358 research outputs found

    Fitness for work after vocational rehabilitation organized by the State Social Security Institute of Iceland

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: The evaluation of a vocational rehabilitation programme initiated by the State Social Security Institute in Iceland (SSSI) in 1999 with the aim of reducing disability. Material and methods: New disability claimants who had been unable to work because of illness for a few months at least were referred by SSSI physicians to a multidisciplinary team for assessment of rehabilitation potentials and an advice on the appropriate type of rehabilitation. The study group included all the 109 individuals who were referred to the team in the year 2000. Data on marital status, number of children and level of education was compared with information about the Icelandic population obtained in a national survey. The outcome of the rehabilitation was assessed in a telephone survey, carried out by the Social Science Research Institute, University of Iceland, 1-2 years after the assessment and by information obtained from the disability register at SSSI. The effectiveness of the rehabilitation programme was evaluated by comparing the study group with a comparable group that had started to receive rehabilitation pension before the SSSI could offer vocational rehabilitation. Their progress was assessed a year and half after they had contacted the SSSI, the same length of time as the study group had been in the in the rehabilitation programme. Results: In the study group there were about twice as many women as men. The mean age was 35 years (range 18-57 years). The main medical reasons for referral to the team were musculosceletal and psychiatric disorders. Those evaluated were more likely to be unmarried or divorced, had more children and a lower educational level than the general Icelandic population. After evaluation 40 individuals were referred to vocational rehabilitation for approximately 2 months in a rehabilitation clinic; 19 were referred to a 6 week personal computer training at a vocational rehabilitation centre and 15 to a longer (usually 18 months) rehabilitation program in the same centre. In all, 46 individuals received other treatment or education. Almost three quarters (72%) of the participants in the telephone survey said that their fitness for work had increased after rehabilitation, but only 47% had returned to work. At the time of the reserach, 23% were students and it is likely that a part of them will return to work when their studies are completed. Between one and two years after the evaluation by the multidisciplinary team 44 out of 109 (40.4%) in the study group received disability pension and a equal number received no social insurance benefits at all. In the comparison group 97 out of 119 (81.5%) received disability pension and 21 (17.7%) received no social insurance benefits at all. Conclusions: This study shows that vocational rehabilitation organized by the SSSI is effective and can prevent disability. The results of this study are similar to the results of two Swedish studies on the same topic.Tilgangur: Markmiðið með rannsókninni var að meta árangur starfsendurhæfingar á vegum Tryggingastofnunar ríkisins (TR) og hvort hún geti komið í veg fyrir örorku. Efniviður og aðferðir: Læknar TR vísuðu einstaklingum sem verið höfðu óvinnufærir í nokkra mánuði vegna sjúkdóms til þverfaglegs teymis, til mats á möguleikum á endurhæfingu og væri mælt með henni, hvernig henni yrði þá best háttað. Aflað var upplýsinga úr skýrslum endurhæfingarmatsteymisins um sjúkdómsástand, kyn, aldur, hjúskaparstöðu, fjölda barna á framfæri og menntunarstig þeirra einstaklinga sem metnir voru á árinu 2000. Upplýsingarnar um hjúskaparstöðu, fjölda barna á framfæri og menntunarstig voru bornar saman við upplýsingar um þjóðina frá sama ári (svör við Þjóðmálakönnun Félagsvísindastofnunar Háskóla Íslands um hjúskaparstöðu og barnafjölda og upplýsingar frá Hagstofu Íslands um menntunarstig). Upplýsingar um starfshæfni og vinnu þátttakenda eftir endurhæfingu voru fengnar með símakönnun sem Félagsvísindastofnun framkvæmdi. Fengnar voru upplýsingar úr gagnasafni TR um hvort þeir sem metnir höfðu verið af endurhæfingarmatsteymi á árinu 2000 voru á bótum frá TR einu til tveimur árum eftir matið. Til samanburðar var skoðuð bótastaða einstaklinga sem fengið höfðu endurhæfingarlífeyri áður en starfsendurhæfing á vegum TR hófst. Niðurstöður: Af þeim 109 sem metnir voru af endurhæfingarmatsteymi á árinu 2000 voru konur í talsverðum meirihluta (um helmingi fleiri en karlar). Meðalaldur matsþega var 35 ár. Læknisfræðilegar forsendur tilvísana til matsteymis voru fyrst og fremst stoðkerfisraskanir og geðraskanir. Matsþegar voru í meiri mæli ógiftir eða fráskildir, höfðu fleiri börn á framfæri og lægra menntunarstig en Íslendingar almennt. Fjörutíu matsþegum var vísað í atvinnulega endurhæfingu á Reykjalundi, 19 á tölvunámskeið hjá Hringsjá (starfsþjálfun fatlaðra) og 15 í fullt starfsnám hjá Hringsjá, en 46 fóru í aðra meðferð eða nám. Tæplega þrír fjórðu þátttakenda í símakönnun Félagsvísindastofnunar töldu starfshæfni sína hafa aukist, en innan við helmingur þátttakenda taldi sig þó vinnufæran (43,6%) og hafði stundað einhverja vinnu (46,9%). Auk þess var nær fjórðungur (22,8%) þátttakenda í námi og er líklegt að hluti þeirra skili sér út á vinnumarkaðinn að því loknu. Einu til tæplega tveimur árum eftir að mati lauk fengu 44 af 109 (40,4%) örorkubætur (örorkulífeyri eða örorkustyrk) frá TR og jafnmargir fengu engar bætur frá TR, en í samanburðarhópi fólks sem fengið hafði endurhæfingarlífeyri áður en starfsendurhæfing á vegum TR hófst fengu 97 af 119 (81,5%) örorkubætur, en 21 (17,7%) engar bætur frá TR hálfu öðru ári eftir upphaf lífeyrisgreiðslu. Ályktanir: Árangur af starfsendurhæfingu á vegum TR er svipaður og af starfsendurhæfingu á vegum Tryggingastofnana í Svíþjóð. Árangurinn sýnir að væntingar um að starfsendurhæfing geti komið í veg fyrir örorku hafa staðist

    Opinions of clients on vocational rehabilitation organized by the State Social Security Institute of Iceland

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjectives: Evaluation of opinions of those evaluated by a multidisciplinary team on the evaluation, vocational rehabilitation they participated in and on the effect of the process on their self-confidence and self-reliance. Material and method: The Institute of Social Sciences carried out a telephone survey in October 2001, where it was attempted to contact the 109 individuals evaluated for rehabilitation potential by a multidisciplinary team in the year 2000. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Results: 83 (76.1%) replied. After the evaluation 40 individuals were referred to vocational rehabilitation for approximately 2 months in a rehabilitation clinic; 19 were referred to a 6 week personal computer training at a vocational rehabilitation centre and 15 to a longer (usually 18 months) rehabilitation program in the same centre. Approximately 80% were content with the vocational rehabilitation offered. 54% of those evaluated by the multidisciplinary team said that it had been useful for them to meet the members of the team and 59% said that the team had informed them on resources they had not been aware of. Approximately half of the participants said that their self-confidence and self-reliance had increased. Conclusion: Approximately 80% of the participants were content with the vocational rehabilitation offered and approximately 50% had gained more self-confidence and self-reliance.Tilgangur: Að kanna viðhorf matsþega til endurhæfingarmats og starfsendurhæfingarúrræða á vegum Tryggingastofnunar ríkisins (TR) og áhrif þessa ferlis á sjálfstraust og sjálfsbjargarviðleitni þeirra. Efniviður og aðferðir: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands kannaði viðhorf matsþega fyrir TR í október 2001. Reynt var að finna þá 109 einstaklinga sem metnir höfðu verið af matsteymi á árinu 2000 og tekið viðtal við þá í síma. Við úrvinnslu var notuð lýsandi tölfræði. Niðurstöður: Svör fengust frá 83 (76,1%) af matsþegum. Fjörutíu (48,2%) hafði að tillögu matsteymis verið vísað í atvinnulega endurhæfingu á Reykjalundi, 19 (22,9%) á tölvunámskeið í Hringsjá og 15 (18,1%) í fullt starfsnám í Hringsjá. Um fjórir af hverjum fimm reyndust ánægðir með þá starfsendurhæfingu sem TR hafði boðið þeim uppá á Reykjalundi eða í Hringsjá. Rúmlega helmingur þeirra sem metnir voru af matsteyminu töldu það hafa verið gagnlegt fyrir sig að hitta teymið og 59% matsþega töldu teymið hafa vísað á úrræði sem þeir vissu ekki um fyrir. Um helmingur þátttakenda sagði sjálfstraust sitt og sjálfsbjargarviðleitni hafa aukist frá því mat teymis fór fram. Ályktun: Um 80% þeirra sem vísað var í starfsendurhæfingu á vegum TR voru ánægðir með hana og um helmingur hafði öðlast aukið sjálfstraust og aukna sjálfsbjargarviðleitni við endurhæfinguna

    Comments on the black hole information problem

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    String theory provides numerous examples of duality between gravitational theories and unitary gauge theories. To resolve the black hole information paradox in this setting, it is necessary to better understand how unitarity is implemented on the gravity side. We argue that unitarity is restored by nonlocal effects whose initial magnitude is suppressed by the exponential of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. Time-slicings for which effective field theory is valid are obtained by demanding the mutual back-reaction of quanta be small. The resulting bounds imply that nonlocal effects do not lead to observable violations of causality or conflict with the equivalence principle for infalling observers, yet implement information retrieval for observers who stay outside the black hole.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, revtex, v2 figure added and some improvements to presentatio

    Holographic Superconductors with Lifshitz Scaling

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    Black holes in asymptotically Lifshitz spacetime provide a window onto finite temperature effects in strongly coupled Lifshitz models. We add a Maxwell gauge field and charged matter to a recently proposed gravity dual of 2+1 dimensional Lifshitz theory. This gives rise to charged black holes with scalar hair, which correspond to the superconducting phase of holographic superconductors with z > 1 Lifshitz scaling. Along the way we analyze the global geometry of static, asymptotically Lifshitz black holes at arbitrary critical exponent z > 1. In all known exact solutions there is a null curvature singularity in the black hole region, and, by a general argument, the same applies to generic Lifshitz black holes.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures; v2: added references; v3: matches published versio

    Correlation functions in a c=1 boundary conformal field theory

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    We obtain exact results for correlation functions of primary operators in the two-dimensional conformal field theory of a scalar field interacting with a critical periodic boundary potential. Amplitudes involving arbitrary bulk discrete primary fields are given in terms of SU(2) rotation coefficients while boundary amplitudes involving discrete boundary fields are independent of the boundary interaction. Mixed amplitudes involving both bulk and boundary discrete fields can also be obtained explicitly. Two- and three-point boundary amplitudes involving fields at generic momentum are determined, up to multiplicative constants, by the band spectrum in the open-string sector of the theory.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figure

    c=1 Boundary Conformal Field Theory Revisited

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    Correlation functions of discrete primary fields in the c=1 boundary conformal field theory of a scalar field in a critical periodic boundary potential are computed using the underlying SU(2) symmetry of the model. Bulk amplitudes are unambigously determined and we give a prescription for amplitudes involving discrete boundary fields.Comment: LaTex, 8 pages, 1 figure, uses IOP style files. To appear in the proceedings of the RTN workshop "The quantum structure of spacetime and the geometric nature of fundamental interactions", Copenhagen, September 15-20, 200

    Supersymmetric Dissipative Quantum Mechanics from Superstrings

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    Following the approach of Callan and Thorlacius applied to the superstring, we derive a supersymmetric extension of the non-local dissipative action of Caldeira and Leggett. The dissipative term turns out to be invariant under a group of superconformal transformations. When added to the usual kinetic term, it provides an example of supersymmetric dissipative quantum mechanics. As a by-product of our analysis, an intriguing connection to the homeotic/hybrid fermion model, proposed for CPT violation in neutrinos, appears.Comment: Latex, 16 page

    The Icelandic founder mutation BRCA2 999del5: analysis of expression

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    INTRODUCTION: A founder mutation in the BRCA2 gene (BRCA2 999del5) accounts for 7–8% of female breast cancers and for 40% of male breast cancers in Iceland. If expressed, the mutant gene would encode a protein consisting of the first 256 amino acids of the BRCA2 protein. The purpose of this study was to determine whether this mutant protein is produced in heterozygous individuals and, if so, what might be the functional consequences of mutant protein production. METHODS: The presence of BRCA2 999del5 transcripts in fibroblasts from heterozygous individuals was assayed by cDNA synthesis and sequencing. The potential protein-coding portion of BRCA2 999del5 was cloned into the pIND(SP1)/V5-His vector and expressed in COS7 cells. The presence of the mutant protein in cell lysates from heterozygous fibroblasts and from COS7 cells was tested by a number of methods including immunoprecipitation, affinity purification with nickel-coated agarose beads, Western blotting and ELISA, using antibodies to the N-terminal end of BRCA2, antiserum specific for the 16 nonrelevant amino acids at the carboxyl end and antibodies to fusion partners of recombinant proteins. RESULTS: The frequency of the BRCA2 999del5 transcript in heterozygous fibroblasts was about one-fifth of the wild-type transcript; however, no mutant protein could be detected. Overexpression of BRCA2 999del5 mRNA in COS7 cells failed to produce a mutant protein unless degradation by proteasomes was blocked. CONCLUSION: Our results show that the protein product of BRCA2 999del5 is extremely unstable. Therefore, an increase in breast cancer risk in BRCA2 999del5 carriers is due to haploinsufficiency at the BRCA2 locus

    CYP17 promoter polymorphism and breast cancer risk in males and females in relation to BRCA2 status

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldA T-C polymorphism in the promoter region of the CYP17 gene has been associated with male and female breast cancer risk as well as early-onset familial breast cancer. The potential role of this polymorphism was investigated in relation to breast cancer risk in Icelandic male and female carriers and noncarriers of a BRCA2 mutation. The study population consisted of 39 male and 523 female breast cancer cases and 309 male and 395 female controls. Of the cases, 15 males and 55 females carried a BRCA2 mutation. We did not find a significant association between male breast cancer risk and CYP17 genotypes. Among male breast cancer cases, the frequency of the CC genotype was higher among carriers of the 999del5 mutation (33.3%) than noncarriers (16.7%), although this difference also did not reach a statistical significance. No association was observed with breast cancer risk among females irrespective of menopausal status, stage of the disease or BRCA2 status. Our findings do not indicate a role for the CYP17 T-C polymorphism in female breast cancer, but a role in male carriers of a BRCA2 mutation could not be excluded because of the small sample size