901 research outputs found

    Quantum dot photonic crystal lasers

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    Coupled cavity designs on two-dimensional square lattice photonic crystal slabs were used to demonstrate optically pumped indium arsenide quantum dot photonic crystal lasers at room temperature. Threshold pump powers of 120 and 370 μW were observed for coupled cavities including two and four defect cavities defined in optimised photonic crystals

    Cavity QED with Multiple Hyperfine Levels

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    We calculate the weak-driving transmission of a linearly polarized cavity mode strongly coupled to the D2 transition of a single Cesium atom. Results are relevant to future experiments with microtoroid cavities, where the single-photon Rabi frequency g exceeds the excited-state hyperfine splittings, and photonic bandgap resonators, where g is greater than both the excited- and ground-state splitting.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    B_K with the Wilson Quark Action: A Non-Perturbative Resolution of Operator Mixing using Chiral Ward Identities

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    We propose a non-perturbative method to determine the mixing coefficients of Δs=2\Delta s=2 four-quark operators for the Wilson quark action using chiral Ward identities. The method is applied to calculate B_K in quenched QCD.Comment: 3 pages including 3 figures, Talk presented at LATTICE96(phenomenology) by Y. Kuramash

    Scanning a photonic crystal slab nanocavity by condensation of xenon

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    Allowing xenon or nitrogen gas to condense onto a photonic crystal slab nanocavity maintained at 10–20 K results in shifts of the nanocavity mode wavelength by as much as 5 nm (~=4 meV). This occurs in spite of the fact that the mode defect is achieved by omitting three holes to form the spacer. This technique should be useful in changing the detuning between a single quantum dot transition and the nanocavity mode for cavity quantum electrodynamics experiments, such as mapping out a strong coupling anticrossing curve. Compared with temperature scanning, it has a much larger scan range and avoids phonon broadening

    CCR9 (chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 9)

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    Review on CCR9 (chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 9), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    High spontaneous emission coupling factor in photonic crystal nanolasers

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    We have demonstrated high spontaneous emission coupling factor ~ 0.1 from photonic crystal nanolasers with quantum dots. This high coupling resulted from narrow homogenous broadening of the quantum dots and the small number of resonances

    Vacuum rabi splitting using a single quantum dot in a photonic crystal slab nanocavity

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    We report the observation of vacuum-field Rabi splitting (true strong coupling) between a single InAs quantum dot and a single photon in the mode of a photonic crystal slab nanocavity
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