52 research outputs found

    Covid 2 Variants and Vaccines: Review

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    Notwithstanding the rising natural and vaccines mediated immunity, a several nations have encountered a resurgence of the Covid disease of 2019 (Coronavirus) because of the development of severe acute respiratory syndrome Covid 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variations. From Alpha to Omicron, the variants of concern (VOC) have advanced several spike protein changes that might affect infection characteristics, like contagiousness and antigenicity. In this review, we depict the advancement of SARS-CoV-2, sum up current information on epidemiological and clinical highlights of the variants, and talk about the response techniques as far as vaccines to decrease the burden of Coronavirus

    Ocular Gene Therapy: Literature Review

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    This literature offers complete information about the advances in gene treatment in the of the eye, inclusive of cornea, conjunctiva, lacrimal gland, and trabecular meshwork. We talked about gene transport systems, collectively with viral and non-viral vectors as exact as gene modifying techniques, generally CRISPR-Cas9, and epigenetic treatments, consisting of antisense and siRNA therapeutics. We moreover furnish a specific assessment of gene treatment has been examined with corresponding outcomes. Disease stipulations embody corneal and conjunctival fibrosis and scarring, corneal epithelial wound healing, corneal graft survival, corneal neovascularization, genetic corneal dystrophies, herpetic keratitis, glaucoma, dry eye disease, and specific ocular surface diseases. Although most of the analyzed consequences on the use and validity of gene treatment at the ocular surface have been offered in vitro or the utilization of animal models, we moreover talked about the on hand human studies. Gene treatment methods are nowadays viewed very promising as rising future remedies of a variety of diseases, and this area is unexpectedly expanding

    Perinatalcovid-19: Viewpoints Review

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    The Covid disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, coming about due to the fact of disease with severe acute respiratory syndrome Covid 2 (SARS-Co2) , has brought about severe and boundless ailment in adults, along with pregnant women, whilst not often infecting neonates. An incomplete comprehension of disease pathogenesis and viral spread has brought about growing guidelines to lessen transmission from infected mothers to neonates. The risk of neonatal infection via perinatal/neonatal transmission is low when recommended precautions are followed. Notwithstanding, the psychosocial implications of these practices and racial/ethnic disparities featured via this pandemic should likewise be tended to when actually focusing on mothers and their new-borns. This review offers an exhaustive define of neonatal–perinatal viewpoints of COVID-19, going from the basic science of disease and proposals for care of pregnant female and neonates to necessary psychosocial, moral, and racial/ethnic factors emerging due to the fact of both the pandemic and the reaction of the healthcare community  to the care of infected individuals

    Updates of Congenital Cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection: Literature Review

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          Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is the most well-known congenital viral disease and is the main non-genetic reason for sensorineural hearing loss (SNLH) and a significant reason for neurodevelopmental inabilities. The gamble of intrauterine transmission is most elevated when vertical infection happens during pregnancy, with a higher pace of vertical transmission in mothers with more established gestational age at infection, while the gamble of unfriendly fetal impacts fundamentally increments on the adverse effects that fetal infection happens during the first half of pregnancy. Although, its prevalence and morbidity among the neonatal populace, there isn't yet a standardised diagnostic test and therapeutic methodology for cCMV infection. This review expects to investigate the most recent improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of cCMV infection. literature shows that preventive interventions other than behavioural measures during pregnancy are as yet lacking, albeit numerous clinical preliminaries are right now progressing to plan vaccination for women before pregnancy. As of now, we suggest utilizing a PCR measure in blood, urine, and saliva in neonates with suspected cCMV infection. As of now, there is no proof of the advantage of antiviral treatment in asymptomatic infants. On account of symptomatic cCMV, we really suggest treatment with oral valganciclovir for a length of a year. The adequacy and tolerability of this treatment choice have demonstrated successful for hearing and neurodevelopmental long-term results. Valganciclovir is saved for congenitally infected neonates with the symptomatic infection at birth, like microcephaly, intracranial calcifications, unusual cerebrospinal fluid index, chorioretinitis, or sensorineural hearing loss. Treatment with antiviral medications isn't regularly recommended for neonates with the mildly symptomatic infection at birth, for neonates under 32 weeks of gestational age, or for infants over 30 days old due to deficient proof from studies. In any case, since these populaces represent by far most of neonates and infants with cCMV disease and they are in risk of developing late-onset sequelae, a biomarker ready to foresee long-term sequelae ought to likewise be found to justify beginning treatment and decreasing the burden of CMV-related complications

    Transcranial Photobiomodulation (tPBM) Therapy in Brain Disorders

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    Photobiomodulation (PBM) portrays the utilization of red or near infrared light to stimulate, heal, recover, and protect tissue that has either been harmed, is degenerating, or, else likely is in risk of dying. The brain experiences various issues that can be ordered into three general groupings: traumatic (stroke, traumatic brain injury, and global ischemia), degenerative diseases (dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's), and psychiatric (depression, anxiety, post- traumatic stress disorder). There is some proof that this multitude of apparently different circumstances can be advantageously impacted by applying light to the head. There is even the likelihood that PBM could be utilized for cognitive enhancement in normal healthy individuals. In this transcranial PBM (tPBM) application, near infrared (NIR) light is frequently applied to the temple in view of the better entrance (no hair, longer wavelength). A few workers have utilized lasers, yet as of late the presentation of modest light emitting diode (LED) arrays has permitted the improvement of light radiating head helmets or "brain caps". This review will cover the mechanisms of action of photobiomodulation to the brain and sum up some of the key pre-clinical studies and clinical trials that have been embraced for different brain disorders

    Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: Literature Review

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    Osteoporosis is a chronic condition, similar to heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension. A huge gap exists in the primary prevention of fractures, and studies show that an expected 80% to 90% of adults don't get proper osteoporosis managment even in the secondary prevention setting. Case finding strategies have been created and effective pharmacological mediations are accessible. This review tends to how ideal to utilize the pharmacological choices that anyone could hope to find for postmenopausal osteoporosis to give long lasting fracture protection in patients at high and extremely high risk of fracture. The advantage of osteoporosis treatments far outweighs the uncommon risks

    Management of Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI): Literature Review

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    Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) of the lower extremities manifests itself in a variety of clinical spectrums, ranging from cosmetic issues that are asymptomatic to severe symptoms like venous ulcer. Due to a lack of understanding of the various presenting manifestations of primary and secondary venous disorders and an underestimation of the problem's magnitude and impact, CVI is a relatively common medical condition that is frequently overlooked by healthcare providers. Due to the possibility of underdiagnosis of CVI, an increase in obesity, and an aging population, it is anticipated that the prevalence of CVI will rise. Duplex ultrasound, radiofrequency ablation, and iliac vein stenting play an important role in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of CVI of the lower extremities

    Varicose Vein Therapy: Endovenous Laser Ablation

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    Endovenous laser ablation (EVA) is utilized in the therapy and the management of varicose veins from chronic venous disease. The fundamental sign for this treatment is disease that is refractory to conservative treatment with compression stockings. This activity audits the treatment of varicose veins with endovenous laser treatment and features the role of the interprofessional group being taken care of by patients that go through this method

    Xenotransplantation: Is a Clinical Challenge, Literature Review

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    Tissue and organ failure that outcomes from congenital abnormalities, injury, illness, or aging to significant morbidity and mortality. Albeit the twentieth and early 21st centuries have gotten dramatic progressions in the utilization of synthetic and mechanical devices to replace tissues, the restoration of tissue and organ structure and function stays a clinical challenge. Numerous biologic functions can't be replicated with such devices, and the unavoidable immune reactions that are prompted when allografts of human organs, tissues, or cells are implanted can restrict the functionality and longevity of biologic approaches. Regenerative medicine has arisen as a potential alternative approach for tissue and organ restoration in which the engineered tissue is biologically functional. Traditional methodologies for regenerative medicine include biomaterial platforms, stem and progenitor cells, and biologic signalling molecules, alone or in mix, to advance new development of healthy tissue. A recent technique, "regenerative immunology," advances tissue recuperating and recovery through reprogramming of the host immune system. Be that as it may, organ transplantation is as yet the most incredibly complete choice in regenerative medicine, giving an autologous, allogeneic, or possibly xenogeneic replacement for complete physical and biologic restoration. Advances in immune and genome engineering (or editing) make an establishment for new treatments to speed up the restoration and substitution of tissues and organs, including those from xenogeneic sources. Regenerative immunology depends on the way that immune cells, for example, macrophages and T-cells, which are usually considered as in their protective role against pathogens or "nonself" cells and as mediators of inflammation, can be made to adopt on programs that can advance healing of tissues that have been damaged by the initial inflammatory antimicrobial response.[1,2] Such regenerative immune reactions can likewise promote healing after xenogeneic transplantation, provided that the anti-xenogeneic reaction to nonself tissue can be suppressed. Genome engineering has the ability to enrich xenogeneic tissues with down-modulating, anti-xenogeneic immune reactions that can facilitate with cross-species transplantation. Thusly, the origins, challanges, innovations, and future of regenerative medicine and transplantation are firmly interlaced inside the fields of immune and genome engineering. In this review, we sum up some recent developments in this field

    3D-Bioengineering of Reproductive Organoids Review

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    Engineered male and female biomimetic reproductive tissues are being created as self-supporting in vitro units or as incorporated multi-organ in vitro constructions to help germ cell and embryo function, and to show characteristic endocrine phenotypic patterns, for example, the 28-days human ovulatory cycle. In this Review, we sum up how engineered reproductive tissues work with research in reproductive science, and outline strategies for making engineered reproductive tissues that may sometimes permit the rebuilding of reproductive potential in patients.Individuals can confront reproductive or endocrine failure due to hereditary inclination, age, iatrogenic impacts of treatment or infection. More than a hundred years of progress that started with headways in reproductive tissue and reproductive organ transplantation, trailed by innovative improvements at the connection point of reproductive science, materials science, bioengineering and advanced manufacturing, has brought about engineered reproductive tissues that can restore and support normal organ function [1-20] (Table 1). Current engineered reproductive tissues and culture structures are empowering an expanding number of physiological in vitro modelling of homeostasis, development, disease, pregnancy and aging. Engineered reproductive tissues are utilized for the proficient screening of new pharmacologic agents (for both therapeutic efficacy and toxicity), or are transplanted to restore damaged or diseased reproductive tissue.In this Review, we spotlight current advancement in the development of engineering systems utilized in reproductive science and medicine, with a point of convergence on biomaterials and microfluidic approaches that permits the generation of functional builds at the tissue and organ levels for use in research and in clinical applications