763 research outputs found

    Imagination, Poem, n.d.

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    The Vertex-Face Correspondence and the Elliptic 6j-symbols

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    A new formula connecting the elliptic 6j6j-symbols and the fusion of the vertex-face intertwining vectors is given. This is based on the identification of the kk fusion intertwining vectors with the change of base matrix elements from Sklyanin's standard base to Rosengren's natural base in the space of even theta functions of order 2k2k. The new formula allows us to derive various properties of the elliptic 6j6j-symbols, such as the addition formula, the biorthogonality property, the fusion formula and the Yang-Baxter relation. We also discuss a connection with the Sklyanin algebra based on the factorised formula for the LL-operator.Comment: 23 page

    Lattice sites of ion-implanted Li in diamond

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    Published in: Appl. Phys. Lett. 66 (1995) 2733-2735 citations recorded in [Science Citation Index] Abstract: Radioactive Li ions were implanted into natural IIa diamonds at temperatures between 100 K and 900 K. Emission channelling patterns of a-particles emitted in the nuclear decay of 8Li (t1/2 = 838 ms) were measured and, from a comparison with calculated emission channelling and blocking effects from Monte Carlo simulations, the lattice sites taken up by the Li ions were quantitatively determined. A fraction of 40(5)% of the implanted Li ions were found to be located on tetrahedral interstitial lattice sites, and 17(5)% on substitutional sites. The fractions of implanted Li on the two lattice sites showed no change with temperature, indicating that Li diffusion does not take place within the time window of our measurements.

    CAT: A Critical-Area-Targeted Test Set Modification Scheme for Reducing Launch Switching Activity in At-Speed Scan Testing

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    Reducing excessive launch switching activity (LSA) is now mandatory in at-speed scan testing for avoiding test-induced yield loss, and test set modification is preferable for this purpose. However, previous low-LSA test set modification methods may be ineffective since they are not targeted at reducing launch switching activity in the areas around long sensitized paths, which are spatially and temporally critical for test-induced yield loss. This paper proposes a novel CAT (Critical-Area-Targeted) low-LSA test modification scheme, which uses long sensitized paths to guide launch-safety checking, test relaxation, and X-filling. As a result, launch switching activity is reduced in a pinpoint manner, which is more effective for avoiding test-induced yield loss. Experimental results on industrial circuits demonstrate the advantage of the CAT scheme for reducing launch switching activity in at-speed scan testing.2009 Asian Test Symposium, 23-26 November 2009, Taichung, Taiwa

    Annulonemertes (phylum Nemertea): when segments do not count

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    We estimated the phylogenetic position of the pseudosegmented ribbon worm Annulonemertes minusculus to test proposed evolutionary hypotheses to explain these body constrictions. The analysis is based on 18S rDNA sequences and shows that the species belongs to an apomorphic clade of hoplonemertean species. The segmentation has no phylogenetic bearing as previously discussed, but is a derived character probably coupled to the species' interstitial habitat

    CTX: A Clock-Gating-Based Test Relaxation and X-Filling Scheme for Reducing Yield Loss Risk in At-Speed Scan Testing

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    At-speed scan testing is susceptible to yield loss risk due to power supply noise caused by excessive launch switching activity. This paper proposes a novel two-stage scheme, namely CTX (Clock-Gating-Based Test Relaxation and X-Filling), for reducing switching activity when test stimulus is launched. Test relaxation and X-filling are conducted (1) to make as many FFs inactive as possible by disabling corresponding clock-control signals of clock-gating circuitry in Stage-1 (Clock-Disabling), and (2) to make as many remaining active FFs as possible to have equal input and output values in Stage-2 (FF-Silencing). CTX effectively reduces launch switching activity, thus yield loss risk, even with a small number of donpsilat care (X) bits as in test compression, without any impact on test data volume, fault coverage, performance, and circuit design.2008 17th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2008), 24-27 November 2008, Sapporo, Japa

    High temperature optical absorption investigation into the electronic transitions in sol–gel derived C12A7 thin films

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    Optical absorption into 6 mm thick sol–gel derived films, annealed at 1300 °C of 12CaO·7Al2O3 calcium aluminate binary compound on MgO〈100〉 single crystal substrates was studied at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 300 °C. Experimental data were analysed in both Tauc and Urbach regions. The optical band gap decreased from 4.088 eV at 25 °C to 4.051 eV at 300 °C, while Urbach energy increased from 0.191 eV at 25 °C to 0.257 eV at 300 °C. The relationship between the optical band gap and the Urbach energy at different temperatures showed an almost linear relationship from which the theoretical values of 4.156 and 0.065 eV were evaluated for the band gap energy and Urbach energy of a 12CaO·7Al2O3 crystal with zero structural disorder at 0 K

    Logic/Clock-Path-Aware At-Speed Scan Test Generation for Avoiding False Capture Failures and Reducing Clock Stretch

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    IR-drop induced by launch switching activity (LSA) in capture mode during at-speed scan testing increases delay along not only logic paths (LPs) but also clock paths (Cps). Excessive extra delay along LPs compromises test yields due to false capture failures, while excessive extra delay along CPs compromises test quality due to test clock stretch. This paper is the first to mitigate the impact of LSA on both LPs and CPs with a novel LCPA (Logic/Clock Path-Aware) at-speed scan test generation scheme, featuring (1) a new metric for assessing the risk of false capture failures based on the amount of LSA around both LPs and CPs, (2) a procedure for avoiding false capture failures by reducing LSA around LPs or masking uncertain test responses, and (3) a procedure for reducing test clock stretch by reducing LSA around CPs. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the LCPA scheme in improving test yields and test quality.2015 IEEE 24th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 22-25 November 2015, Mumbai, Indi

    Statistical Parsimony Networks and Species Assemblages in Cephalotrichid Nemerteans (Nemertea)

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    BACKGROUND: It has been suggested that statistical parsimony network analysis could be used to get an indication of species represented in a set of nucleotide data, and the approach has been used to discuss species boundaries in some taxa. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Based on 635 base pairs of the mitochondrial protein-coding gene cytochrome c oxidase I (COI), we analyzed 152 nemertean specimens using statistical parsimony network analysis with the connection probability set to 95%. The analysis revealed 15 distinct networks together with seven singletons. Statistical parsimony yielded three networks supporting the species status of Cephalothrix rufifrons, C. major and C. spiralis as they currently have been delineated by morphological characters and geographical location. Many other networks contained haplotypes from nearby geographical locations. Cladistic structure by maximum likelihood analysis overall supported the network analysis, but indicated a false positive result where subnetworks should have been connected into one network/species. This probably is caused by undersampling of the intraspecific haplotype diversity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Statistical parsimony network analysis provides a rapid and useful tool for detecting possible undescribed/cryptic species among cephalotrichid nemerteans based on COI gene. It should be combined with phylogenetic analysis to get indications of false positive results, i.e., subnetworks that would have been connected with more extensive haplotype sampling