168 research outputs found

    Feed intake and weight and body condition changes of 100% organically fed lactating sows

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    Energy and protein density of the 100 % organic lactation diet should be increased as early as from 3rd week of lactation onwards in order to minimize the weight loss of the sow during the at least 40 day lactation period. Feed amino acid balance from 22nd day of lactation should match the amount of live weight lost during the first 21 days of lactation. This should be supported by providing the piglets feed attractive enough to ensure their high dry feed intake during the late lactation period

    Eksistentiaalinen kriisi Karl Jaspersin psykopatologiassa:yksilöllinen elämänkriisi vai ajan kuva

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    Tiivistelmä. Tieteiden ja aatteiden historian pro gradu -työni käsittelee saksalaisen eksistenssifilosofi Karl Jaspersin näkemystä eksistentiaalisesta kriisiytymisestä (Die existentielle Angst). Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Karl Jaspersin kuvaaman eksistentiaalisen kriisin kehittymisen reunaehtoja, joiden varassa inhimillisen ajattelun loogiset mahdollisuudet loppuvat. Jaspersin näkemykset filosofian, psykiatrian ja uskontoja koskevan välimaastossa ovat näyttöön perustuvassa, evidence-based -tyyppisessä empiirisessä tutkimuksessa vieras ilmiö. Jaspers haastaa aikansa psykiatrian oirepohjaiseen diagnostiikkaan perustuvan ajattelutavan ylittämällä luonnontieteellisen ja humanistisen tutkimusperinteen välisen rajan. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mikä erottaa eksistentiaalisen kriisin pelkästä psyykkisestä kriisistä, ja milloin kriisistä muodostuu myös psyykkinen. Jaspers kohdentaa filosofista pohdintaansa kysymykseen, kuinka psykiatria pystyy perinteisen diagnostiikkansa avulla havaitsemaan etiologisia alkusyitä mahdollisen eksistentiaalisen kyselyn juurilla. Tutkielman päälähdeaineiston muodostaa Karl Jaspersin psykopatologiaa ja maailmankatsomuksia koskevat alkuperäislähteet vuosilta 1913 ja 1919 tarkennettuine uusintapainoksineen. Lähteiden lähiluku ja tekstianalyysi luovat työn tutkimus- ja tarkastelukulman. Andreas Hermes Kick’n kehittelemää teoreettista mallia hyödynnetään kriisiytymisen vaiheiden kuvauksessa. Jaspersin kriisiytymistä koskeva käsitteistö on syntynyt hänen eksistenssifilosofisen ajattelunsa pohjalle. Kriisiytymistä tarkastellaan Jaspersin elämänhistorian ja eksistenssifilosofisten perusajatusten valossa. Jaspersin mukaan eksistentiaalisen kriisin kulku lähtee loogisen ajattelun haaksirikkoutumisesta (Scheitern). Kriisille on ominaista ajattelutoimintaa sävyttävä vastakkainasettelujen pohtiminen. Tämä antinominen liike saa aikaan epävarmuutta ja tunnetila huojuu elämää kannattavien tai tuhoavien vaihtoehtojen välillä. Tämänkaltaisten rajatilanteiden (Grenzsituation) kuvaus ilmentää Jaspersin filosofiselle ajattelulle tyypillisten valinnan ja vapauden välisten jännitteiden analyysia. Jaspersin näkemys kriisistä selviytymiseen liittyy transsendentaalin kohtaamiseen ja siitä kohoavan valottumisen (Existenzerhellung) voimaan ojentautua positiiviseen. Subjektiivinen kokemus ’Uudesta’ johtaa näkemyshorisontin avautumiseen (Der Offener Horizont)

    Unobserving the Moon: the spurious possibility of orbital decoupling due to solar neutrino Arago spot

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    The Arago spot is an intensity maximum at the center of a shadow created by constructive interference of diffracted waves around a spherical object. While the study of diffraction patterns usually concerns visible light, de Broglie's wave nature of matter makes diffraction theory applicable for particles, such as neutrinos, as well. During a solar eclipse, some of the neutrinos emitted by the Sun are diffracted by the Moon, resulting in a diffraction pattern that can be observed on Earth. In this paper we consider the theoretically emerging solar neutrino Arago spot as a means to measure the location of the Moon with high accuracy and consider its implication on the orbit of the Moon given Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Our results indicate that the Moon is not at immediate risk of orbital decoupling due to the observation of a solar neutrino Arago spot.Comment: Prepared for April Fools' Day. 13 page

    Circulating metabolites in progression to islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes

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    Aims/hypothesis: Metabolic dysregulation may precede the onset of type 1 diabetes. However, these metabolic disturbances and their specific role in disease initiation remain poorly understood. In this study, we examined whether children who progress to type 1 diabetes have a circulatory polar metabolite profile distinct from that of children who later progress to islet autoimmunity but not type 1 diabetes and a matched control group.Methods: We analysed polar metabolites from 415 longitudinal plasma samples in a prospective cohort of children in three study groups: those who progressed to type 1 diabetes; those who seroconverted to one islet autoantibody but not to type 1 diabetes; and an antibody-negative control group. Metabolites were measured using two-dimensional GC high-speed time of flight MS.Results: In early infancy, progression to type 1 diabetes was associated with downregulated amino acids, sugar derivatives and fatty acids, including catabolites of microbial origin, compared with the control group. Methionine remained persistently upregulated in those progressing to type 1 diabetes compared with the control group and those who seroconverted to one islet autoantibody. The appearance of islet autoantibodies was associated with decreased glutamic and aspartic acids.Conclusions/interpretation: Our findings suggest that children who progress to type 1 diabetes have a unique metabolic profile, which is, however, altered with the appearance of islet autoantibodies. Our findings may assist with early prediction of the disease.</p

    A longitudinal plasma lipidomics dataset from children who developed islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes

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    Early prediction and prevention of type 1 diabetes (T1D) are currently unmet medical needs. Previous metabolomics studies suggest that children who develop T1D are characterised by a distinct metabolic profile already detectable during infancy, prior to the onset of islet autoimmunity. However, the specificity of persistent metabolic disturbances in relation T1D development has not yet been established. Here, we report a longitudinal plasma lipidomics dataset from (1) 40 children who progressed to T1D during follow-up, (2) 40 children who developed single islet autoantibody but did not develop T1D and (3) 40 matched controls (6 time points: 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months of age). This dataset may help other researchers in studying age-dependent progression of islet autoimmunity and T1D as well as of the age-dependence of lipidomic profiles in general. Alternatively, this dataset could more broadly used for the development of methods for the analysis of longitudinal multivariate data

    Bed bug deterrence

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    A recent study in BMC Biology has determined that the immature stage of the bed bug (the nymph) signals its reproductive status to adult males using pheromones and thus avoids the trauma associated with copulation in this species. The success of this nymphal strategy of deterrence is instructive. Against the background of increasing problems with bed bugs, this research raises the question whether pheromones might be used to control them