90 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of poststroke fatigue

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    Poststroke fatigue is a debilitating symptom and is poorly understood. Here we summarise molecular, behavioural and neurophysiological changes related to poststroke fatigue and put forward potential theories for mechanistic understanding of poststroke fatigue

    Pharmacokinetic behaviour of the chemoprotectants BNP7787 and mesna after an i.v. bolus injection in rats

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    0.01). In conclusion, the five-fold higher AUC of mesna in plasma after mesna administration and the fact that mesna is more reactive with (hydrated) cisplatin than its disulphide form BNP7787 represent a plausible explanation as to why mesna administration can reduce the antitumour activity of cisplatin. After BNP7787 administration, the distribution of BNP7787 and mesna was restricted to the kidney, which confirmed the selective protection of the kidney by BNP7787

    Examining if being overweight really confers protection against dementia: Sixty-four year follow-up of participants in the Glasgow University alumni cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Recent large-scale studies suggest that obesity and overweight may confer protection against future dementia. This observation could, however, be generated by reverse causality. That is, weight loss in the incipient phase of dementia ascribed to diminished self-care, including sub-optimal nutrition, would have the effect of generating such an inverse association. One approach to circumventing this problem would be to measure weight in a population which is young enough to be free of the symptoms of dementia which is then followed up for dementia occurrence over many decades. METHODS: In a prospective cohort study, body mass index, and other potential risk factors, were measured in 9547 male university undergraduates (mean age 20.5 years) in 1948-68 who were then linked to national mortality registers. RESULTS: Of 2537 deaths over a mean of 50.6 years follow up, 140 were ascribed to dementia. There was no association between overweight and future dementia deaths (age-adjusted hazard ratio; 95 % confidence interval: 0.93; 0.49, 1.79). CONCLUSION: In this cohort study of former university students, being overweight in youth did not confer protection against later dementia death

    Serum cytokine and glucose levels as predictors of poststroke fatigue in acute ischemic stroke patients

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    Fatigue is a common but often overlooked symptom after stroke. This study investigated whether stroke type, infarct volume, and laterality, as well as the levels of various cytokines and other blood components in the acute phase of acute ischemic stroke (AIS), can predict the level of fatigue at 6, 12, and 18 months after its onset. In 45 patients with acute stroke, serum levels of C-reactive protein, hemoglobin, glucose, and 13 cytokines were measured within 72 h of stroke onset. The cytokine measurements were performed using BioPlex XMap technology (Luminex). The acute serum levels of interleukin (IL)-1β and glucose were positively correlated with the score on the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) at 6 months after the stroke (r = 0.37, p = 0.015, and r = 0.37, p = 0.017, respectively). The acute serum levels of IL-ra and IL-9 were negatively correlated with FSS score at 12 months after the stroke (r = −0.38, p = 0.013, and r = −0.36, p = 0.019, respectively). The FSS score at 12 months after stroke was significantly lower in patients with radiologically confirmed infarction than in those without such confirmation (p = 0.048). The FSS score at 18 months was not correlated with any of the measured variables. High acute serum levels of glucose and IL-1β, and low IL1-ra and IL-9 may predict fatigue after AIS, indicating that the development of poststroke fatigue can be accounted for by the proinflammatory response associated with AIS. These novel findings support a new cytokine theory of fatigue after stroke. However, more research is needed to validate the results of this study

    Serum levels of cytokines and C-reactive protein in acute ischemic stroke patients, and their relationship to stroke lateralization, type, and infarct volume

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    There is increasing evidence that inflammation plays an important role in the progression of acute ischemic stroke (AIS). The primary aims of this study were to examine the serum levels of 13 cytokines, C-reactive protein (CRP), glucose, and hemoglobin in AIS patients, and their relationship to stroke lateralization, type, and infarct volume. Forty-five patients with AIS were evaluated. Blood samples were taken within 72 h, and volumetric analyses performed within 1–7 days after AIS onset. Cytokines were measured in serum from all patients and from 40 control subjects using Luminex Bio-Plex XMap technology. The levels of interleukin (IL)-1ra (p < 0.001), IL-6 (p < 0.001), IL-8 (p < 0.001), IL-9 (p = 0.038), IL-10 (p = 0.001), IL-12 (p = 0.001), IL-18 (p < 0.001), and GRO-α (CXCL1) (p = 0.017) were significantly higher in the AIS patients than in the controls. The IL-8 level was significantly correlated with age in the patient group (r = 0.52, p < 0.001). None of the variables were found to be associated with stroke lateralization. Infarct volume was significantly positively correlated with CRP level (r = 0.47, p = 0.005). Patients with radiologically confirmed infarctions had significantly elevated serum levels of GRO-α (p = 0.023). The cytokine profile of the AIS patients supports not only earlier findings of a proinflammatory response but also early activation of endogenous immunosuppressive mechanisms. Novel findings of this study are elevated serum levels of IL-9 and GRO-α. Elevated GRO-α in AIS patients with radiologically confirmed infarctions suggests that GRO-α is specific for stroke of known etiology. Our results indicate that CRP plays an important role in the progression of cerebral tissue injury

    Exploratory Cohort Study of Associations between Serum C - Reactive Protein and Fatigue after Stroke

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    Post-stroke fatigue is a common and distressing problem but little is known about its biological mechanisms. This cohort study was to investigate associations between C-reactive protein (CRP) and fatigue after stroke.Patients were assessed at one, six and 12 months after their stroke onset, with the Fatigue Assessment Scale, a case definition of post-stroke fatigue, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and daily step counts. Blood samples were collected at each assessment and the CRP level was determined by a standard CRP immunoassay. Cross-sectional associations between CRP and fatigue at each time point were determined by Pearson correlation coefficient and independent-samples t-test. Whether CRP levels at one month predict fatigue scores at six and 12 months was explored by multiple linear regression, with anxiety, depression, and daily step counts as covariates.Sixty-five patients (mean age 67 years, 65% men) were included: 61 at one month, 49 at six months, and 41 at 12 months. CRP levels and fatigue scores were not associated at one month (p = 0.88) or 12 months (p = 0.56), but weakly associated at six months (r = 0.27, p = 0.04); however, this association was no longer significant (p = 0.14) after controlling for the effects of covariates. The CRP level was not associated with the fulfilment of case definition of post-stroke fatigue at any time points (all p > 0.05). The CRP level at one month was not a significant predictor for fatigue levels at either six months (p = 0.93) or 12 months (p = 0.78).There is insufficient evidence for the association between CRP and PSF in stroke patients. Future studies with larger sample sizes and controlling for potential confounders are needed to investigate whether this association exists

    Variability in childhood allergy and asthma across ethnicity, language, and residency duration in El Paso, Texas: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We evaluated the impact of migration to the USA-Mexico border city of El Paso, Texas (USA), parental language preference, and Hispanic ethnicity on childhood asthma to differentiate between its social and environmental determinants.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Allergy and asthma prevalence was surveyed among 9797 fourth and fifth grade children enrolled in the El Paso Independent School District. Parents completed a respiratory health questionnaire, in either English or Spanish, and a sub-sample of children received spirometry testing at their school. Here we report asthma and allergy outcomes across ethnicity and El Paso residency duration.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Asthma and allergy prevalence increased with longer duration of El Paso residency independent of ethnicity and preferred language. Compared with immigrants who arrived in El Paso after entering first grade (18%), lifelong El Paso residents (68%) had more prevalent allergy (OR, 1.72; 95% CI, 1.32 - 2.24), prevalent asthma (OR, 1.75; 95% CI, 1.24 - 2.46), and current asthma (OR, 2.01; 95% CI, 1.37 - 2.95). Spirometric measurements (FEV<sub>1</sub>/FVC and FEF<sub>25-75</sub>) also declined with increasing duration of El Paso residency (0.16% and 0.35% annual reduction, respectively).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings suggest that a community-wide environmental exposure in El Paso, delayed pulmonary development, or increased health of immigrants may be associated with allergy and asthma development in children raised there.</p

    Allergotoxicology: Research of Pollutant Influence on the Development of Allergic Reactions

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    Alergotoksikologija je znanstvenoistraživačko područje koje se bavi ispitivanjem utjecaja polutanata (onečišćivača zraka) na nastanak alergijskih reakcija i bolesti. Ispitivanja su prvobitno bila usmjerena na polutante vanjskih prostora, a u novije vrijeme sve više na polutante unutarnjih prostora u kojima ljudi provode većinu vremena. Polutanti po svojoj prirodi mogu biti krute, tekuće ili plinovite čestice, koje se razlikuju s obzirom na veličinu, sastav i izvor iz kojeg nastaju. S obzirom na izvor mogu biti biološkog i nebiološkog podrijetla. Polutanti koji su predmet suvremenih istraživanja s gledišta nastanka alergijskih bolesti su respirabilne krute čestice, ozon, dušični oksidi i bioaerosoli. Mehanizam djelovanja polutanata ovisi o veličini čestica, njihovoj topljivosti i mjestu ulaska u organizam. Dosadašnja ispitivanja su pokazala da različite čestice uvjetuju različite imunosne i neimunosne odgovore u organizmu. Interakcija polutanata i alergena može se zbivati izvan eksponirane osobe, tj. sa samim alergenom ili u eksponiranoj osobi na sluznicama i koži. Polutanti mogu biti nosioci alergena i mogu interferirati na različitim nivoima u nastanku alergijske reakcije. U ovom prikazu razma raju se dosadašnja saznanja o mehanizmima djelovanja polutanata na alergene, na imunosni sustav izloženih osoba na osnovi epidemioloških populacijskih istraživanja, kliničkih studija ekspozcije u kontroliranim uvjetima i eksperimentalnih testnih sistema in vivo i in vitro.Allergotoxicology studies the infl uence of pollutants on the development of allergic reactions and diseases. At the beginning, the research was focused on outdoor air pollutants, while recently it turns to the indoor environment, mainly because people this is where people spend most of their time. Air pollutants may be solid, soluble, or gaseous particles in nature, and they can differ in size, structure, and sources. Pollutants can be of biological or nonbiological origin. Currently interesting air pollutants include particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and bioaerosols. The mechanisms of pollutant activity depend on the particle size, solubility, site of deposition, and specifi c chemical properties. Recent studies have shown that different pollutants provoke different immunological and nonimmunological responses in exposed persons. Interaction between air pollutants and allergens can take place outside the exposed person i.e. with allergen itself, or inside the organism on mucous membranes and skin. Pollutants may be the carriers of allergens and may exacerbate allergic reactions and diseases. This review presents recent views about the mechanisms of pollutant activity on allergens and immune system response in exposed persons, based on epidemiological population studies, clinical studies of exposure under controlled conditions, and experimental tests in vitro and in vivo