28,362 research outputs found

    Geometric entanglement from matrix product state representations

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    An efficient scheme to compute the geometric entanglement per lattice site for quantum many-body systems on a periodic finite-size chain is proposed in the context of a tensor network algorithm based on the matrix product state representations. It is systematically tested for three prototypical critical quantum spin chains, which belong to the same Ising universality class. The simulation results lend strong support to the previous claim [Q.-Q. Shi, R. Or\'{u}s, J. O. Fj{\ae}restad, and H.-Q. Zhou, New J. Phys \textbf{12}, 025008 (2010); J.-M. St\'{e}phan, G. Misguich, and F. Alet, Phys. Rev. B \textbf{82}, 180406R (2010)] that the leading finite-size correction to the geometric entanglement per lattice site is universal, with its remarkable connection to the celebrated Affleck-Ludwig boundary entropy corresponding to a conformally invariant boundary condition.Comment: 4+ pages, 3 figure

    A qubit strongly-coupled to a resonant cavity: asymmetry of the spontaneous emission spectrum beyond the rotating wave approximation

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    We investigate the spontaneous emission spectrum of a qubit in a lossy resonant cavity. We use neither the rotating-wave approximation nor the Markov approximation. The qubit-cavity coupling strength is varied from weak, to strong, even to lower bound of the ultra-strong. For the weak-coupling case, the spontaneous emission spectrum of the qubit is a single peak, with its location depending on the spectral density of the qubit environment. Increasing the qubit-cavity coupling increases the asymmetry (the positions about the qubit energy spacing and heights of the two peaks) of the two spontaneous emission peaks (which are related to the vacuum Rabi splitting) more. Explicitly, for a qubit in a low-frequency intrinsic bath, the height asymmetry of the splitting peaks becomes larger, when the qubit-cavity coupling strength is increased. However, for a qubit in an Ohmic bath, the height asymmetry of the spectral peaks is inverted from the same case of the low-frequency bath, when the qubit is strongly coupled to the cavity. Increasing the qubit-cavity coupling to the lower bound of the ultra-strong regime, the height asymmetry of the left and right peak heights are inverted, which is consistent with the same case of low-frequency bath, only relatively weak. Therefore, our results explicitly show how the height asymmetry in the spontaneous emission spectrum peaks depends not only on the qubit-cavity coupling, but also on the type of intrinsic noise experienced by the qubit.Comment: 10pages, 5 figure

    Plaquette order and deconfined quantum critical point in the spin-1 bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice

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    We have precisely determined the ground state phase diagram of the quantum spin-1 bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice using the tensor renormalization group method. We find that the ferromagnetic, ferroquadrupolar, and a large part of the antiferromagnetic phases are stable against quantum fluctuations. However, around the phase where the ground state is antiferroquadrupolar ordered in the classical limit, quantum fluctuations suppress completely all magnetic orders, leading to a plaquette order phase which breaks the lattice symmetry but preserves the spin SU(2) symmetry. On the evidence of our numerical results, the quantum phase transition between the antiferromagnetic phase and the plaquette phase is found to be either a direct second order or a very weak first order transition.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, published versio

    Anisotropic superconducting properties of aligned Sm0.95_{0.95}La0.05_{0.05}FeAsO0.85_{0.85}F0.15_{0.15} microcrystalline powder

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    The Sm0.95_{0.95}La0.05_{0.05}FeAsO0.85_{0.85}F0.15_{0.15} compound is a quasi-2D layered superconductor with a superconducting transition temperature Tc_c = 52 K. Due to the Fe spin-orbital related anisotropic exchange coupling (antiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic fluctuation), the tetragonal microcrystalline powder can be aligned at room temperature using the field-rotation method where the tetragonal ab\it{ab}-plane is parallel to the aligned magnetic field Ba_{a} and c\it{c}-axis along the rotation axis. Anisotropic superconducting properties with anisotropic diamagnetic ratio χc/χab∼\chi_{c}/\chi_{ab}\sim 2.4 + 0.6 was observed from low field susceptibility χ\chi(T) and magnetization M(Ba_{a}). The anisotropic low-field phase diagram with the variation of lower critical field gives a zero-temperature penetration depth λc\lambda_{c}(0) = 280 nm and λab\lambda_{ab}(0) = 120 nm. The magnetic fluctuation used for powder alignment at 300 K may be related with the pairing mechanism of superconductivity at lower temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Maximum Path Information and Fokker-Planck Equation

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    We present in this paper a rigorous method to derive the nonlinear Fokker-Planck (FP) equation of anomalous diffusion directly from a generalization of the principle of least action of Maupertuis proposed by Wang for smooth or quasi-smooth irregular dynamics evolving in Markovian process. The FP equation obtained may take two different but equivalent forms. It was also found that the diffusion constant may depend on both q (the index of Tsallis entropy) and the time t.Comment: 7 page
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