1,259 research outputs found

    Anatomical and biomechanical traits of broiler chickens across ontogeny. Part II. Body segment inertial properties and muscle architecture of the pelvic limb

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    In broiler chickens, genetic success for desired production traits is often shadowed by welfare concerns related to musculoskeletal health. Whilst these concerns are clear, a viable solution is still elusive. Part of the solution lies in knowing how anatomical changes in afflicted body systems that occur across ontogeny influence standing and moving. Here, to demonstrate these changes we quantify the segment inertial properties of the whole body, trunk (legs removed) and the right pelvic limb segments of five broilers at three different age groups across development. We also consider how muscle architecture (mass, fascicle length and other properties related to mechanics) changes for selected muscles of the pelvic limb. All broilers used had no observed lameness, but we document the limb pathologies identified post mortem, since these two factors do not always correlate, as shown here. The most common leg disorders, including bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis and rotational and angular deformities of the lower limb, were observed in chickens at all developmental stages. Whole limb morphology is not uniform relative to body size, with broilers obtaining large thighs and feet between four and six weeks of age. This implies that the energetic cost of swinging the limbs is markedly increased across this growth period, perhaps contributing to reduced activity levels. Hindlimb bone length does not change during this period, which may be advantageous for increased stability despite the increased energetic costs. Increased pectoral muscle growth appears to move the centre of mass cranio-dorsally in the last two weeks of growth. This has direct consequences for locomotion (potentially greater limb muscle stresses during standing and moving). Our study is the first to measure these changes in the musculoskeletal system across growth in chickens, and reveals how artificially selected changes of the morphology of the pectoral apparatus may cause deficits in locomotion

    Electronic structure and total energy of interstitial hydrogen in iron: Tight binding models

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    An application of the tight binding approximation is presented for the description of electronic structure and interatomic force in magnetic iron, both pure and containing hydrogen impurities. We assess the simple canonical d-band description in comparison to a non orthogonal model including s and d bands. The transferability of our models is tested against known properties including the segregation energies of hydrogen to vacancies and to surfaces of iron. In many cases agreement is remarkably good, opening up the way to quantum mechanical atomistic simulation of the effects of hydrogen on mechanical properties

    The influence of hydrogen on plasticity in pure iron-theory and experiment

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    Tensile stress relaxation is combined with transmission electron microscopy to reveal dramatic changes in dislocation structure and sub structure in pure alpha iron as a result of the effects of dissolved hydrogen. We find that hydrogen charged specimens after plastic deformation display a very characteristic pattern of trailing dipoles and prismatic loops which are absent in uncharged pure metal. We explain these observations by use of a new self consistent kinetic Monte Carlo model, which in fact was initially used to predict the now observed microstructure. The results of this combined theory and experimental study is to shed light on the fundamental mechanism of hydrogen enhanced localised plasticity

    Vibrational Instability of Metal-Poor Low-Mass Main-Sequence Stars

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    We find that low-degree low-order g-modes become unstable in metal-poor low-mass stars due to the ε\varepsilon-mechanism of the pp-chain. Since the outer convection zone of these stars is limited only to the very outer layers, the uncertainty in the treatment of convection does not affect the result significantly. The decrease in metallicity leads to decrease in opacity and hence increase in luminosity of a star. This makes the star compact and results in decrease in the density contrast, which is favorable to the ε\varepsilon-mechanism instability. We find also instability for high order g-modes of metal-poor low-mass stars by the convective blocking mechanism. Since the effective temperature and the luminosity of metal-poor stars are significantly higher than those of Pop I stars, the stars showing γ\gamma Dor-type pulsation are substantially less massive than in the case of Pop I stars. We demonstrate that those modes are unstable for about 1 M⊙1\,M_\odot stars in the metal-poor case.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, To be published in Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings series (ASSP). Proceedings of the "20th Stellar Pulsation Conference Series: Impact of new instrumentation and new insights in stellar pulsations", 5-9 September 2011, Granada, Spai

    The stabilizing role of itinerant ferromagnetism in inter-granular cohesion in iron

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    We present a simple, general energy functional for ferromagnetic materials based upon a local spin density extension to the Stoner theory of itinerant ferromagnetism. The functional reproduces well available ab initio results and experimental interfacial energies for grain boundaries in iron. The model shows that inter-granular cohesion along symmetric tilt boundaries in iron is dependent upon strong magnetic structure at the interface, illuminates the mechanisms underlying this structure, and provides a simple explanation for relaxation of the atomic structure at these boundaries.Comment: In review at Phys. Rev. Lett. Submitted 23 September 1997; revised 16 March 199

    Structural and chemical embrittlement of grain boundaries by impurities: a general theory and first principles calculations for copper

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    First principles calculations of the Sigma 5 (310)[001] symmetric tilt grain boundary in Cu with Bi, Na, and Ag substitutional impurities provide evidence that in the phenomenon of Bi embrittlement of Cu grain boundaries electronic effects do not play a major role; on the contrary, the embrittlement is mostly a structural or "size" effect. Na is predicted to be nearly as good an embrittler as Bi, whereas Ag does not embrittle the boundary in agreement with experiment. While we reject the prevailing view that "electronic" effects (i.e., charge transfer) are responsible for embrittlement, we do not exclude the role of chemistry. However numerical results show a striking equivalence between the alkali metal Na and the semi metal Bi, small differences being accounted for by their contrasting "size" and "softness" (defined here). In order to separate structural and chemical effects unambiguously if not uniquely, we model the embrittlement process by taking the system of grain boundary and free surfaces through a sequence of precisely defined gedanken processes; each of these representing a putative mechanism. We thereby identify three mechanisms of embrittlement by substitutional impurities, two of which survive in the case of embrittlement or cohesion enhancement by interstitials. Two of the three are purely structural and the third contains both structural and chemical elements that by their very nature cannot be further unravelled. We are able to take the systems we study through each of these stages by explicit computer simulations and assess the contribution of each to the nett reduction in intergranular cohesion. The conclusion we reach is that embrittlement by both Bi and Na is almost exclusively structural in origin; that is, the embrittlement is a size effect.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures; Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Performance of an acousto-optic Bragg cell under ion microbeam irradiation

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    An acousto optic (AO) deflector composed of PbMoO{sub 4} was exposed to 4 MeV protons while operating under Bragg angle conditions. An ion beam in air of 1 mm width was directed normal to the crystal face and laser beam. Between exposures, the approximately 13 mm x 8.5 mm AO deflector was mechanically translated in two dimensions in front of the fixed ion beam. The AO diffraction efficiency was mapped and was observed to change as a function of ion beam location and dose rate. These effects are attributed to the induced change in the temperature distribution of the crystal, which changed the sonic velocity and refractive index. Similar effects were observed when the ion beam was directed at the acoustic transducer

    A tight binding model for water

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    We demonstrate for the first time a tight binding model for water incorporating polarizable anions. A novel aspect is that we adopt a "ground up" approach in that properties of the monomer and dimer only are fitted. Subsequently we make predictions of the structure and properties of hexamer clusters, ice-XI and liquid water. A particular feature, missing in current tight binding and semiempirical hamiltonians, is that we reproduce the almost two-fold increase in molecular dipole moment as clusters are built up towards the limit of bulk liquid. We concentrate on properties of liquid water which are very well rendered in comparison with experiment and published density functional calculations. Finally we comment on the question of the contrasting densities of water and ice which is central to an understanding of the subtleties of the hydrogen bond
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