756 research outputs found
Adhesion and invasion of bovine endothelial cells by Neospora caninum
Neospora caninum is a recently identified coccidian parasite which was, until 1988, misdiagnosed as Toxoplasma gondii. It causes paralysis and death in dogs and neonatal mortality and abortion in cattle, sheep, goats and horses. The life-cycle of Neospora has not yet been elucidated. The only two stages identified so far are tissue cysts and intracellularly dividing tachyzoites. Very little is known about the biology of this species. We have set up a fluorescence-based adhesion/invasion assay in order to investigate the interaction of N. caninum tachyzoites with bovine aorta endothelial (BAE) cells in vitro. Treatment of both host cells and parasites with metabolic inhibitors determined the metabolic requirements for adhesion and invasion. Chemical and enzymatic modifications of parasite and endothelial cell surfaces were used in order to obtain information on the nature of cell surface components responsible for the interaction between parasite and host. Electron microscopical investigations defined the ultrastructural characteristics of the adhesion and invasion process, and provided information on the intracellular development of the parasite
Coprological study on intestinal helminths in Swiss dogs: temporal aspects of anthelminthic treatment
Coproscopic examination of 505 dogs originating from the western or central part of Switzerland revealed the presence (prevalence data) of the following helminthes: Toxocara canis (7.1%), hookworms (6.9%), Trichuris vulpis (5.5%), Toxascaris leonina (1.3%), Taeniidae (1.3%), Capillaria spp. (0.8%), and Diphyllobothrium latum (0.4%). Potential risk factors for infection were identified by a questionnaire: dogs from rural areas significantly more often had hookworms and taeniid eggs in their feces when compared to urban family dogs. Access to small rodents, offal, and carrion was identified as risk factor for hookworm and Taeniidae, while feeding of fresh and uncooked meat did not result in higher prevalences for these helminths. A group of 111 dogs was treated every 3months with a combined medication of pyrantel embonate, praziquantel, and febantel, and fecal samples were collected for coproscopy in monthly intervals. Despite treatment, the yearly incidence of T. canis was 32%, while hookworms, T. vulpis, Capillaria spp., and Taeniidae reached incidences ranging from 11 to 22%. Fifty-seven percent of the 111 dogs had helminth eggs in their feces at least once during the 1-year study period. This finding implicates that an infection risk with potential zoonotic pathogens cannot be ruled out for the dog owner despite regular deworming four times a yea
Genetic diversity of bovine Neospora caninum determined by microsatellite markers
Neospora caninum is one of the most significant parasitic organisms causing bovine abortion worldwide. Despite the economic impact of this infection, relatively little is known about the genetic diversity of this parasite. In this study, using Nc5 and ITS1 nested PCR, N. caninum has been detected in 12 brain samples of aborted fetuses from 298 seropositive dairy cattle collected from four different regions in Tehran, Iran. These specimen (Nc-Iran) were genotyped in multilocus using 9 different microsatellite markers previously described (MS4, MS5, MS6A, MS6B, MS7, MS8, MS10, MS12 and MS21). Microsatellite amplification was completely feasible in 2 samples, semi-completely in 8 samples, and failed in 2 samples. Within the two completely performed allelic profiles of Nc-Iran strains, unique multilocus profiles were obtained for both and novel allelic patterns were found in the MS8 and MS10 microsatellite markers. The Jaccard's similarity index showed significant difference between these two strains and from other standard isolates derived from GenBank such as Nc-Liv, Nc-SweB1, Nc-GER1, KBA1, and KBA2. All samples originating from the same area showed identical allelic numbers and a correlation between the number of repeats and geographic districts was observed
Разработка технологии изготовления детали «Крышка»
Выпускная квалификационная работа является подтверждением квалификации по направлению 15.03.01 "Технология, оборудование и автоматизация машиностроительных производств". Данная работа включает в себя разработку технологического процесса изготовления детали "Крышка" и содержит: чертеж и технологичность детали; способ получения заготовки; расчет припусков; разработку технологического процесса детали, размерный анализ; выбор и расчет режимов резания; расчёт и проектирование специального приспособления для операции сверления; расчёт времени на обработку детали для каждой операции, оценку коммерческой ценности разработки, решение вопросов производственной безопасности и охраны окружающей среды. Приложение содержит чертежи и спецификацию.The final qualifying work is a confirmation of qualifications in the direction 15.03.01 "Technology, equipment and automation of machine-building industries." This work includes the development of a technological process for the manufacture of the "Cover" part and contains: drawing and manufacturability of the part; method of obtaining a workpiece; calculation of allowances; development of the technological process of the part, dimensional analysis; selection and calculation of cutting conditions; calculation and design of a special device for a drilling operation; calculating the time for processing a part for each operation, assessing the commercial value of the development, resolving issues of industrial safety and environmental protection. Attachment assembly comprises the drawings an
Morfološka varijabilnost, rasprostranjenost i ugroženost ogulinske špiljske spužve Eunapius subterraneus Sket & Velikonja, 1984 (Demospongiae, Spongillidae)
The distribution and morphological variability of the troglobiotic freshwater sponge Eunapius subterraneus Sket & Velikonja, 1984 registered in Croatia as a threatened species in the IUCN category Endangered (EN) was investigated. The research area encompassed Velika and Mala Kapela Mountains as well as the upper catchment area of the Dobra and Mrežnica rivers on the NE side of Velika and Mala Kapela Mountains, mostly in the Ogulin–Plaški karst plateau. The species was registered in six localities, three previously known from the literature and three constituting new records: Mandelaja pit and the caves Crnačka špilja and Izvor špilja Gojak. For subspecies identification the morphology and dimensions of megascleres and gemmuloscleres of the collected samples were analyzed. Significant differences among sponge populations were indicated by one-way ANOVA (p < 0.001) in width and length of megascleres. The subspecies E. s. mollisparspanis Sket & Velikonja, 1984 was found only at its type locality, in the cave Rudnica špilja VI. The preliminary variability of other populations after discriminant function analysis of measured morphometric parameters such as the width and length of mega- and gemmulo-scleres indicates four groups, but it was not possible to separate them clearly in all cases. Subterranean sponges were not found in two localities known from the past, the Đula – Medvedica cave system and the cave Špilja u kamenolomu Tounj, both under great pressure of groundwater habitat changes because of water pollution, river direction changes and habitat destruction.Istraživana je rasprostranjenost i morfološka varijabilnost ogulinske špiljske spužve Eunapius subterraneus Sket & Velikonja, 1984, koja je prema kriterijima IUCN registrirana kao ugrožena vrsta. Područje istraživanja obuhvaća Veliku i Malu Kapelu te ogulinsko-plaščansku zavalu, odnosno gornje slivno područje rijeka Dobre i Zagorske Mrežnice na sjeveroistočnoj strani Male i Velike Kapele. Vrsta je zabilježena na šest lokaliteta, od kojih su tri nova: Mandelaja, Crnačka špilja i Izvor špilja Gojak. Za determinaciju podvrsta korištena su sljedeća morfološka obilježja: veličina i oblik gemosklera i megasklera. Značajne razlike između populacija pokazala je jednosmjerna analiza varijance širine i dužine megasklera. Podvrsta E. s. mollisparspanis je utvrđena samo na tipskom lokalitetu, u špilji Rudnica VI. Diskriminantna analiza mjerenih morfoloških parametara koji su uključivali dužinu i širinu mega- i gemosklera prikazala je odnose među populacijama svrstavajući ih u četiri grupe, ali ih nije potpuno razdvojila. Podzemne populacije spužvi nisu ponovno pronađene u špiljskom sustavu Đula-Medvedica i Špilji u kamenolomu Tounj. Ti su lokaliteti ugroženi zbog zagađenja vode, hidrotehničkih zahvata i devastacije uzrokovane radom kamenoloma
Post-surgical follow-up (by ELISA and immunoblotting) of cured versus non-cured cystic echinococcosis in young patients
The study was designed to determine comparatively the prognostic value of immunoblotting and ELISA in the serological follow-up of young cystic echinococcosis (CE) patients exhibiting either a cured or a progredient (non-cured) course of disease after treatment. A total of 54 patients (mean age 9 years, range from 3 to 15 years) with surgically, radiologically and/or histologically proven CE were studied for a period up to 60 months after surgery. Additionally, some of the patients underwent chemotherapy. Based on the clinical course and outcome, as well as on imaging findings, patients were clustered into 2 groups of either cured (CCE), or non-cured (NCCE) CE patients. ELISA showed a high rate of seropositivity 4 to 5 years post-surgery for both CCE (57·1%) and NCCE (100%) patients, the difference found between the two groups was statistically not significant. Immunoblotting based upon recognition of AgB subcomponents (8 and 16kDa bands) showed a decrease of respective antibody reactivities after 4 years post-surgery. Only sera from 14·3% of CCE patients recognized the subcomponents of AgB after 4 years, while none (0%) of these sera was still reactive at 5 years post-surgery. At variance, immunoblotting remained positive for AgB subcomponents in 100% of the NCCE cases as tested between 4 and 5 years after surgical treatment. Immunoblotting therefore proved to be a useful approach for monitoring post-surgical follow-ups of human CCE and NCCE in young patients when based upon the recognition of AgB subcomponent
Стратегическая финансовая модель компании на примере ОАО НК «РуссНефть»
Данная дипломная работа освещает стратегическую финансовую модель компании ОАО НК «РуссНефть». Целью работы является оценка финансовой стратегии компании ОАО НК «РуссНефть».
Решение этой задачи осуществлялось на основании имеющихся фактических материалов и проведенного анализа финансово- хозяйственной деятельности данного предприятия. Проведенные в работе расчеты позволили разработать финансовую модель и дать рекомендации по ее внедрению в ОАО НК «РуссНефть».This thesis highlights the strategic financial model of the company OAO NK "RussNeft". The aim is to estimate the financial strategy of the company OAO NK "RussNeft". This task was carried out on the basis of available empirical data and analysis of financial and economic activity of the enterprise. Conducted in the calculations made it possible to develop a financial model and make recommendations for its implementation at OAO NK "RussNeft"
Совершенствование деятельности организации на основе Lean-технологий
Выпускная квалификационная работа содержит 87 страниц, 12 рисунков, 20 таблиц, 22 использованных источников.
Ключевые слова: Lean, бережливое производство, потери, совершенствование и ценность.
Объектом исследования является строительная организация ОАО 슫ТДСК슻.
Цель работы является исследование концепции 슫бережливого производства슻, как эффективный подход к совершенствованию организации.
Введение раскрывает актуальность, цель исследования, раскрывает теоретическую и практическую значимость работы.
Бакалаврская работа выполнена в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Word 2013 на белой бумаге формата А4.
Практическая значимость исследования состоит в возможности применения Lean–технологий в производственный процесс ОАО 슫ТДСК슻.
Область применения: производство многопустотных плит перекрытий.Final qualification work contains 87 pages, 12 drawings, 20 tables, 22 used sources.
Keywords: Lean, economical production, losses, enhancement and value.
Object of research is the construction organization JSC TDSK.
The purpose of work is research of the concept of "economical production" as effective approach to enhancement of the organization.
Introduction discloses relevance, a research purpose, discloses the theoretical and practical importance of work.
Baccalaureate work is performed in a text editor of Microsoft Word 2013 on white paper of the A4 format.
The practical importance of research consists in a possibility of application of Lean-technologies in production process of JSC TDSK.
Scope: production of multihollow plates of overlappings
Picosecond time-resolved fluorescence of phycobiliproteins
The α- and β-subunits of C-phycocyanin from Mastigocladus laminosus were prepared according to revised procedures. Both subunits are isolated as dimers, which can be dissociated into monomers with detergent mixtures. The fluorescence decay kinetics are similar for the respective monomers and dimers. In no case could they be fitted by only one (α-subunit) or two exponentials (β-subunit) which are predicted by theory for samples with a unique chromophore—protein arrangement containing one and two chromophores, respectively. It is suggested that there exists a heterogeneity among the chromophores of the subunits, which may persist in the highly aggregated complexes present in cyanobacterial antennas
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