11 research outputs found

    On Bots and Bacteria: Ontology Independent Embodiment

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com . Copyright Springer --DOI : 10.1007/3-540-48304-7_45A framework for understanding and exploiting embodiment is presented which is not dependent on any specific ontological context. This framework is founded on a new definition of embodiment, based on the relational dynamics that exist between biological organisms and their environments, and inspired by the structural dynamics of the bacterium Escherichia coli. Full recognition is given to the role played by physically instantiated bodies, but in such a way that this can be meaningfully abstracted within the constraints implied by the term ‘embodiment’, and applied in a variety of operational contexts. This is illustrated by ongoing experimental work in which the relational dynamics that exist between E. coli and its environment are applied in a variety of software environments, using Cellular Automata (CA) with artificial ‘sensory’ and ‘effector’ surfaces, producing qualitatively similar ‘chemotactic’ behaviours in a variety of operational domains.Peer reviewe

    Guided Motion Planning for Modular Robots

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    Microcontroller-Based Wireless Recording Unit for Neurodynamic Studies in Saltwater

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    Is an Embodied System Ever Purely Reactive?

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    Robot Control: From Silicon Circuitry to Cells

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    Life-like adaptive behaviour is so far an illusive goal in robot control. A capability to act successfully in a complex, ambiguous, and harsh environment would vastly increase the application domain of robotic devices. Established methods for robot control run up against a complexity barrier, yet living organisms amply demonstrate that this barrier is not a fundamental limitation. To gain an understanding of how the nimble behaviour of organisms can be duplicated in made-for-purpose devices we are exploring the use of biological cells in robot control. This paper describes an experimental setup that interfaces an amoeboid plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum with an omnidirectional hexapod robot to realise an interaction loop between environment and plasticity in control. Through this bio-electronic hybrid architecture the continuous negotiation process between local intracellular reconfiguration on the micro-physical scale and global behaviour of the cell in a macroscale environment can be studied in a device setting