101 research outputs found

    Liposome-Coupled Antigens Are Internalized by Antigen-Presenting Cells via Pinocytosis and Cross-Presented to CD8+ T Cells

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    We have previously demonstrated that antigens chemically coupled to the surface of liposomes consisting of unsaturated fatty acids were cross-presented by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to CD8+ T cells, and that this process resulted in the induction of antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In the present study, the mechanism by which the liposome-coupled antigens were cross-presented to CD8+ T cells by APCs was investigated. Confocal laser scanning microscopic analysis demonstrated that antigens coupled to the surface of unsaturated-fatty-acid-based liposomes received processing at both MHC class I and class II compartments, while most of the antigens coupled to the surface of saturated-fatty-acid-based liposomes received processing at the class II compartment. In addition, flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that antigens coupled to the surface of unsaturated-fatty-acid-liposomes were taken up by APCs even in a 4°C environment; this was not true of saturated-fatty-acid-liposomes. When two kinds of inhibitors, dimethylamiloride (DMA) and cytochalasin B, which inhibit pinocytosis and phagocytosis by APCs, respectively, were added to the culture of APCs prior to the antigen pulse, DMA but not cytochalasin B significantly reduced uptake of liposome-coupled antigens. Further analysis of intracellular trafficking of liposomal antigens using confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that a portion of liposome-coupled antigens taken up by APCs were delivered to the lysosome compartment. In agreement with the reduction of antigen uptake by APCs, antigen presentation by APCs was significantly inhibited by DMA, and resulted in the reduction of IFN-γ production by antigen-specific CD8+ T cells. These results suggest that antigens coupled to the surface of liposomes consisting of unsaturated fatty acids might be pinocytosed by APCs, loaded onto the class I MHC processing pathway, and presented to CD8+ T cells. Thus, these liposome-coupled antigens are expected to be applicable for the development of vaccines that induce cellular immunity

    Comparison of prognostic scores and surgical approaches to treat spinal metastatic tumors: A review of 57 cases

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    Surgical treatment of metastatic spinal cord compression with or without neural deficit is controversial. Karnofsky and Tokuhashi scores have been proposed for prognosis of spinal metastasis. Here, we conducted a retrospective analysis of Karnofsky and modified Tokuhashi scores in 57 consecutive patients undergoing surgery for secondary spinal metastases to evaluate the value of these scores in aiding decision making for surgery. Comparison of preoperative Karnofsky and modified Tokuhashi scores with the type of the surgical approach for each patient revealed that both scores not only reliably estimate life expectancy, but also objectively improved surgical decisions. When the general status of the patient is poor (i.e., Karnofsky score less than 40% or modified Tokuhashi score of 5 or greater), palliative treatments and radiotherapy, rather than surgery, should be considered

    Time-dependent failure in load-bearing polymers: a potential hazard in structural applications of polylactides

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    With their excellent biocompatibility and relatively high mechanical strength, polylactides are attractive candidates for application in load-bearing, resorbable implants. Pre-clinical studies provided a proof of principle for polylactide cages as temporary constructs to facilitate spinal fusion, and several cages already made it to the market. However, also failures have been reported: clinical studies reported considerable amounts of subsidence with lumbar spinal fusion cages, and in an in vivo goat study, polylactide spinal cages failed after only three months of implantation, although mechanical testing had predicted sufficient strength for at least eight months. The failures appear to be related to the long-term performance of polylactides under static loading conditions, a phenomenon which is common to all glassy polymers and finds its origin in stress-activated molecular mobility leading to plastic flow. This paper reviews the mechanical properties and deformation kinetics of amorphous polylactides. Compression tests were performed with various strain rates, and static stress experiments were done to determine time-to failure. Pure PLLA appeared to have a higher yield strength than its co-polymers with d-lactide, but the kinetic behaviour of the polymers was the same: an excellent short-term strength at higher loading rates, but lifetime under static stress is rather poor. As spinal implants need to maintain mechanical integrity for a period of at least six months, this has serious implications for the clinical application of amorphous polylactides in load bearing situations. It is recommended that standards for mechanical testing of implants made of polymers be revised in order to consider this typical time-dependent behaviour

    Antigen-expressing immunostimulatory liposomes as a genetically programmable synthetic vaccine

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    Liposomes are versatile (sub)micron-sized membrane vesicles that can be used for a variety of applications, including drug delivery and in vivo imaging but they also represent excellent models for artificial membranes or cells. Several studies have demonstrated that in vitro transcription and translation can take place inside liposomes to obtain compartmentalized production of functional proteins within the liposomes (Kita et al. in Chembiochem 9(15):2403–2410, 2008; Moritani et al.in FEBS J, 2010; Kuruma et al. in Methods Mol Biol 607:161–171, 2010; Murtas et al. in Biochem Biophys Res Commun 363(1):12–17, 2007; Sunami et al. in Anal Biochem 357(1):128–136, 2006; Ishikawa et al. in FEBS Lett 576(3):387–390, 2004; Oberholzer et al. in Biochem Biophys Res Commun 261(2):238–241, 1999). Such a minimal artificial cell-based model is ideal for synthetic biology based applications. In this study, we propose the use of liposomes as artificial microbes for vaccination. These artificial microbes can be genetically programmed to produce specific antigens at will. To show proof-of-concept for this artificial cell-based platform, a bacterial in vitro transcription and translation system together with a gene construct encoding the model antigen β-galactosidase were entrapped inside multilamellar liposomes. Vaccination studies in mice showed that such antigen-expressing immunostimulatory liposomes (AnExILs) elicited higher specific humoral immune responses against the produced antigen (β-galactosidase) than control vaccines (i.e. AnExILs without genetic input, liposomal β-galactosidase or pDNA encoding β-galactosidase). In conclusion, AnExILs present a new platform for DNA-based vaccines which combines antigen production, adjuvanticity and delivery in one system and which offer several advantages over existing vaccine formulations

    Dendritic and T Cell Response to Influenza is Normal in the Patients with X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia

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    Introduction Influenza virus is a potential cause of severe disease in the immunocompromised. X-linked agammaglobu-linemia (XLA) is a primary immunodeficiency characterized by the lack of immunoglobulin, B cells, and plasma cells, secondary to mutation in Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk) gene