38 research outputs found

    Wegner bounds for a two-particle tight binding model

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    We consider a quantum two-particle system on a d-dimensional lattice with interaction and in presence of an IID external potential. We establish Wegner-typer estimates for such a model. The main tool used is Stollmann's lemma

    Simplicity of eigenvalues in the Anderson model

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    We give a simple, transparent, and intuitive proof that all eigenvalues of the Anderson model in the region of localization are simple

    The repulsion between localization centers in the Anderson model

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    In this note we show that, a simple combination of deep results in the theory of random Schr\"odinger operators yields a quantitative estimate of the fact that the localization centers become far apart, as corresponding energies are close together

    Multi-Particle Anderson Localisation: Induction on the Number of Particles

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    This paper is a follow-up of our recent papers \cite{CS08} and \cite{CS09} covering the two-particle Anderson model. Here we establish the phenomenon of Anderson localisation for a quantum NN-particle system on a lattice Zd\Z^d with short-range interaction and in presence of an IID external potential with sufficiently regular marginal cumulative distribution function (CDF). Our main method is an adaptation of the multi-scale analysis (MSA; cf. \cite{FS}, \cite{FMSS}, \cite{DK}) to multi-particle systems, in combination with an induction on the number of particles, as was proposed in our earlier manuscript \cite{CS07}. Similar results have been recently obtained in an independent work by Aizenman and Warzel \cite{AW08}: they proposed an extension of the Fractional-Moment Method (FMM) developed earlier for single-particle models in \cite{AM93} and \cite{ASFH01} (see also references therein) which is also combined with an induction on the number of particles. An important role in our proof is played by a variant of Stollmann's eigenvalue concentration bound (cf. \cite{St00}). This result, as was proved earlier in \cite{C08}, admits a straightforward extension covering the case of multi-particle systems with correlated external random potentials: a subject of our future work. We also stress that the scheme of our proof is \textit{not} specific to lattice systems, since our main method, the MSA, admits a continuous version. A proof of multi-particle Anderson localization in continuous interacting systems with various types of external random potentials will be published in a separate papers

    Quantum site percolation on amenable graphs

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    We consider the quantum site percolation model on graphs with an amenable group action. It consists of a random family of Hamiltonians. Basic spectral properties of these operators are derived: non-randomness of the spectrum and its components, existence of an self-averaging integrated density of states and an associated trace-formula.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX 2e, to appear in "Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing", Brijuni, June 23-27, 2003. by Kluwer publisher

    Localization Bounds for Multiparticle Systems

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    We consider the spectral and dynamical properties of quantum systems of nn particles on the lattice Zd\Z^d, of arbitrary dimension, with a Hamiltonian which in addition to the kinetic term includes a random potential with iid values at the lattice sites and a finite-range interaction. Two basic parameters of the model are the strength of the disorder and the strength of the interparticle interaction. It is established here that for all nn there are regimes of high disorder, and/or weak enough interactions, for which the system exhibits spectral and dynamical localization. The localization is expressed through bounds on the transition amplitudes, which are uniform in time and decay exponentially in the Hausdorff distance in the configuration space. The results are derived through the analysis of fractional moments of the nn-particle Green function, and related bounds on the eigenfunction correlators

    Localization criteria for Anderson models on locally finite graphs

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    We prove spectral and dynamical localization for Anderson models on locally finite graphs using the fractional moment method. Our theorems extend earlier results on localization for the Anderson model on \ZZ^d. We establish geometric assumptions for the underlying graph such that localization can be proven in the case of sufficiently large disorder

    Perturbative analysis of disordered Ising models close to criticality

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    We consider a two-dimensional Ising model with random i.i.d. nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic couplings and no external magnetic field. We show that, if the probability of supercritical couplings is small enough, the system admits a convergent cluster expansion with probability one. The associated polymers are defined on a sequence of increasing scales; in particular the convergence of the above expansion implies the infinite differentiability of the free energy but not its analyticity. The basic tools in the proof are a general theory of graded cluster expansions and a stochastic domination of the disorder

    Anderson localization for a class of models with a sign-indefinite single-site potential via fractional moment method

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    A technically convenient signature of Anderson localization is exponential decay of the fractional moments of the Green function within appropriate energy ranges. We consider a random Hamiltonian on a lattice whose randomness is generated by the sign-indefinite single-site potential, which is however sign-definite at the boundary of its support. For this class of Anderson operators we establish a finite-volume criterion which implies that above mentioned the fractional moment decay property holds. This constructive criterion is satisfied at typical perturbative regimes, e. g. at spectral boundaries which satisfy 'Lifshitz tail estimates' on the density of states and for sufficiently strong disorder. We also show how the fractional moment method facilitates the proof of exponential (spectral) localization for such random potentials.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure, to appear in AH

    Fractional moment bounds and disorder relevance for pinning models

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    We study the critical point of directed pinning/wetting models with quenched disorder. The distribution K(.) of the location of the first contact of the (free) polymer with the defect line is assumed to be of the form K(n)=n^{-\alpha-1}L(n), with L(.) slowly varying. The model undergoes a (de)-localization phase transition: the free energy (per unit length) is zero in the delocalized phase and positive in the localized phase. For \alpha<1/2 it is known that disorder is irrelevant: quenched and annealed critical points coincide for small disorder, as well as quenched and annealed critical exponents. The same has been proven also for \alpha=1/2, but under the assumption that L(.) diverges sufficiently fast at infinity, an hypothesis that is not satisfied in the (1+1)-dimensional wetting model considered by Forgacs et al. (1986) and Derrida et al. (1992), where L(.) is asymptotically constant. Here we prove that, if 1/21, then quenched and annealed critical points differ whenever disorder is present, and we give the scaling form of their difference for small disorder. In agreement with the so-called Harris criterion, disorder is therefore relevant in this case. In the marginal case \alpha=1/2, under the assumption that L(.) vanishes sufficiently fast at infinity, we prove that the difference between quenched and annealed critical points, which is known to be smaller than any power of the disorder strength, is positive: disorder is marginally relevant. Again, the case considered by Forgacs et al. (1986) and Derrida et al. (1992) is out of our analysis and remains open.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; v2: few typos corrected, references revised. To appear on Commun. Math. Phy