1,605 research outputs found

    Superadiabatic transitions in quantum molecular dynamics

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    We study the dynamics of a molecule’s nuclear wave function near an avoided crossing of two electronic energy levels for one nuclear degree of freedom. We derive the general form of the Schrödinger equation in the nth superadiabatic representation for all n є N. Using these results, we obtain closed formulas for the time development of the component of the wave function in an initially unoccupied energy subspace when a wave packet travels through the transition region. In the optimal superadiabatic representation, which we define, this component builds up monotonically. Finally, we give an explicit formula for the transition wave function away from the avoided crossing, which is in excellent agreement with high-precision numerical calculations

    Kappa-deformed Statistics and the Formation of a Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    The effect of the non-extensive form of statistical mechanics proposed by Tsallis on the formation of a quark-gluon plasma (QGP) has been recently investigated in ref. \cite{1}. The results show that for small deviations (≈10\approx 10%) from Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) statistics in the QGP phase, the critical temperature for the formation of a QGP does not change substantially for a large variation of the chemical potential. In the present effort we use the extensive Îș\kappa-deformed statistical mechanics constructed by Kaniadakis to represent the constituents of the QGP and compare the results with ref. [1].Comment: 2 Figure

    The thermodynamics for a hadronic gas of fireballs with internal color structures and chiral fields

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    The thermodynamical partition function for a gas of color-singlet bags consisting of fundamental and adjoint particles in both U(Nc)U(N_c) and SU(Nc)SU(N_c) group representations is reviewed in detail. The constituent particle species are assumed to satisfy various thermodynamical statistics. The gas of bags is probed to study the phase transition for a nuclear matter in the extreme conditions. These bags are interpreted as the Hagedorn states and they are the highly excited hadronic states which are produced below the phase transition point to the quark-gluon plasma. The hadronic density of states has the Gross-Witten critical point and exhibits a third order phase transition from a hadronic phase dominated by the discrete low-lying hadronic mass spectrum particles to another hadronic phase dominated by the continuous Hagedorn states. The Hagedorn threshold production is found just above the highest known experimental discrete low-lying hadronic mass spectrum. The subsequent Hagedorn phase undergoes a first order deconfinement phase transition to an explosive quark-gluon plasma. The role of the chiral phase transition in the phases of the discrete low-lying mass spectrum and the continuous Hagedorn mass spectrum is also considered. It is found crucial in the phase transition diagram. Alternate scenarios are briefly discussed for the Hagedorn gas undergoes a higher order phase transition through multi-processes of internal color-flavor structure modification.Comment: 110 pages and 13 figures. Added references to the introductio

    Semiclassical (QFT) and Quantum (String) Rotating Black Holes and their Evaporation: New Results

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    Combination of both quantum field theory (QFT) and string theory in curved backgrounds in a consistent framework, the string analogue model, allows us to provide a full picture of the Kerr-Newman black hole and its evaporation going beyond the current picture. We compute the quantum emission cross section of strings by a Kerr-Newmann black hole (KNbh). It shows the black hole emission at the Hawking temperature T_{sem} in the early evaporation and the new string emission featuring a Hagedorn transition into a string state of temperature T_ s at the last stages. New bounds on the angular momentum J and charge Q emerge in the quantum string regime. The last state of evaporation of a semiclassical KNbh is a string state of temperature T_s, mass M_s, J = 0 = Q, decaying as a quantum string into all kinds of particles.(There is naturally, no loss of information, (no paradox at all)). We compute the microscopic string entropy S_s(m, j) of mass m and spin mode j. (Besides the usual transition at T_s), we find for high j, (extremal string states) a new phase transition at a temperature T_{sj} higher than T_s. We find a new formula for the Kerr black hole entropy S_{sem}, as a function of the usual Bekenstein-Hawking entropy . For high angular momentum, (extremal J = GM^2/c), a gravitational phase transition operates and the whole entropy S_{sem} is drastically different from the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. This new extremal black hole transition occurs at a temperature T_{sem J} higher than the Hawking temperature T_{sem}.Comment: New articl

    High Sensitivity Torsion Balance Tests for LISA Proof Mass Modeling

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    We have built a highly sensitive torsion balance to investigate small forces between closely spaced gold coated surfaces. Such forces will occur between the LISA proof mass and its housing. These forces are not well understood and experimental investigations are imperative. We describe our torsion balance and present the noise of the system. A significant contribution to the LISA noise budget at low frequencies is the fluctuation in the surface potential difference between the proof mass and its housing. We present first results of these measurements with our apparatus.Comment: 6th International LISA Symposiu

    Particle Ratios as a Probe of the QCD Critical Temperature

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    We show how the measured particle ratios can be used to provide non-trivial information about the critical temperature of the QCD phase transition. This is obtained by including the effects of highly massive Hagedorn resonances on statistical models, which are used to describe hadronic yields. The inclusion of Hagedorn states creates a dependence of the thermal fits on the Hagedorn temperature, THT_H, which is assumed to be equal to TcT_c, and leads to an overall improvement of thermal fits. We find that for Au+Au collisions at RHIC at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV the best square fit measure, χ2\chi^2, occurs at Tc∌176T_c \sim 176 MeV and produces a chemical freeze-out temperature of 172.6 MeV and a baryon chemical potential of 39.7 MeV.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Interactions of multi-quark states in the chromodielectric model

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    We investigate 4-quark (qqqˉqˉqq\bar{q}\bar{q}) systems as well as multi-quark states with a large number of quarks and anti-quarks using the chromodielectric model. In the former type of systems the flux distribution and the corresponding energy of such systems for planar and non-planar geometries are studied. From the comparison to the case of two independent qqˉq\bar{q}-strings we deduce the interaction potential between two strings. We find an attraction between strings and a characteristic string flip if there are two degenerate string combinations between the four particles. The interaction shows no strong Van-der-Waals forces and the long range behavior of the potential is well described by a Yukawa potential, which might be confirmed in future lattice calculations. The multi-quark states develop an inhomogeneous porous structure even for particle densities large compared to nuclear matter constituent quark densities. We present first results of the dependence of the system on the particle density pointing towards a percolation type of transition from a hadronic matter phase to a quark matter phase. The critical energy density is found at Ï”c=1.2GeV/fm3\epsilon_c = 1.2 GeV/fm^3.Comment: 19 pages, 40 eps-figures, RevTex 4, v2: typos correcte

    Transverse Momentum Spectra of Pions in Particle and Nuclear Collisions and Some Ratio-Behaviours: Towards A Combinational Approach

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    The nature of transverse momentum dependence of the inclusive cross-sections for secondary pions produced in high energy hadronic(PPPP), hadronuclear(PAPA) and nuclear(AAAA) collisions has here been exhaustively investigated for a varied range of interactions in a unified way with the help of a master formula. This formula evolved from a new combination of the basic Hagedorn's model for particle(pion) production in PP scattering at ISR range of energies, a phenomenological approach proposed by Peitzmann for converting the results of NN(PP)NN(PP) reactions to those for either PAPA or AAAA collisions, and a specific form of parametrization for mass number-dependence of the nuclear cross sections. This grand combination of models(GCM) is then applied to analyse the assorted extensive data on various high energy collisions. The nature of qualitative agreement between measurements and calculations on both the inclusive cross-sections for production of pions, and some ratios of them as well, is quite satisfactory. The modest successes that we achieve here in dealing with the massive data-sets are somewhat encouraging in view of the diversity of the reactions and the very wide range of interaction energies.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figure

    Charge Management for Gravitational Wave Observatories using UV LEDs

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    Accumulation of electrical charge on the end mirrors of gravitational wave observatories, such as the space-based LISA mission and ground-based LIGO detectors, can become a source of noise limiting the sensitivity of such detectors through electronic couplings to nearby surfaces. Torsion balances provide an ideal means for testing gravitational wave technologies due to their high sensitivity to small forces. Our torsion pendulum apparatus consists of a movable Au-coated Cu plate brought near a Au-coated Si plate pendulum suspended from a non-conducting quartz fiber. A UV LED located near the pendulum photoejects electrons from the surface, and a UV LED driven electron gun directs photoelectrons towards the pendulum surface. We have demonstrated both charging and discharging of the pendulum with equivalent charging rates of ∌\sim105e/s10^5 e/\mathrm{s}, as well as spectral measurements of the pendulum charge resulting in a white noise level equivalent to 3×105e/Hz3\times10^5 e/\sqrt{Hz}.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to PR

    Non-Abelian Discrete Flavor Symmetries on Orbifolds

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    We study non-Abelian flavor symmetries on orbifolds, S1/Z2S^1/Z_2 and T2/Z3T^2/Z_3. Our extra dimensional models realize DND_N, Σ(2N2)\Sigma(2N^2), Δ(3N2)\Delta(3N^2) and Δ(6N2)\Delta(6N^2) including A4A_4 and S4S_4. In addition, one can also realize their subgroups such as QNQ_N, T7T_7, etc. The S3S_3 flavor symmetry can be realized on both S1/Z2S^1/Z_2 and T2/Z3T^2/Z_3 orbifolds.Comment: 16 page
