136 research outputs found

    Off-Axis Afterglow Light Curves from High-Resolution Hydrodynamical Jet Simulations

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    Numerical jet simulations serve a valuable role in calculating gamma-ray burst afterglow emission beyond analytical approximations. Here we present the results of high resolution 2D simulations of decelerating relativistic jets performed using the RAM adaptive mesh refinement relativistic hydrodynamics code. We have applied a separate synchrotron radiation code to the simulation results in order to calculate light curves at frequencies varying from radio to X-ray for observers at various angles from the jet axis. We provide a confirmation from radio light curves from simulations rather than from a simplified jet model for earlier results in the literature finding that only a very small number of local Ibc supernovae can possibly harbor an orphan afterglow. Also, recent studies have noted an unexpected lack of observed jet breaks in the Swift sample. Using a jet simulation with physical parameters representative for an average Swift sample burst, such as a jet half opening angle of 0.1 rad and a source redshift of z = 2.23, we have created synthetic light curves at 1.5 keV with artificial errors while accounting for Swift instrument biases as well. A large set of these light curves have been generated and analyzed using a Monte Carlo approach. Single and broken power law fits are compared. We find that for increasing observer angle, the jet break quickly becomes hard to detect. This holds true even when the observer remains well within the jet opening angle. We find that the odds that a Swift light curve from a randomly oriented 0.1 radians jet at z = 2.23 will exhibit a jet break at the 3 sigma level are only 12 percent. The observer angle therefore provides a natural explanation for the lack of perceived jet breaks in the Swift sample.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. First of two contributions to proceedings GRB2010 Maryland conference. Editors: McEnery, Racusin and Gehrels. The data from this paper is publicly available from http://cosmo.nyu.edu/afterglowlibrary

    An on-line library of afterglow light curves

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    Numerical studies of gamma-ray burst afterglow jets reveal significant qualitative differences with simplified analytical models. We present an on-line library of synthetic afterglow light curves and broadband spectra for use in interpreting observational data. Light curves have been calculated for various physics settings such as explosion energy and circumburst structure, as well as differing jet parameters and observer angle and redshift. Calculations gave been done for observer frequencies ranging from low radio to X-ray and for observer times from hours to decades after the burst. The light curves have been calculated from high-resolution 2D hydrodynamical simulations performed with the RAM adaptive-mesh refinement code and a detailed synchrotron radiation code. The library will contain both generic afterglow simulations as well as specific case studies and will be freely accessible at http://cosmo.nyu.edu/afterglowlibrary . The synthetic light curves can be used as a check on the accuracy of physical parameters derived from analytical model fits to afterglow data, to quantitatively explore the consequences of varying parameters such as observer angle and for accurate predictions of future telescope data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Second of two contributions to proceedings GRB2010 Maryland conference. Editors: McEnery, Racusin and Gehrels. The data from this paper is publicly available from http://cosmo.nyu.edu/afterglowlibrary

    From blast wave to observation

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    Gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows are well described by synchrotron emission originating from the interaction between a relativistic blast wave and the external medium surrounding the GRB progenitor. We introduce a code to reconstruct spectra and light curves from arbitrary fluid configurations, making it especially suited to study the effects of fluid flows beyond those that can be described using analytical approximations. As a check and first application of our code we use it to fit the scaling coefficients of theoretical models of afterglow spectra. We extend earlier results of other authors to general circumburst density profiles. We rederive the physical parameters of GRB 970508 and compare with other authors. We also show the light curves resulting from a relativistic blast wave encountering a wind termination shock. From high resolution calculations we find that the observed transition from a stellar wind type light curve to an interstellar medium type light curve is smooth and without short-time transitory features.Comment: conference proceedings 6th Huntsville symposium, 20-23 October 2008. Editors: C.A. Meegan, N. Gehrels, and C. Kouvelioto

    From blast wave to observation

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    Gamma‐ray burst (GRB) afterglows are well described by synchrotron emission originating from the interaction between a relativistic blast wave and the external medium surrounding the GRB progenitor. We introduce a code to reconstruct spectra and light curves from arbitrary fluid configurations, making it especially suited to study the effects of fluid flows beyond those that can be described using analytical approximations. As a check and first application of our code we use it to fit the scaling coefficients of theoretical models of afterglow spectra. We extend earlier results of other authors to general circumburst density profiles. We rederive the physical parameters of GRB 970508 and compare with other authors.We also show the light curves resulting from a relativistic blast wave encountering a wind termination shock. From high resolution calculations we find that the observed transition from a stellar wind type light curve to an interstellar medium type light curve is smooth and without short‐time transitory features

    No visible optical variability from a relativistic blast wave encountering a wind-termination shock

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    Gamma-ray burst afterglow flares and rebrightenings of the optical and X-ray light curve have been attributed to both late time inner engine activity and density changes in the medium surrounding the burster. To test the latter, we study the encounter between the relativistic blast wave from a gamma-ray burster and a stellar wind termination shock. The blast wave is simulated using a high performance adaptive mesh relativistic hydrodynamics code, AMRVAC, and the synchrotron emission is analyzed in detail with a separate radiation code. We find no bump in the resulting light curve, not even for very high density jumps. Furthermore, by analyzing the contributions from the different shock wave regions we are able to establish that it is essential to resolve the blast wave structure in order to make qualitatively correct predictions on the observed output and that the contribution from the reverse shock region will not stand out, even when the magnetic field is increased in this region by repeated shocks. This study resolves a controversy in recent literature.Comment: 4 figures, submitted to MNRAS letter
