2,354 research outputs found

    Gut microbiota, metabolism and psychopathology:A critical review and novel perspectives

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    Psychiatric disorders are often associated with metabolic comorbidities. However, the mechanisms through which metabolic and psychiatric disorders are connected remain unclear. Pre-clinical studies in rodents indicate that the bidirectional signaling between the intestine and the brain, the so-called microbiome-gut-brain axis, plays an important role in the regulation of both metabolism and behavior. The gut microbiome produces a vast number of metabolites that may be transported into the host and play a part in homeostatic control of metabolism as well as brain function. In addition to short chain fatty acids, many of these metabolites have been identified in recent years. To what extent both microbiota and their products control human metabolism and behavior is a subject of intense investigation. In this review, we will discuss the most recent findings concerning alterations in the gut microbiota as a possible pathophysiological factor for the co-occurrence of metabolic comorbidities in psychiatric disorders

    Z-scores of fetal bladder distention for the antenatal differential diagnosis of posterior urethral valves and urethral atresia

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    Objective: To construct reference values for fetal urinary bladder distension in pregnancy and use Z-scores as a diagnostic tool to differentiate posterior urethral valves (PUV) from urethral atresia (UA). Methods: This was a prospective cross-sectional study in healthy singleton pregnancies aimed at constructing nomograms of fetal urinary bladder diameter and volume between 15 and 35 weeks' gestation. Z-scores of longitudinal bladder diameter (LBD) were calculated and validated in a cohort of fetuses with megacystis with ascertained postnatal or postmortem diagnosis, collected from a retrospective, multicenter study. Correlations between anatomopathological findings, based on medical examination of the infant or postmortem examination, and fetal megacystis were established. The accuracy of the Z-scores was evaluated by receiver-operating-characteristics (ROC)-curve analysis. Results: Nomograms of fetal urinary bladder diameter and volume were produced from three-dimensional ultrasound volumes in 225 pregnant women between 15 and 35 weeks of gestation. A total of 1238 urinary bladder measurements were obtained. Z-scores, derived from the fetal nomograms, were calculated in 106 cases with suspected lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO), including 76 (72%) cases with PUV, 22 (21%) cases with UA, four (4%) cases with urethral stenosis and four (4%) cases with megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome. Fetuses with PUV showed a significantly lower LBD Z-score compared to those with UA (3.95 vs 8.83, P < 0.01). On ROC-curve analysis, we identified 5.2 as the optimal Z-score cut-off to differentiate fetuses with PUV from the rest of the study population (area under the curve, 0.84 (95% CI, 0.748–0.936); P < 0.01; sensitivity, 74%; specificity, 86%). Conclusions: Z-scores of LBD can distinguish reliably fetuses with LUTO caused by PUV from those with other subtypes of LUTO, with an optimal cut-off of 5.2. This information should be useful for prenatal counseling and management of LUTO

    The influence of the da Vinci surgical robot on electromagnetic tracking in a clinical environment

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    Robot-assisted surgery is increasingly used in surgery for cancer. Reduced overview and loss of anatomical orientation are challenges that might be solved with image-guided surgical navigation using electromagnetic tracking (EMT). However, the robot’s presence may distort the electromagnetic field, affecting EMT accuracy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the robot’s influence on EMT accuracy. For this purpose, two different electromagnetic field generators were used inside a clinical surgical environment: a table top field generator (TTFG) and a planar field generator (PFG). The position and orientation of sensors within the electromagnetic field were measured using an accurate in-house developed 3D board. Baseline accuracy was measured without the robot, followed by stepwise introduction of potential distortion sources (robot and robotic instruments). The absolute accuracy was determined within the entire 3D board and in the clinical working volume. For the baseline setup, median errors in the entire tracking volume within the 3D board were 0.9 mm and 0.3° (TTFG), and 1.1 mm and 0.4° (PFG). Adding the robot and instruments did not affect the TTFG’s position accuracy (p = 0.60), while the PFG’s accuracies decreased to 1.5 mm and 0.7° (p &lt; 0.001). For both field generators, when adding robot and instruments, accuracies inside the clinical working volume were higher compared to the entire tracking 3D board volume, 0.7 mm and 0.3° (TTFG), and 1.1 mm and 0.7° (PFG). Introduction of a surgical robot and robotic instruments shows limited distortion of the EMT field, allowing sufficient accuracy for surgical navigation in robotic procedures.</p

    Carboplatin- and cisplatin-induced potentiation of moderate-dose radiation cytotoxicity in human lung cancer cell lines.

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    The interaction between moderate-dose radiation and cisplatin or carboplatin was studied in a cisplatin-sensitive (GLC4) and -resistant (GLC4-CDDP) human small-cell lung cancer cell line. Cellular toxicity was analysed under oxic conditions with the microculture tetrazolium assay. For the platinum and radiation toxicity with the clinically relevant dose ranges applied, this assay was used to obtain information on cell survival after the treatments. Apart from effects on cell survival effects on DNA were also investigated. Configurational DNA changes could be induced by platinum drugs and thereby these drugs might change the frequency of DNA double-strand breaks (dsbs). DNA fragmentation assayed with the clamped homogeneous electric field (CHEF) technique was used as a measure for dsbs in DNA. The radiosensitising effect of the platinum drugs was expressed as enhancement ratio (ER) calculated directly from survival levels of the initial slope of the curve. The highest ER for cisplatin in GLC4 was 1.39 and in GLC4-CDDP 1.38. These were all at 75% cell survival. Carboplatin showed increased enhancement with prolonged incubation up to 1.21 in GLC4 and was equally effective as cisplatin in GLC4-CDDP. According to isobologram analysis, prolonged incubation with both platinum drugs showed at least additivity with radiation for both cell lines at clinically achievable doses. GLC4-CDDP showed cross-resistance to radiation. The radiosensitising capacity of both lung cancer cell lines was not dependent on their platinum sensitivity. The formation of dsbs in DNA directly after radiation was not influenced by pretreatment of either drug in the sensitive or in the resistant cell line. Drug treatment resulted in decreased DNA extractability in control as well as in irradiated cells. Modest enhancement ratio for radiosensitisation by platinum drugs cannot be explained on the level of dsb formation in DNA in both cell lines. Interaction of radiation with the clinically less toxic carboplatin can be improved by prolonged low-dose carboplatin exposure before irradiation and is as potent as cisplatin in the resistant lung cancer cell line. This suggests an advantage in combining radiation and carboplatin in lung cancer patients

    An outbreak of West Nile fever among migrants in Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo.

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    In February 1998, an outbreak of acute febrile illness was reported from the Kapalata military camp in Kisangani, the Democratic Republic of Congo. The illness was characterized by an acute onset of fever associated with severe headache, arthralgia, backache, neurologic signs, abdominal pain, and coughing. In 1 individual, hemorrhagic manifestations were observed. The neurologic signs included an altered level of consciousness, convulsions, and coma. Malaria was initially suspected, but the patients showed negative blood films and failed to respond to antimicrobial drugs. A total of 35 sera collected from the military patients in the acute phase were tested for the presence of IgM against vector-borne agents. Serum IgM antibodies against West Nile fever virus were found in 23 patients (66%), against Chikungunya virus in 12 patients (34%), against dengue virus in 1 patient (3%), and against Rickettsia typhi in 1 patient (3%). All sera were negative for IgM antibody against Rift Valley fever virus, Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, and Sindbis virus. These data suggest that infections with West Nile fever virus have been the main cause of the outbreak

    Exploring temporal relationships among worrying, anxiety, and somatic symptoms

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    OBJECTIVES: The role of anxiety symptoms in the development of functional somatic symptoms (FSS) is unknown. Somatic symptoms may be triggered by or give rise to anxiety symptoms. This study aimed to 1) explore interrelationships among within-day worrying, feeling anxious, and somatic symptoms, and 2) investigate the association between these interrelationships and overall level of FSS. METHODS: This study included 767 participants (83% females, mean age 39 years), who were recruited through an online crowdsourcing study in the Dutch general population. Somatic, and anxiety symptoms were reported thrice daily (6-h intervals) for 30 days using electronic diaries. FSS were assessed at baseline (PHQ-15). Temporal relationships among worrying, feeling anxious, and somatic symptoms were modeled using a multilevel vector autoregressive model. RESULTS: We observed large heterogeneity in the within-person interrelationships among worrying, feeling anxious and somatic symptoms. Averaged over participants, higher-than-usual somatic symptoms were associated with increases in levels of worrying six hours later (B = 0.017, 95% CI [0.006, 0.027]). At the between-person level, FSS levels predicted the persistence of feeling anxious (B = 0.230 95% CI [0.105, 0.350]) and the carry-over of worrying to feeling anxious over six-hours (B = 0.159, 95% CI [0.031, 0.283]). CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to what we expected, higher levels of somatic symptoms over multiple weeks were associated with the persistence and carry-over of within-day anxiety-related symptoms. One within-person association between psychological and somatic symptoms during the day was observed, suggesting that, over a time span of 6-h, anxiety symptoms relate to somatic symptoms only in a minority of people from the general population
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