541 research outputs found

    Absorption of 5G radiation in brain tissue as a function of frequency, power and time

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    The rapid release of 5G wireless communications networks has spurred renewed concerns regarding the interactions of higher radiofrequency (RF) radiation with living species. We examine RF exposure and absorption in ex vivo bovine brain tissue and a brain simulating gel at three frequencies: 1.9 GHz, 4 GHz and 39 GHz that are relevant to current (4G), and upcoming (5G) spectra. We introduce a highly sensitive thermal method for the assessment of radiation exposure, and derive experimentally, accurate relations between the temperature rise (ΔT), specific absorption rate (SAR) and the incident power density (F), and tabulate the coefficients, ΔT/ΔF and Δ(SAR)/ΔF , as a function of frequency, depth and time. This new method provides both ΔT and SAR applicable to the frequency range below and above 6 GHz as shown at 1.9, 4 and 39 GHz, and demonstrates the most sensitive experimental assessment of brain tissue exposure to millimeter-wave radiation to date, with a detection limit of 1 mW. We examine the beam penetration, absorption and thermal diffusion at representative 4G and 5G frequencies and show that the RF heating increases rapidly with frequency due to decreasing RF source wavelength and increasing power density with the same incident power and exposure time. We also show the temperature effects of continuous wave, rapid pulse sequences and single pulses with varying pulse duration, and we employ electromagnetic modeling to map the field distributions in the tissue. Finally, using this new methodology, we measure the thermal diffusivity of ex vivo bovine brain tissue experimentally

    Pure cycles in flexible robotic cells

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this study, an m-machine flexible robotic manufacturing cell consisting of CNC machines is considered. The flexibility of the machines leads to a new class of robot move cycles called the pure cycles. We first model the problem of determining the best pure cycle in an m-machine cell as a special travelling salesman problem in which the distance matrix consists of decision variables as well as parameters.We focus on two specific cycles among the huge class of pure cycles.We prove that, in most of the regions, either one of these two cycles is optimal. For the remaining regions we derive worst case performances of these cycles.We also prove that the set of pure cycles dominates the flowshop-type robot move cycles considered in the literature. As a design problem, we consider the number of machines in a cell as a decision variable. We determine the optimal number of machines that minimizes the cycle time for given cell parameters such as the processing times, robot travel times and the loading/unloading times of the machines. 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Scheduling in a three-machine robotic flexible manufacturing cell

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this study, we consider a flexible manufacturing cell (FMC) processing identical parts on which the loading and unloading of machines are made by a robot. The machines used in FMCs are predominantly CNC machines and these machines are flexible enough for performing several operations provided that the required tools are stored in their tool magazines. Traditional research in this area considers a flowshop type system. The current study relaxes this flowshop assumption which unnecessarily limits the number of alternatives. In traditional robotic cell scheduling literature, the processing time of each part on each machine is a known parameter. However, in this study the processing times of the parts on the machines are decision variables. Therefore, we investigated the productivity gain attained by the additional flexibility introduced by the FMCs. We propose new lower bounds for the 1-unit and 2-unit robot move cycles (for which we present a completely new procedure to derive the activity sequences of 2-unit cycles in a three-machine robotic cell) under the new problem domain for the flowshop type robot move cycles. We also propose a new robot move cycle which is a direct consequence of process and operational flexibility of CNC machines.We prove that this proposed cycle dominates all 2-unit robot move cycles and present the regions where the proposed cycle dominates all 1-unit cycles.We also present a worst case performance bound of using this proposed cycle. 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Acute effects of hemodialysis on oxidative stress parameters in chronic uremic patients: Comparison of two dialysis membranes

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    Uremic state and hemobioincompatibility are implicated in subclinical inflammation and oxidative stress and progression of atherosclerosis in the hemodialysis (HD) population. To what extent different dialysis membranes contribute to oxidative stress induced by a dialysis procedure per se is still a subject of debate. Fifteen HD patients and 15 healthy controls were enrolled in this study. Patients received two index HD sessions with a cuprophane and polysulfone membrane two weeks apart. Blood samples were collected at baseline and then before and after HD sessions. We determined serum thiobarbituric acid, protein carbonyl, and serum nitrite/nitrate levels as markers of oxidative damage. We also measured erythrocyte glutathione level, catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activity, and serum vitamin C and E levels as antioxidant markers. At baseline, HD patients, in comparison with normal controls, had a trend towards increased oxidant state and depletion of antioxidants. Cuprophane dialysis induced a higher increase in production of oxidants, along with a lower compensatory increase of antioxidants when compared with polysulfone dialysis. In conclusion, a single HD session, even when conducted with a biocompatible membrane, appears to play an important role in the imbalance between ROS production and antioxidant defense, but to a milder extent than cuprophane dialysis

    Absorption of 5G radiation in brain tissue as a function of frequency, power and time

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    The rapid release of 5G wireless communications networks has spurred renewed concerns regarding the interactions of higher radiofrequency (RF) radiation with living species. We examine RF exposure and absorption in ex vivo bovine brain tissue and a brain simulating gel at three frequencies: 1.9 GHz, 4 GHz and 39 GHz that are relevant to current (4G), and upcoming (5G) spectra. We introduce a highly sensitive thermal method for the assessment of radiation exposure, and derive experimentally, accurate relations between the temperature rise (ΔT), specific absorption rate (SAR) and the incident power density (F), and tabulate the coefficients, ΔT/ΔF and Δ(SAR)/ΔF , as a function of frequency, depth and time. This new method provides both ΔT and SAR applicable to the frequency range below and above 6 GHz as shown at 1.9, 4 and 39 GHz, and demonstrates the most sensitive experimental assessment of brain tissue exposure to millimeter-wave radiation to date, with a detection limit of 1 mW. We examine the beam penetration, absorption and thermal diffusion at representative 4G and 5G frequencies and show that the RF heating increases rapidly with frequency due to decreasing RF source wavelength and increasing power density with the same incident power and exposure time. We also show the temperature effects of continuous wave, rapid pulse sequences and single pulses with varying pulse duration, and we employ electromagnetic modeling to map the field distributions in the tissue. Finally, using this new methodology, we measure the thermal diffusivity of ex vivo bovine brain tissue experimentally

    Design of a fully automated robotic spot-welding line

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    The mixed model assembly line design problem includes allocating operations to the stations in the robotic cell and satisfying the demand and cycle time within a desired interval for each model to be produced. We also ensure that assignability, precedence and tool life constraints are met. Each pair of spot welding tools can process a certain number of welds and must be replaced at the end of tool life. Tool replacement decisions not only affect the tooling cost, but also the production rate. Therefore, we determine the number of stations and allocate the operations into the stations in such a way that tool change periods coincide with the unavailability periods to eliminate tool change related line stoppages in a mixed model fully automated robotic assembly line. We provide a mathematical formulation of the problem, and propose a heuristic algorithm

    Scheduling in robotic cells: Process flexibility and cell layout

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    The focus of this study is the identical parts robotic cell scheduling problem with m machines under the assumption of process and operational flexibility. A direct consequence of this assumption is a new robot move cycle that has been overlooked in the existing literature. We prove that this new cycle dominates all classical robot move cycles considered in the literature for m = 2. We also prove that changing the layout from an in-line robotic cell to a robot-centered cell reduces the cycle time of the proposed cycle even further, whereas the cycle times of all other cycles remain the same. For the m-machine case, we find the regions where the proposed cycle dominates the classical robot move cycles, and for the remaining regions present its worst case performance with respect to classical robot move cycles. Considering the number of machines as a decision variable, we also find the optimal number of machines that minimizes the cycle time of the proposed cycle

    Scheduling in a three-machine flexible robotic cell

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    In this study, a three-machine flexible robotic manufacturing cell in which the CNC machines are used is considered. These machines are highly flexible and are capable of performing several different operations. Each machine is assumed to be capable of performing all of the required operations of each part. As a consequence of this assumption, a new class of cycles is defined and three simple and widely used cycles among this class is proposed. The regions of optimality for these cycles as well as the worst case performances are derived. Copyright © 2006 IFAC

    Cyclic scheduling of a 2-machine robotic cell with tooling constraints

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    In this study, we deal with the robotic cell scheduling problem with two machines and identical parts. In an ideal FMS, CNC machines are capable of performing all the required operations as long as the required tools are stored in their tool magazines. However, this assumption may be unrealistic at times since the tool magazines have limited capacity and in many practical instances the required number of tools exceeds this capacity. In this respect, our study assumes that some operations can only be processed on the first machine while some others can only be processed on the second machine due to tooling constraints. Remaining operations can be processed on either machine. The problem is to find the allocation of the remaining operations to the machines and the optimal robot move cycle that jointly minimize the cycle time. We prove that the optimal solution is either a 1-unit or a 2-unit robot move cycle and we present the regions of optimality. Finally, a sensitivity analysis on the results is conducted. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Bicriteria robotic operation allocation in a flexible manufacturing cell

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    Consider a manufacturing cell of two identical CNC machines and a material handling robot. Identical parts requesting the completion of a number of operations are to be produced in a cyclic scheduling environment through a flow shop type setting. The existing studies in the literature overlook the flexibility of the CNC machines by assuming that both the allocation of the operations to the machines as well as their respective processing times are fixed. Consequently, the provided results may be either suboptimal or valid under unnecessarily limiting assumptions for a flexible manufacturing cell. The allocations of the operations to the two machines and the processing time of an operation on a machine can be changed by altering the machining conditions of that machine such as the speed and the feed rate in a CNC turning machine. Such flexibilities constitute the point of origin of the current study. The allocation of the operations to the machines and the machining conditions of the machines affect the processing times which, in turn, affect the cycle time. On the other hand, the machining conditions also affect the manufacturing cost. This study is the first to consider a bicriteria model which determines the allocation of the operations to the machines, the processing times of the operations on the machines, and the robot move sequence that jointly minimize the cycle time and the total manufacturing cost. We provide algorithms for the two 1-unit cycles and test their efficiency in terms of the solution quality and the computation time by a wide range of experiments on varying design parameters. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
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