22,633 research outputs found

    Selfdual spaces with complex structures, Einstein-Weyl geometry and geodesics

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    We study the Jones and Tod correspondence between selfdual conformal 4-manifolds with a conformal vector field and abelian monopoles on Einstein-Weyl 3-manifolds, and prove that invariant complex structures correspond to shear-free geodesic congruences. Such congruences exist in abundance and so provide a tool for constructing interesting selfdual geometries with symmetry, unifying the theories of scalar-flat Kahler metrics and hypercomplex structures with symmetry. We also show that in the presence of such a congruence, the Einstein-Weyl equation is equivalent to a pair of coupled monopole equations, and we solve these equations in a special case. The new Einstein-Weyl spaces, which we call Einstein-Weyl ``with a geodesic symmetry'', give rise to hypercomplex structures with two commuting triholomorphic vector fields.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourier. 50 (2000

    Combined production of broilers and fruits

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    Combined production of broilers and fruit trees is a subject often discussed in organic fruit production in Denmark. Very little research has been carried out on this type of production system. In organic production in Denmark, nearly no pesticides are allowed, so the need for alternative pest control is large. Apple sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea) and pear midge (Contarinia pyrivora) cause big crop losses in apples and pears respectively, in unsprayed organic fruit production. Both insects infest fruitlets and cause these to drop prematurely after which the pests pupate in the topsoil. In the present experiment a research orchard with the varieties ‘Discovery’ and ‘Conference’ were used as outdoor area for broilers to minimise the population of sawflies and pear midges, and to reduce the need for weeding and manuring. The trees were kept unsprayed. Fruit yield and fruit quality were assessed at harvest. White sticky traps were placed in the test area in order to measure the occurrence of sawfly over time. The infestation of pear midge was investigated counting the infested fruitlets in clusters on trees at the centre of the plots. The catch of apple sawflies was reduced in the combined apple and broiler production, but no significant effect on the yield or the fruit quality was seen. Experiences from on-farm research show that combining fruit and egg-production is one way to reduce the problem with apple sawfly, but poultry alone is not a sufficient way of controlling sawflies. The welfare and health of the broilers were excellent under fruit trees

    Error correction in ensemble registers for quantum repeaters and quantum computers

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    We propose to use a collective excitation blockade mechanism to identify errors that occur due to disturbances of single atoms in ensemble quantum registers where qubits are stored in the collective population of different internal atomic states. A simple error correction procedure and a simple decoherence-free encoding of ensemble qubits in the hyperfine states of alkali atoms are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Universal Quantum Computation in a Neutral Atom Decoherence Free Subspace

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    In this paper, we propose a way to achieve protected universal computation in a neutral atom quantum computer subject to collective dephasing. Our proposal relies on the existence of a Decoherence Free Subspace (DFS), resulting from symmetry properties of the errors. After briefly describing the physical system and the error model considered, we show how to encode information into the DFS and build a complete set of safe universal gates. Finally, we provide numerical simulations for the fidelity of the different gates in the presence of time-dependent phase errors and discuss their performance and practical feasibility.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    A mapping approach to synchronization in the "Zajfman trap": stability conditions and the synchronization mechanism

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    We present a two particle model to explain the mechanism that stabilizes a bunch of positively charged ions in an "ion trap resonator" [Pedersen etal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 055001]. The model decomposes the motion of the two ions into two mappings for the free motion in different parts of the trap and one for a compressing momentum kick. The ions' interaction is modelled by a time delay, which then changes the balance between adjacent momentum kicks. Through these mappings we identify the microscopic process that is responsible for synchronization and give the conditions for that regime.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures; submitted to Phys Rev

    Conditional expectations associated with quantum states

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    An extension of the conditional expectations (those under a given subalgebra of events and not the simple ones under a single event) from the classical to the quantum case is presented. In the classical case, the conditional expectations always exist; in the quantum case, however, they exist only if a certain weak compatibility criterion is satisfied. This compatibility criterion was introduced among others in a recent paper by the author. Then, state-independent conditional expectations and quantum Markov processes are studied. A classical Markov process is a probability measure, together with a system of random variables, satisfying the Markov property and can equivalently be described by a system of Markovian kernels (often forming a semigroup). This equivalence is partly extended to quantum probabilities. It is shown that a dynamical (semi)group can be derived from a given system of quantum observables satisfying the Markov property, and the group generators are studied. The results are presented in the framework of Jordan operator algebras, and a very general type of observables (including the usual real-valued observables or self-adjoint operators) is considered.Comment: 10 pages, the original publication is available at http://www.aip.or

    Calibration of the Mass-Temperature Relation for Clusters of Galaxies Using Weak Gravitational Lensing

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    The main uncertainty in current determinations of the power spectrum normalization, sigma_8, from abundances of X-ray luminous galaxy clusters arises from the calibration of the mass-temperature relation. We use our weak lensing mass determinations of 30 clusters from the hitherto largest sample of clusters with lensing masses, combined with X-ray temperature data from the literature, to calibrate the normalization of this relation at a temperature of 8 keV, M_{500c,8 keV}=(8.7 +/- 1.6) h^{-1} 10^{14} M_sun. This normalization is consistent with previous lensing-based results based on smaller cluster samples, and with some predictions from numerical simulations, but higher than most normalizations based on X-ray derived cluster masses. Assuming the theoretically expected slope alpha=3/2 of the mass-temperature relation, we derive sigma_8 = 0.88 +/-0.09 for a spatially-flat LambdaCDM universe with Omega_m = 0.3. The main systematic errors on the lensing masses result from extrapolating the cluster masses beyond the field-of-view used for the gravitational lensing measurements, and from the separation of cluster/background galaxies, contributing each with a scatter of 20%. Taking this into account, there is still significant intrinsic scatter in the mass-temperature relation indicating that this relation may not be very tight, at least at the high mass end. Furthermore, we find that dynamically relaxed clusters are 75 +/-40% hotter than non-relaxed clusters.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, revised version submitted to Ap
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