17 research outputs found
Sensitivity of staggered multitone to phase offset
Staggered multitone (SMT) is sensitive to the carrier frequency offset (CFO). Differ ent from orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), in SMT systems, CFO causes both intercarrier interference (ICI) and intersymbol interference (1ST). In this paper, we study the sensitivity of SMT to the phase offset. We derive a relationship be tween the total interference and the phase offset. We show that, without CFO, the total interference power due to the phase offset is a sinusoidal function. In the presence of CFO, the phase offset changes from symbol to symbol and the total interference power. is different for different SMT symbols. We use computer simulations to compare the sensitivity of SMT and OFDM systems to the phase and carrier frequency offset. The results show SMT experiences bigger interference power than OFDM
Sensitivity of staggered multitone to phase offset
Staggered multitone (SMT) is sensitive to the carrier frequency offset (CFO). Differ ent from orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), in SMT systems, CFO causes both intercarrier interference (ICI) and intersymbol interference (1ST). In this paper, we study the sensitivity of SMT to the phase offset. We derive a relationship be tween the total interference and the phase offset. We show that, without CFO, the total interference power due to the phase offset is a sinusoidal function. In the presence of CFO, the phase offset changes from symbol to symbol and the total interference power. is different for different SMT symbols. We use computer simulations to compare the sensitivity of SMT and OFDM systems to the phase and carrier frequency offset. The results show SMT experiences bigger interference power than OFDM
Effect of carrier frequency offset on offset QAM multicarrier filter bank systems over frequency-selective channels Citation for published version (APA): Effect of Carrier Frequency Offset on Offset QAM Multicarrier Filter Bank Systems Over Frequency-Sele
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Effect of carrier frequency offset on offset QAM multicarrier filter bank systems over frequency-selective channels
This paper presents an analysis of the effect of carrier frequency offset (CFO) on offset QAM (OQAM) multicarrier filter bank (MCFB) systems, also known as staggered modulated multitone (SMT), over frequency-selective channels. This effect may be quantified by signal-to-interference ratio (SIR). We drive an accurate expression for the interference power and the desired signal power. Then SIR of SMT systems is calculated. Next, we drive an approximated SIR when the maximum delay of the channel is small in comparison with symbol spacing. The approximated SIR show that the SIR over frequency-selective channels converges to that over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. Numerical results show that with increasing number of subcarriers, both of accurate and approximated forms of SIR as a function of CFO over frequency-selective channels converge to that over AWGN channels. Also, we compare SMT and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). It is shown that OFDM has better SIR in small CFO over frequency-selective channels. But with large number of subcarriers or high CFO, SMT outperforms OFDM
Complexity and performance comparison of Filter Bank Multicarrier and OFDM in uplink of multicarrier multiple access networks
We compare filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) in the uplink of a multiple access network. Our study reveals that the high sensitivity of OFDM to carrier frequency offset (CFO) among different users and the need for interference cancellation methods to reduce this sensitivity leads to very complex and yet not very high performance systems. In FBMC-based networks, on the other hand, near-perfect performance is achieved without any need for interference cancellation, thanks to the excellent frequency localized filters used in the realization of FBMC systems
Sensitivity analysis of offset QAM multicarrier systems to residual carrier frequency and timing offsets
This paper presents a sensitivity analysis of filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) systems to carrier frequency offset (CFO) and timing offset. Although the emphasis of the paper is on the class of FBMC systems that are based on offset quadrature amplitude modulation (OQAM), the developed results are found applicable to cosine modulated-based FBMC systems as well. We assume that coarse CFO and timing offset estimations and compensations have already been performed so that the residual CFO and timing offset are small. A simple closed-form approximation to the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) is derived. This approximation is compared numerically with the exact SIR and confirmed to be accurate for a variety of FBMC systems with different prototype filters. The derived SIR is characterized by a pair of coefficients that are only dependent on the underlying prototype filter, thus, allows the designer to pick from the choices of the prototype filter the one that has minimum sensitivity to CFO and/or timing offset
Sensitivity of staggered multitone to phase offset
Staggered multitone (SMT) is sensitive to the carrier frequency offset (CFO). Differ ent from orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), in SMT systems, CFO causes both intercarrier interference (ICI) and intersymbol interference (1ST). In this paper, we study the sensitivity of SMT to the phase offset. We derive a relationship be tween the total interference and the phase offset. We show that, without CFO, the total interference power due to the phase offset is a sinusoidal function. In the presence of CFO, the phase offset changes from symbol to symbol and the total interference power. is different for different SMT symbols. We use computer simulations to compare the sensitivity of SMT and OFDM systems to the phase and carrier frequency offset. The results show SMT experiences bigger interference power than OFDM
Near maximum likelihood synchronization for filter bank multicarrier systems
Filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) systems have recently been proposed as superior alternative to the conventional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, for certain applications. In this letter, we suggest a new preamble for FBMC systems and for it develop a near maximum likelihood joint channel, carrier frequency, and timing phase estimation method. The superior performance of our design over those already in the literature is shown through computer simulations
Effect of carrier frequency offset on offset QAM multicarrier filter bank systems over frequency-selective channels
This paper presents an analysis of the effect of carrier frequency offset (CFO) on offset QAM (OQAM) multicarrier filter bank (MCFB) systems, also known as staggered modulated multitone (SMT), over frequency-selective channels. This effect may be quantified by signal-to-interference ratio (SIR). We drive an accurate expression for the interference power and the desired signal power. Then SIR of SMT systems is calculated. Next, we drive an approximated SIR when the maximum delay of the channel is small in comparison with symbol spacing. The approximated SIR show that the SIR over frequency-selective channels converges to that over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. Numerical results show that with increasing number of subcarriers, both of accurate and approximated forms of SIR as a function of CFO over frequency-selective channels converge to that over AWGN channels. Also, we compare SMT and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). It is shown that OFDM has better SIR in small CFO over frequency-selective channels. But with large number of subcarriers or high CFO, SMT outperforms OFDM