2,215 research outputs found

    Floodlight Quantum Key Distribution: A Practical Route to Gbps Secret-Key Rates

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    The channel loss incurred in long-distance transmission places a significant burden on quantum key distribution (QKD) systems: they must defeat a passive eavesdropper who detects all the light lost in the quantum channel and does so without disturbing the light that reaches the intended destination. The current QKD implementation with the highest long-distance secret-key rate meets this challenge by transmitting no more than one photon per bit [Opt. Express 21, 24550-24565 (2013)]. As a result, it cannot achieve the Gbps secret-key rate needed for one-time pad encryption of large data files unless an impractically large amount of multiplexing is employed. We introduce floodlight QKD (FL-QKD), which floods the quantum channel with a high number of photons per bit distributed over a much greater number of optical modes. FL-QKD offers security against the optimum frequency-domain collective attack by transmitting less than one photon per mode and using photon-coincidence channel monitoring, and it is completely immune to passive eavesdropping. More importantly, FL-QKD is capable of a 2 Gbps secret-key rate over a 50 km fiber link, without any multiplexing, using available equipment, i.e., no new technology need be developed. FL-QKD achieves this extraordinary secret-key rate by virtue of its unprecedented secret-key efficiency, in bits per channel use, which exceeds those of state-of-the-art systems by two orders of magnitude.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Using the GrassGro Decision Support Tool to Evaluate the Response in Grazing Systems to Pasture Legume or a Grass Cultivar With Improved Nutritive Value

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    Decision support tools (DST) based on models of grazing systems allow the evaluation of changes in enterprise management on productivity and profitability. The Grassgro DST (Moore et al., 1997) uses historical weather data on a daily time step to simulate pasture growth and the resultant productivity of either grazing sheep or cattle. Different pasture species are represented within a parameter set that describes the response of pasture species to their environment. Manipulation of these parameters provides a means of evaluating, a priori, the likely responses of livestock production to ‘improved cultivars’. We report the results of simulations conducted within grazing enterprises at three locations in southern Australia: a breeding ewe enterprise at Benalla; a wool-producing enterprise at Hamilton; and a beef breeding enterprise at Corryong

    Using Cuticular Wax Alkanes and Computer Simulation to Estimate Diet Selection, Herbage Intake and Nutrient Cycling in Grazing Sheep

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    In grazing ewes, plant cuticular wax alkanes were used as markers to estimate diet selection, herbage intake, N intake and N excretion in faeces. Pasture and animal data were then used as inputs to the decision-support system GrazFeed, which simulates grazing and digestion to predict herbage intake, N intake and N excretion. Estimated and predicted intakes agreed closely, especially for N intake, and it is concluded that, subject to further investigation of the possibility that GrazFeed slightly under-estimated faecal N excretion, the close agreement between estimated and predicted OM and N intakes suggests that this combined use of alkane methods and simulation could provide a simple means of estimating the urinary return of N or other nutrients to pasture

    Failure mechanisms of graphene under tension

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    Recent experiments established pure graphene as the strongest material known to mankind, further invigorating the question of how graphene fails. Using density functional theory, we reveal the mechanisms of mechanical failure of pure graphene under a generic state of tension. One failure mechanism is a novel soft-mode phonon instability of the K1K_1-mode, whereby the graphene sheet undergoes a phase transition and is driven towards isolated benzene rings resulting in a reduction of strength. The other is the usual elastic instability corresponding to a maximum in the stress-strain curve. Our results indicate that finite wave vector soft modes can be the key factor in limiting the strength of monolayer materials