24,819 research outputs found

    Asymptotically exact trial wave functions for yrast states of rotating Bose gases

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    We revisit the composite fermion (CF) construction of the lowest angular momentum yrast states of rotating Bose gases with weak short range interaction. For angular momenta at and below the single vortex, L≤NL \leq N, the overlaps between these trial wave functions and the corresponding exact solutions {\it increase} with increasing system size and appear to approach unity in the thermodynamic limit. In the special case L=NL=N, this remarkable behaviour was previously observed numerically. Here we present methods to address this point analytically, and find strongly suggestive evidence in favour of similar behaviour for all L≤NL \leq N. While not constituting a fully conclusive proof of the converging overlaps, our results do demonstrate a striking similarity between the analytic structure of the exact ground state wave functions at L≤NL \leq N, and that of their CF counterparts. Results are given for two different projection methods commonly used in the CF approach

    Interactions suppress Quasiparticle Tunneling at Hall Bar Constrictions

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    Tunneling of fractionally charged quasiparticles across a two-dimensional electron system on a fractional quantum Hall plateau is expected to be strongly enhanced at low temperatures. This theoretical prediction is at odds with recent experimental studies of samples with weakly-pinched quantum-point-contact constrictions, in which the opposite behavior is observed. We argue here that this unexpected finding is a consequence of electron-electron interactions near the point contact.Comment: 4 page

    Disorder and interactions in quantum Hall ferromagnets near ν=1\nu=1

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    We report on a finite-size Hartree-Fock study of the competition between disorder and interactions in a two-dimensional electron gas near Landau level filling factor ν=1\nu=1. The ground state at ν=1\nu=1 evolves with increasing disorder from a fully spin-polarized ferromagnet with a charge gap, to a partially spin-polarized ferromagnetic Anderson insulator, to a quasi-metallic paramagnet at the critical point between i=0i=0 and i=2i=2 quantum Hall plateaus. Away from ν=1\nu=1, the ground state evolves from a ferromagnetic Skyrmion quasiparticle glass, to a conventional quasiparticle glass, and finally to a conventional Anderson insulator. We comment on signatures of these different regimes in low-temperature transport and NMR lineshape and peak position data.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR

    Edge State Tunneling in a Split Hall Bar Model

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    In this paper we introduce and study the correlation functions of a chiral one-dimensional electron model intended to qualitatively represent narrow Hall bars separated into left and right sections by a penetrable barrier. The model has two parameters representing respectively interactions between top and bottom edges of the Hall bar and interactions between the edges on opposite sides of the barrier. We show that the scaling dimensions of tunneling processes depend on the relative strengths of the interactions, with repulsive interactions across the Hall bar tending to make breaks in the barrier irrelevant. The model can be solved analytically and is characterized by a difference between the dynamics of even and odd Fourier components. We address its experimental relevance by comparing its predictions with those of a more geometrically realistic model that must be solved numerically.Comment: 13 pages, including 4 figures,final version as publishe
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