215 research outputs found

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking of (1+1)-dimensional Ï•4\bf \phi^4 theory in light-front field theory (III)

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    We investigate (1+1)-dimensional Ï•4\phi^4 field theory in the symmetric and broken phases using discrete light-front quantization. We calculate the perturbative solution of the zero-mode constraint equation for both the symmetric and broken phases and show that standard renormalization of the theory yields finite results. We study the perturbative zero-mode contribution to two diagrams and show that the light-front formulation gives the same result as the equal-time formulation. In the broken phase of the theory, we obtain the nonperturbative solutions of the constraint equation and confirm our previous speculation that the critical coupling is logarithmically divergent. We discuss the renormalization of this divergence but are not able to find a satisfactory nonperturbative technique. Finally we investigate properties that are insensitive to this divergence, calculate the critical exponent of the theory, and find agreement with mean field theory as expected.Comment: 21 pages; OHSTPY-HEP-TH-94-014 and DOE/ER/01545-6

    Light-Front Quantisation as an Initial-Boundary Value Problem

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    In the light front quantisation scheme initial conditions are usually provided on a single lightlike hyperplane. This, however, is insufficient to yield a unique solution of the field equations. We investigate under which additional conditions the problem of solving the field equations becomes well posed. The consequences for quantisation are studied within a Hamiltonian formulation by using the method of Faddeev and Jackiw for dealing with first-order Lagrangians. For the prototype field theory of massive scalar fields in 1+1 dimensions, we find that initial conditions for fixed light cone time {\sl and} boundary conditions in the spatial variable are sufficient to yield a consistent commutator algebra. Data on a second lightlike hyperplane are not necessary. Hamiltonian and Euler-Lagrange equations of motion become equivalent; the description of the dynamics remains canonical and simple. In this way we justify the approach of discretised light cone quantisation.Comment: 26 pages (including figure), tex, figure in latex, TPR 93-

    Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking on the Light Front.II. The Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model

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    An investigation of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking on the light front is made in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with one flavor and N colors. Analysis of the model suffers from extraordinary complexity due to the existence of a "fermionic constraint," i.e., a constraint equation for the bad spinor component. However, to solve this constraint is of special importance. In classical theory, we can exactly solve it and then explicitly check the property of ``light-front chiral transformation.'' In quantum theory, we introduce a bilocal formulation to solve the fermionic constraint by the 1/N expansion. Systematic 1/N expansion of the fermion bilocal operator is realized by the boson expansion method. The leading (bilocal) fermionic constraint becomes a gap equation for a chiral condensate and thus if we choose a nontrivial solution of the gap equation, we are in the broken phase. As a result of the nonzero chiral condensate, we find unusual chiral transformation of fields and nonvanishing of the light-front chiral charge. A leading order eigenvalue equation for a single bosonic state is equivalent to a leading order fermion-antifermion bound-state equation. We analytically solve it for scalar and pseudoscalar mesons and obtain their light-cone wavefunctions and masses. All of the results are entirely consistent with those of our previous analysis on the chiral Yukawa model.Comment: 23 pages, REVTEX, the version to be published in Phys.Rev.D; Some clarifications in discussion of the LC wavefunctions adde

    Optical Absorption Characteristics of Silicon Nanowires for Photovoltaic Applications

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    Solar cells have generated a lot of interest as a potential source of clean renewable energy for the future. However a big bottleneck in wide scale deployment of these energy sources remain the low efficiency of these conversion devices. Recently the use of nanostructures and the strategy of quantum confinement have been as a general approach towards better charge carrier generation and capture. In this article we have presented calculations on the optical characteristics of nanowires made out of Silicon. Our calculations show these nanowires form excellent optoelectronic materials and may yield efficient photovoltaic devices

    Constraints and Hamiltonian in Light-Front Quantized Field Theory

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    Self-consistent Hamiltonian formulation of scalar theory on the null plane is constructed following Dirac method. The theory contains also {\it constraint equations}. They would give, if solved, to a nonlinear and nonlocal Hamiltonian. The constraints lead us in the continuum to a different description of spontaneous symmetry breaking since, the symmetry generators now annihilate the vacuum. In two examples where the procedure lacks self-consistency, the corresponding theories are known ill-defined from equal-time quantization. This lends support to the method adopted where both the background field and the fluctuation above it are treated as dynamical variables on the null plane. We let the self-consistency of the Dirac procedure determine their properties in the quantized theory. The results following from the continuum and the discretized formulations in the infinite volume limit do agree.Comment: 11 pages, Padova University preprint DFPF/92/TH/52 (December '92

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking of (1+1)-dimensional Ï•4\phi^4 theory in light-front field theory (II)

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    We discuss spontaneous symmetry breaking of (1+1)-dimensional Ï•4\phi^4 theory in light-front field theory using a Tamm-Dancoff truncation. We show that, even though light-front field theory has a simple vacuum state which is an eigenstate of the full Hamiltonian, the field can develop a nonzero vacuum expectation value. This occurs because the zero mode of the field must satisfy an operator valued constraint equation. In the context of (1+1)-dimensional Ï•4\phi^4 theory we present solutions to the constraint equation using a Tamm-Dancoff truncation to a finite number of particles and modes. We study the behavior of the zero mode as a function of coupling and Fock space truncation. The zero mode introduces new interactions into the Hamiltonian which breaks the Z2Z_2 symmetry of the theory when the coupling is stronger than the critical coupling.Comment: 25 page

    Statistical Physics and Light-Front Quantization

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    Light-front quantization has important advantages for describing relativistic statistical systems, particularly systems for which boost invariance is essential, such as the fireball created in a heavy ion collisions. In this paper we develop light-front field theory at finite temperature and density with special attention to quantum chromodynamics. We construct the most general form of the statistical operator allowed by the Poincare algebra and show that there are no zero-mode related problems when describing phase transitions. We then demonstrate a direct connection between densities in light-front thermal field theory and the parton distributions measured in hard scattering experiments. Our approach thus generalizes the concept of a parton distribution to finite temperature. In light-front quantization, the gauge-invariant Green's functions of a quark in a medium can be defined in terms of just 2-component spinors and have a much simpler spinor structure than the equal-time fermion propagator. From the Green's function, we introduce the new concept of a light-front density matrix, whose matrix elements are related to forward and to off-diagonal parton distributions. Furthermore, we explain how thermodynamic quantities can be calculated in discretized light-cone quantization, which is applicable at high chemical potential and is not plagued by the fermion-doubling problem.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures; v2: Refs. added, minor changes, accepted for publication in PR

    Signatures of Radiation Reaction in Ultra-Intense Laser Fields

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    We discuss radiation reaction effects on charges propagating in ultra-intense laser fields. Our analysis is based on an analytic solution of the Landau-Lifshitz equation. We suggest to measure radiation reaction in terms of a symmetry breaking parameter associated with the violation of null translation invariance in the direction opposite to the laser beam. As the Landau-Lifshitz equation is nonlinear the energy transfer within the pulse is rather sensitive to initial conditions. This is elucidated by comparing colliding and fixed target modes in electron laser collisions.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
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