2,813 research outputs found

    Vortex-induced topological transition of the bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice

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    The ordering of the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice with the the bilinear-biquadratic interaction is studied by Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that the model exhibits a topological phase transition at a finite-temperature driven by topologically stable vortices, while the spin correlation length remains finite even at and below the transition point. The relevant vortices could be of three different types, depending on the value of the biquadratic coupling. Implications to recent experiments on the triangular antiferromagnet NiGa2_2S4_4 is discussed

    Monte Carlo Simulation of the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on a Triangular Lattice: Topological Excitations

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    We have simulated the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice using a local Monte Carlo algorithm. The behavior of the correlation length ξ\xi, the susceptibility at the ordering wavevector χ(Q)\chi(\bf Q), and the spin stiffness ρ\rho clearly reflects the existence of two temperature regimes -- a high temperature regime T>TthT > T_{th}, in which the disordering effect of vortices is dominant, and a low temperature regime T<TthT < T_{th}, where correlations are controlled by small amplitude spin fluctuations. As has previously been shown, in the last regime, the behavior of the above quantities agrees well with the predictions of a renormalization group treatment of the appropriate nonlinear sigma model. For T>TthT > T_{th}, a satisfactory fit of the data is achieved, if the temperature dependence of ξ\xi and χ(Q)\chi(\bf Q) is assumed to be of the form predicted by the Kosterlitz--Thouless theory. Surprisingly, the crossover between the two regimes appears to happen in a very narrow temperature interval around Tth0.28T_{th} \simeq 0.28.Comment: 13 pages, 8 Postscript figure

    First-Order Transition to Incommensurate Phase with Broken Lattice Rotation Symmetry in Frustrated Heisenberg Model

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    We study a finite-temperature phase transition in the two-dimensional classical Heisenberg model on a triangular lattice with a ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor interaction J1J_1 and an antiferromagnetic third-nearest-neighbor interaction J3J_3 using a Monte Carlo method. Apart from a trivial degeneracy corresponding to O(3) spin rotations,the ground state for J30J_3 \neq 0 has a threefold degeneracy corresponding to 120 degree lattice rotations. We find that this model exhibits a first-order phase transition with the breaking of the threefold symmetry when the interaction ratio is J3/J1=3J_3/J_1=-3.Comment: 4pages,5figure

    Micromagnetic simulations of interacting dipoles on a fcc lattice: Application to nanoparticle assemblies

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    Micromagnetic simulations are used to examine the effects of cubic and axial anisotropy, magnetostatic interactions and temperature on M-H loops for a collection of magnetic dipoles on fcc and sc lattices. We employ a simple model of interacting dipoles that represent single-domain particles in an attempt to explain recent experimental data on ordered arrays of magnetoferritin nanoparticles that demonstrate the crucial role of interactions between particles in a fcc lattice. Significant agreement between the simulation and experimental results is achieved, and the impact of intra-particle degrees of freedom and surface effects on thermal fluctuations are investigated.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    First-Order Phase Transition with Breaking of Lattice Rotation Symmetry in Continuous-Spin Model on Triangular Lattice

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    Using a Monte Carlo method, we study the finite-temperature phase transition in the two-dimensional classical Heisenberg model on a triangular lattice with or without easy-plane anisotropy. The model takes account of competing interactions: a ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor interaction J1J_1 and an antiferromagnetic third nearest-neighbor interaction J3J_3. As a result, the ground state is a spiral spin configuration for 4<J1/J3<0-4 < J_1/J_3 < 0. In this structure, global spin rotation cannot compensate for the effect of 120-degree lattice rotation, in contrast to the conventional 120-degree structure of the nearest-neighbor interaction model. We find that this model exhibits a first-order phase transition with breaking of the lattice rotation symmetry at a finite temperature. The transition is characterized as a Z2Z_2 vortex dissociation in the isotropic case, whereas it can be viewed as a ZZ vortex dissociation in the anisotropic case. Remarkably, the latter is continuously connected to the former as the magnitude of anisotropy decreases, in contrast to the recent work by Misawa and Motome [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. \textbf{79} (2010) 073001.] in which both the transitions were found to be continuous.Comment: 11pages, 16figures, accepted to JPS

    Periodic features in the Dynamic Structure Factor of the Quasiperiodic Period-doubling Lattice

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    We present an exact real-space renormalization group (RSRG) method for evaluating the dynamic structure factor of an infinite one-dimensional quasiperiodic period-doubling (PD) lattice. We observe that for every normal mode frequency of the chain, the dynamic structure factor S(q,ω)S(q,\omega) always exhibits periodicity with respect to the wave vector qq and the presence of such periodicity even in absence of translational invariance in the system is quite surprising. Our analysis shows that this periodicity in S(q,ω)S(q,\omega) actually indicates the presence of delocalized phonon modes in the PD chain. The Brillouin Zones of the lattice are found to have a hierarchical structure and the dispersion relation gives both the acoustic as well as optical branches. The phonon dispersion curves have a nested structure and we have shown that it is actually the superposition of the dispersion curves of an infinite set of periodic lattices.Comment: 9 pages, 3 postscript figures, REVTeX, To appear in Phys. Rev. B (1 February 1998-I

    Nonequilibrium relaxation study of the anisotropic antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice

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    Effect of exchange anisotropy on the relaxation time of spin and vector chirality is studied for the antiferromagnetic classical Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice by using the nonequilibrium relaxation Monte Carlo method. We identify the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition and the chiral transition in a wide range of the anisotropy, even for very small anisotropy of \sim 0.01%. As the anisotropy decreases, both the critical temperatures steeply decrease, while the BKT critical region becomes divergently wide. We elucidate a sharp "V shape" of the phase diagram around the isotropic Heisenberg point, which suggests that the isotropic case is exceptionally singular and the associated Z vortex transition will be isolated from the BKT and chiral transitions. We discuss the relevance of our results to peculiar behavior of the spin relaxation time observed experimentally in triangular antiferromagnets.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    From one cell to the whole froth: a dynamical map

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    We investigate two and three-dimensional shell-structured-inflatable froths, which can be constructed by a recursion procedure adding successive layers of cells around a germ cell. We prove that any froth can be reduced into a system of concentric shells. There is only a restricted set of local configurations for which the recursive inflation transformation is not applicable. These configurations are inclusions between successive layers and can be treated as vertices and edges decorations of a shell-structure-inflatable skeleton. The recursion procedure is described by a logistic map, which provides a natural classification into Euclidean, hyperbolic and elliptic froths. Froths tiling manifolds with different curvature can be classified simply by distinguishing between those with a bounded or unbounded number of elements per shell, without any a-priori knowledge on their curvature. A new result, associated with maximal orientational entropy, is obtained on topological properties of natural cellular systems. The topological characteristics of all experimentally known tetrahedrally close-packed structures are retrieved.Comment: 20 Pages Tex, 11 Postscript figures, 1 Postscript tabl

    The influence of critical behavior on the spin glass phase

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    We have argued in recent papers that Monte Carlo results for the equilibrium properties of the Edwards-Anderson spin glass in three dimensions, which had been interpreted earlier as providing evidence for replica symmetry breaking, can be explained quite simply within the droplet model once finite size effects and proximity to the critical point are taken into account. In this paper, we show that similar considerations are sufficient to explain the Monte Carlo data in four dimensions. In particular, we study the Parisi overlap and the link overlap for the four-dimensional Ising spin glass in the Migdal-Kadanoff approximation. Similar to what is seen in three dimensions, we find that temperatures well below those studied in Monte Carlo simulations have to be reached before the droplet model predictions become apparent. We also show that the double-peak structure of the link overlap distribution function is related to the difference between domain-wall excitations that cross the entire system and droplet excitations that are confined to a smaller region.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Genomic Organization, Splice Variants and Expression of CGMl, a CD66-related Member of the Carcinoembryonic Antigen Gene Family

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    The tumor marker carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) belongs to a family of proteins which are composed of one immunogiobulin variable domain and a varying number of immunoglobulin constant-like domains. Most of the membrane-bound members, which are anchored either by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol moiety or a transmembrane domain, have been shown to convey cell adhesion in vitro. Here we describe two splice variants of CGMI. a transmembrane member of the CEA family without immunoglobulin constant.like domains. CGM1a and CGM1c contain cytopiasmic domains of 71 and 31 amino acids, respectively, The cytoplasmic region of CGM1a is encoded by four exons (Cyt1-Cyt4). Differential splicing of the Cyt1 exon (53 bp)..