Tripathi
+118 more
A. V. Goncharenko
A.A. Al Mamun
A.G. Tkachenko
A.M. Alawneh
A.O. Gaca
Alexander Harms
B.L. Bassler
B.P. Conlon
B.R. Levin
B.W. Kwan
C. Unoson
D. Castro-Roa
D. Dubnau
D. Lobato-Marquez
D. Nguyen
D.C. Pecota
D.K. Fung
D.P. Pandey
D.S. Black
D.S. Coray
Devang Shah
E. Germain
E. Kussell
E. Maisonneuve
E. Maisonneuve
E. Maisonneuve
E. Maisonneuve
E. Rotem
E. Trovatti
E. Wexselblatt
E.M. Fozo
E.P. Abraham
F. Goormaghtigh
F. Goormaghtigh
F. Rao
F.F. Correia
F.L. Short
H. Brotz-Oesterhelt
H. Mutschler
H. Sberro
H.S. Moyed
I. Cataudella
I. Cataudella
I. Kaspy
I. Keren
J. Michiels
J.J. Harrison
J.S. Wolfson
J.W. Beaber
J.W. Bigger
J.W. Cruz
J.W. Veening
K. Gerdes
K. Gerdes
K. Lewis
K. Pedersen
K. Winther
K.S. Winther
L. Van Melderen
L. Van Melderen
L.R. Mulcahy
M. Christensen-Dalsgaard
M. Christensen-Dalsgaard
M. Koga
M. S. Shumkov
M. V. Zamakhaev
M.B. Elowitz
M.D. Lafleur
M.F. Traxler
M.G. Jorgensen
N. Dhar
N. Goeders
N. Möker
N. Vazquez-Laslop
N.M. Vega
N.M. Vega
N.Q. Balaban
Niels Hofsteenge
P. Bernard
R. Leplae
R. Loris
R. Page
R.A. Fasani
R.A. Wozniak
R.B. Jensen
R.C. Roberts
R.L. Dy
R.L. Dy
S. Hansen
S. Helaine
S. Helaine
S. Szekeres
S. Tsuchimoto
S.B. Korch
S.B. Korch
S.K. Christensen
S.M. Amato
S.P. Bernier
S.V. Sharma
Sonja Hansen
T. Durfee
T. Dörr
T. Dörr
T. Geiger
T. Nyström
T. Ogura
T.J. Falla
T.K. Wood
T.R. Blower
V. Leung
X. Wang
Y. Hu
Y. Jiang
Y. Kim
Y. Otsuka
Y. Wu
Y. Zhang
Z.D. Dalebroux
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
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