19,824 research outputs found

    Dark matter halo response to the disk growth

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    We consider the sensitivity of the circular-orbit adiabatic contraction approximation to the baryon condensation rate and the orbital structure of dark matter halos in the Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm. Using one-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations including the dark matter halo mass accretion history and gas cooling, we demonstrate that the adiabatic approximation is approximately valid even though halos and disks may assemble simultaneously. We further demonstrate the validity of the simple approximation for Λ\LambdaCDM halos with isotropic velocity distributions using three-dimensional N-body simulations. This result is easily understood: an isotropic velocity distribution in a cuspy halo requires more circular orbits than radial orbits. Conversely, the approximation is poor in the extreme case of a radial orbit halo. It overestimates the response a core dark matter halo, where radial orbit fraction is larger. Because no astronomically relevant models are dominated by low-angular momentum orbits in the vicinity of the disk and the growth time scale is never shorter than a dynamical time, we conclude that the adiabatic contraction approximation is useful in modeling the response of dark matter halos to the growth of a disk.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Prospects for a mHz-linewidth laser

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    We propose a new light source based on having alkaline-earth atoms in an optical lattice collectively emit photons on an ultra-narrow clock transition into the mode of a high Q-resonator. The resultant optical radiation has an extremely narrow linewidth in the mHz range, even smaller than that of the clock transition itself due to collective effects. A power level of order 1012W10^{-12}W is possible, sufficient for phase-locking a slave optical local oscillator. Realizing this light source has the potential to improve the stability of the best clocks by two orders of magnitude.Comment: minor revisions + shortening; factor 2 algebra mistake correcte

    Diffusion-limited loop formation of semiflexible polymers: Kramers theory and the intertwined time scales of chain relaxation and closing

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    We show that Kramers rate theory gives a straightforward, accurate estimate of the closing time τc\tau_c of a semiflexible polymer that is valid in cases of physical interest. The calculation also reveals how the time scales of chain relaxation and closing are intertwined, illuminating an apparent conflict between two ways of calculating τc\tau_c in the flexible limit.Comment: Europhys. Lett., 2003 (in press). 8 pages, 3 figures. See also, physics/0101087 for physicist's approach to and the importance of semiflexible polymer looping, in DNA replicatio

    Neutron-Diffraction Measurements of an Antiferromagnetic Semiconducting Phase in the Vicinity of the High-Temperature Superconducting State of Kx_xFe2y_{2-y}Se2_2

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    The recently discovered K-Fe-Se high temperature superconductor has caused heated debate regarding the nature of its parent compound. Transport, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, and STM measurements have suggested that its parent compound could be insulating, semiconducting or even metallic [M. H. Fang, H.-D. Wang, C.-H. Dong, Z.-J. Li, C.-M. Feng, J. Chen, and H. Q. Yuan, Europhys. Lett. 94, 27009 (2011); F. Chen et al. Phys. Rev. X 1, 021020 (2011); and W. Li et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 057003 (2012)]. Because the magnetic ground states associated with these different phases have not yet been identified and the relationship between magnetism and superconductivity is not fully understood, the real parent compound of this system remains elusive. Here, we report neutron-diffraction experiments that reveal a semiconducting antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase with rhombus iron vacancy order. The magnetic order of the semiconducting phase is the same as the stripe AFM order of the iron pnictide parent compounds. Moreover, while the root5*root5 block AFM phase coexists with superconductivity, the stripe AFM order is suppressed by it. This leads us to conjecture that the new semiconducting magnetic ordered phase is the true parent phase of this superconductor.Comment: 1 table, 4 figures,5 page

    Finite-volume Hamiltonian method for coupled channel interactions in lattice QCD

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    Within a multi-channel formulation of ππ\pi\pi scattering, we investigate the use of the finite-volume Hamiltonian approach to resolve scattering observables from lattice QCD spectra. The asymptotic matching of the well-known L\"uscher formalism encodes a unique finite-volume spectrum. Nevertheless, in many practical situations, such as coupled-channel systems, it is advantageous to interpolate isolated lattice spectra in order to extract physical scattering parameters. Here we study the use of the Hamiltonian framework as a parameterisation that can be fit directly to lattice spectra. We find that with a modest amount of lattice data, the scattering parameters can be reproduced rather well, with only a minor degree of model dependence.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figure

    The WISE AGN Catalog

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    We present two large catalogs of AGN candidates identified across ~75% of the sky from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer's AllWISE Data Release. Both catalogs, some of the largest such catalogs published to date, are selected purely on the basis of mid-IR photometry in the WISE W1 and W2 bands. The catalogs are designed to be appropriate for a broad range of scientific investigations, with one catalog emphasizing reliability while the other emphasizes completeness. Specifically, the R90 catalog consists of 4,543,530 AGN candidates with 90% reliability, while the C75 catalog consists of 20,907,127 AGN candidates with 75% completeness. We provide a detailed discussion of potential artifacts, and excise portions of the sky close to the Galactic Center, Galactic Plane, nearby galaxies, and other expected contaminating sources. Our final catalogs cover 30,093 deg^2 of extragalactic sky. These catalogs are expected to enable a broad range of science, and we present a few simple illustrative cases. From the R90 sample we identify 45 highly variable AGN lacking radio counterparts in the FIRST survey, implying they are unlikely to be blazars. One of these sources, WISEA J142846.71+172353.1, is a mid-IR-identified changing-look quasar at z=0.104. We characterize our catalogs by comparing them to large, wide-area AGN catalogs in the literature, specifically UV-to-near-IR quasar selections from SDSS and XDQSOz, mid-IR selection from Secrest et al. (2015) and X-ray selection from ROSAT. From the latter work, we identify four ROSAT X-ray sources that each are matched to three WISE-selected AGN in the R90 sample within 30". Palomar spectroscopy reveals one of these systems, 2RXS J150158.6+691029, to consist of a triplet of quasars at z=1.133 +/- 0.004, suggestive of a rich group or forming galaxy cluster.(Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplements. Updated with comments from the referee. 20 pages, 15 figures, 8 tables. The WISE AGN Catalogs can be made available upon request by writing to [email protected]

    Current and fluctuation in a two-state stochastic system under non-adiabatic periodic perturbation

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    We calculate a current and its fluctuation in a two-state stochastic system under a periodic perturbation. The system could be interpreted as a channel on a cell surface or a single Michaelis-Menten catalyzing enzyme. It has been shown that the periodic perturbation induces so-called pump current, and the pump current and its fluctuation are calculated with the aid of the geometrical phase interpretation. We give a simple calculation recipe for the statistics of the current, especially in a non-adiabatic case. The calculation scheme is based on the non-adiabatic geometrical phase interpretation. Using the Floquet theory, the total current and its fluctuation are calculated, and it is revealed that the average of the current shows a stochastic-resonance-like behavior. In contrast, the fluctuation of the current does not show such behavior.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Narrow Line Cooling: Finite Photon Recoil Dynamics

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    We present an extensive study of the unique thermal and mechanical dynamics for narrow-line cooling on the 1S0 - 3P1 88Sr transition. For negative detuning, trap dynamics reveal a transition from the semiclassical regime to the photon-recoil-dominated quantum regime, yielding an absolute minima in the equilibrium temperature below the single-photon recoil limit. For positive detuning, the cloud divides into discrete momentum packets whose alignment mimics lattice points on a face-centered-cubic crystal. This novel behavior arises from velocity selection and "positive feedback" acceleration due to a finite number of photon recoils. Cooling is achieved with blue-detuned light around a velocity where gravity balances the radiative force.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Distribution of equilibrium free energies in a thermodynamic system with broken ergodicity

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    At low temperatures the configurational phase space of a macroscopic complex system (e.g., a spin-glass) of N1023N\sim 10^{23} interacting particles may split into an exponential number Ωsexp(const×N)\Omega_s \sim \exp({\rm const} \times N) of ergodic sub-spaces (thermodynamic states). Previous theoretical studies assumed that the equilibrium collective behavior of such a system is determined by its ground thermodynamic states of the minimal free-energy density, and that the equilibrium free energies follow the distribution of exponential decay. Here we show that these assumptions are not necessarily valid. For some complex systems, the equilibrium free-energy values may follow a Gaussian distribution within an intermediate temperature range, and consequently their equilibrium properties are contributed by {\em excited} thermodynamic states. This work will help improving our understanding of the equilibrium statistical mechanics of spin-glasses and other complex systems.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure