16,737 research outputs found

    Restoration of isotropy on fractals

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    We report a new type of restoration of macroscopic isotropy (homogenization) in fractals with microscopic anisotropy. The phenomenon is observed in various physical setups, including diffusions, random walks, resistor networks, and Gaussian field theories. The mechanism is unique in that it is absent in spaces with translational invariance, while universal in that it is observed in a wide class of fractals.Comment: 11 pages, REVTEX, 3 postscript figures. (Compressed and encoded figures archived by "figure" command). To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Upper estimate of martingale dimension for self-similar fractals

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    We study upper estimates of the martingale dimension dmd_m of diffusion processes associated with strong local Dirichlet forms. By applying a general strategy to self-similar Dirichlet forms on self-similar fractals, we prove that dm=1d_m=1 for natural diffusions on post-critically finite self-similar sets and that dmd_m is dominated by the spectral dimension for the Brownian motion on Sierpinski carpets.Comment: 49 pages, 7 figures; minor revision with adding a referenc

    Resolution of Nested Neuronal Representations Can Be Exponential in the Number of Neurons

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    Collective computation is typically polynomial in the number of computational elements, such as transistors or neurons, whether one considers the storage capacity of a memory device or the number of floating-point operations per second of a CPU. However, we show here that the capacity of a computational network to resolve real-valued signals of arbitrary dimensions can be exponential in N, even if the individual elements are noisy and unreliable. Nested, modular codes that achieve such high resolutions mirror the properties of grid cells in vertebrates, which underlie spatial navigation

    Orofacial fine motor control impairments in congenital spasticity: Evidence against hypertonusrelated performance deficits

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1212/WNL.34.2.145.Motor impairments in the line force control of lips, tongue, and jaw were measured in subjects with congenital spasticity. Because these orofacial motor systems are not uniformly endowed with muscle spindles and monosynaptic reflexes, quantification of these motor impairments addresses the question of whether stretch reflex hypertonus is a positive or negative sign. The results indicated that hyperactive muscle spindle-based monosynaptic reflexes are not a causal factor in these voluntary orofacial motor impairments. These data also indicated that motor impairments were disproportionately greater at finer levels of isometric force control. These fine control measures appear useful as a quantitative index of general voluntary motor deficit

    Distribution of Time-Averaged Observables for Weak Ergodicity Breaking

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    We find a general formula for the distribution of time-averaged observables for systems modeled according to the sub-diffusive continuous time random walk. For Gaussian random walks coupled to a thermal bath we recover ergodicity and Boltzmann's statistics, while for the anomalous subdiffusive case a weakly non-ergodic statistical mechanical framework is constructed, which is based on L\'evy's generalized central limit theorem. As an example we calculate the distribution of Xˉ\bar{X}: the time average of the position of the particle, for unbiased and uniformly biased particles, and show that Xˉ\bar{X} exhibits large fluctuations compared with the ensemble average .Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    The Alexander-Orbach conjecture holds in high dimensions

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    We examine the incipient infinite cluster (IIC) of critical percolation in regimes where mean-field behavior has been established, namely when the dimension d is large enough or when d>6 and the lattice is sufficiently spread out. We find that random walk on the IIC exhibits anomalous diffusion with the spectral dimension d_s=4/3, that is, p_t(x,x)= t^{-2/3+o(1)}. This establishes a conjecture of Alexander and Orbach. En route we calculate the one-arm exponent with respect to the intrinsic distance.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Inventiones Mathematica

    Optimal Population Codes for Space: Grid Cells Outperform Place Cells

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    Rodents use two distinct neuronal coordinate systems to estimate their position: place fields in the hippocampus and grid fields in the entorhinal cortex. Whereas place cells spike at only one particular spatial location, grid cells fire at multiple sites that correspond to the points of an imaginary hexagonal lattice. We study how to best construct place and grid codes, taking the probabilistic nature of neural spiking into account. Which spatial encoding properties of individual neurons confer the highest resolution when decoding the animal’s position from the neuronal population response? A priori, estimating a spatial position from a grid code could be ambiguous, as regular periodic lattices possess translational symmetry. The solution to this problem requires lattices for grid cells with different spacings; the spatial resolution crucially depends on choosing the right ratios of these spacings across the population. We compute the expected error in estimating the position in both the asymptotic limit, using Fisher information, and for low spike counts, using maximum likelihood estimation. Achieving high spatial resolution and covering a large range of space in a grid code leads to a trade-off: the best grid code for spatial resolution is built of nested modules with different spatial periods, one inside the other, whereas maximizing the spatial range requires distinct spatial periods that are pairwisely incommensurate. Optimizing the spatial resolution predicts two grid cell properties that have been experimentally observed. First, short lattice spacings should outnumber long lattice spacings. Second, the grid code should be self-similar across different lattice spacings, so that the grid field always covers a fixed fraction of the lattice period. If these conditions are satisfied and the spatial “tuning curves” for each neuron span the same range of firing rates, then the resolution of the grid code easily exceeds that of the best possible place code with the same number of neurons

    Optimizing information flow in small genetic networks. II: Feed forward interactions

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    Central to the functioning of a living cell is its ability to control the readout or expression of information encoded in the genome. In many cases, a single transcription factor protein activates or represses the expression of many genes. As the concentration of the transcription factor varies, the target genes thus undergo correlated changes, and this redundancy limits the ability of the cell to transmit information about input signals. We explore how interactions among the target genes can reduce this redundancy and optimize information transmission. Our discussion builds on recent work [Tkacik et al, Phys Rev E 80, 031920 (2009)], and there are connections to much earlier work on the role of lateral inhibition in enhancing the efficiency of information transmission in neural circuits; for simplicity we consider here the case where the interactions have a feed forward structure, with no loops. Even with this limitation, the networks that optimize information transmission have a structure reminiscent of the networks found in real biological systems

    Communications Biophysics

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    Contains reports on two research projects.United States Air Force (Contract AF19(604)-4112)United States National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, U.S. Public Health Service (BT-437)United States National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness (B 369 Physiology)United States Navy, Office of Naval Research, (NR 101-445))United States Air Force, Office of Scientific Research (AF-49-(638)-98)

    ENSO, Pacific Decadal Variability, and U.S. Summertime Precipitation, Drought, and Stream Flow

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