60 research outputs found
The Cause Factors of the Fishermans Poverty Village in Tanjung Baru Sub District in Tanah Merah of Indragiri Hilir Regency
This research has been done village in Tanjung Baru Sub district in TanahMerah of Indragiri Hilir regency by many considerations that there are still many fishermen in poverty. This research aim is to know the cause factors of the fishermans poverty in Desa Tanjung and how about the percentage of the fishermens income from their job as a fisherman to their familys responsible and their necessity.The sample was taken village in Tanjung Baru Sub district in Tanah Merah of Indragiri Hilir regency by using random sampling method. The analysis method was descriptive quantitative.The population in this research is the poor fisherman village in Tanjung Baru Sub district in Tanah Merah of Indragiri Hilir regency with the total is 96 fishermen and the population in this research is the sample by the Slovins formulation. The data analysis is descriptive analysis by analyzing result data in order to be the backgrounds problem, also calculated by quantitative after that compare by the theory and make the conclusion.Based on the result analyzing that ahs been done, the fishermans poverty showed that income, education, assets, skill, commercial life style and the familys member who 3 up to 6 members as generally very significantly influencing to the fishermans poverty.Keywords: fishermans poverty, fishermans income
Uji Karakteristik Hipotesis Bangunan Rumah Tinggal yang Memanfaatkan Pendinginan Evaporasi dengan Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD)
Air conditioning in housing is required to obtain thermal comfort zone, especially at urban areas that have problems with the limitations of land. One of alternative room air conditioning (AC) that environmently-friendly to reduce refrigeration system is evaporative cooling system. The aim of the research is to investigate characteristic of air conditioning inside the house wich utilize evaporative cooling system using Computational fluids dynamics (CFD ).
The research was done by describing 3 different times which are 09.00-10.00 (in the morning), 12.00-13.00 (at noon) and 19.00-20.00 (at night) with incoming air in different properties. The air characteristic test was done by measuring velocity of the wind, relative humidity (RH) and temperatures at 28 positions of measurement cup (PU), where PU were spreaded at 3 places, (1) in front of the house; (2) at the interior; and (3) at the exterior. The measurement was conducted by making square plane of 2x2m with high of 1.5 m above floor of 28 PU.
CFD simulation results showed that the cooling effect evaporative felt on the 1st floor with the average temperature reduction of 1.5 oC from the ambient temperature and increase RH of 6.75 % from ambient RH. While the vertical ventilation work effectively in supporting air circulation. The movement of the wind can be felt throughout the house with the average velocity of 0,175 m/s.
Key Words : Comfort zone, Evaporative cooling, CF
Analisis Profitabilitas USAha Keripik Sukun Pada Industri Rumah Tangga âCitra Lestari Productionâ Di Kota Palu
Agroindustri ini bisa membantu produsen dalam upaya meningkatkan laba. Produsen keripik sukun terkadang menetapkan harga jual berdasarkan keinginannya, sehingga produsen tidak mengetahui apakah USAhanya untung ataupun rugi.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui besarnya pendapatan,struktur modal dan profitabilitas dari USAha keripik sukun di âCitra Lestari Productionâ.Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan diâCitra Lestari Production" bertempat dijalan Kimaja No. 9 Kelurahan Besusu Kecamatan Palu Timur di Kota Palu.Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis pendapatan dan profitabilitas untuk mengetahui kemampuan USAha dalam menghasilkan laba atau keuntungan pada saat memproduksi keripik sukun.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah penerimaan yang diperoleh USAha keripik sukun pada industri rumah tangga âCitra Lestari Productionâ selama Bulan Januari-Maret 2013 sebesar Rp 44.992.000 dengan total biayayang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp 17.680.066 dan menghasilkan labasebesarRp 27.311.934 dan struktur modal industri rumah tanggaâCitra Lestari Productionâ memiliki asset tetap yang berupa peralatan dalam melakukan proses produksi yaitu sebesar Rp 36.850.000 serta memiliki modal tunai milik pribadi yaitu sebesar Rp 77.962.000 sedangkan, profitabilitas selama kurun waktu tiga bulan (Januari-Maret 2013) mengalami fruktuasi dengan nilai rata-rata EAT sebesar Rp 9.057.022 dibandingkan dengan nilai investasi sebesarRp 365.312.000 dikalikan 100 dalam satuan persen (%) sehingga, menghasilkan nilai rata-rata profitabilitas sebesar 2,48%. Artinya nilai profitabilitas menunjukan bahwa setiap penambahan Rp 1 penjualan menghasilkan laba bersih sebesar Rp 2,48
Pengaruh Keadilan, Sistem Perpajakan, dan Kemungkinan Terdeteksinya Kecurangan terhadap Persepsi Wajib Pajak Mengenai Etika Penggelapan Pajak (Tax Evasion)
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of justice, taxation system, and the possibility of detection of fraud against the taxpayers perception of ethics of tax evasion. The population in this study is the individual taxpayer listed on KPP Pratama Senapelan Pekanbaru. The sampling technique using convenience sampling method and determination of sample size in this study was calculated by the formula slovin obtained by 100 respondents. The data of this research using primary data directly through a questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS 20. The data were analyzed to test the hypothesis using multiple linear regression analysis approach. The results of this study show that first, justice affect the taxpayers perception regarding the ethics of tax evasion. Second, the tax system affects the taxpayers perception regarding the ethics of tax evasion. Third, the possibility of detection of fraud affect the taxpayers perception regarding the ethics of tax evasionKeywords: justice, taxation system, the possibility of fraud detection, tax evasion
Evaluation of Bandeng Cluster Program to Empower Economy in Semarang
Bandeng Cluster Program in Semarang is one of the innovative idea to empower economy. It is a response for empowering issue that lower economical class must be empowered so they can fulfill their needs. This program is to optimalize economical local resources in Semarang which is bandeng The target is all UKM bandeng in Semarang.The goal of this research is to evaluate Bandeng Cluster implementation. This evaluation to make known the success rate, resist factor, and future recomendation by analyse the program using these indicator: input, proccess, output, outcome, benefit and impact. This research use Snowball Sampling technique and the methods of data collection is use indept interview with purposive system to choose the informants. The result of the research show that Bandeng Cluster program its not effective. The result from Program Evaluation Form (EK-1) and (EK-2) showed that value of each activity in Bandeng Cluster program worked ineffectively. Its because of implementation of Statute and Bylaws was not implemented to the fullest also no punishment if there is violation.. Unhealthy competition between UKM also affected because this program yet reach smaller UKM who needs help. Mechanism to use facility also can not be done because of its location is too far, the different kind of bandeng product, and the different taste product of each UKM. Resistant factors from the Bandeng Cluster program are the concept; the characteristic of the cluster is not ideal; hard access to find the main ingredient; unrealized capital access; inactive cluster workers; low coordination; bureaucracy; unequal aid; and also lack of concern and control of government
Salah satu dari tujuan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi selain Pendidikan dan Penelitian adalah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM).Hal ini diatur dalam Pasal 20 dan 24 Undang-Undang. No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional yang menyatakan bahwa adanya otonomi oleh Perguruan Tinggi, Penelitian Ilmiah dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. Sebagai pertanggungjawaban kami, maka dalam melaksanakan tugas tersebut telah kami susun laporan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.Era globalisasi membuka mata kita untuk melihat ke masa depan yang penuh dengan tantangan dan persaingan. Pengelolaan SDM dapat dilakukan misalnya dengan cara: (1)mengidentifikasi skill dan kualitas SDM yang serasi dengan tuntutan lingkungan,(2) memilih SDM yang memiliki kinerja tinggi dan potensial, (3)berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi dan individu, (4) menilai kinerja dan keahlian SDM, (5) memberi kompensasi yang memadai kepada tenaga yang terampil dan memiliki keahlian, (6) membangun lingkungan kerja yang baik, (8) meningkatkan motivasi untuk perbaikan kinerjaPengembangan SDM pada intinya diarahkan dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitasnya, yang pada gilirannya akan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas. Hasil berbagai studi menunjukkan, bahwa kualitas SDM merupakan faktor penentu produktivitas, baik secara makro maupun mikro.Dalam pelaksanaan kami ingin mengembangkan Pendidikan pegawai Posyantek Serpong Utara agar dalam pelayanannya dapat diterima oleh masyarakat dengan memberikan bimbingan, pelatihan, pendampingan yang akhirnya hasil yang diciptakan menjadi tepat guna dan dapat bersaing pada industri 4.0. Oleh karena itu pengelolaan sumber daya manusia yang ada pegawai Posyantek diperlukan peningkatan kompetensi agar pemanfaatan Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) dapat dipahami dengan baik dan pengetahuan akan persaingan di industri 4.0 dapat dijawab dengan efektif dan efisien.Kata Kunci: Pengembangan sumber daya manusia, Era globalisasi,Pendidikan dan Teknologi Tepat Gun
Chronic renal failure (CRF) is a progressive and irreversible disorder of renal
function in which the body's ability fails to maintain metabolism and fluid and electrolyte
balance, causing uremia. Patients suffering from CRF are likely to get hemodialysis therapy.
Hemodialysis is a therapy to replace kidney function with the help of dialysis machines. In
Hemodialysis patients experiencing life-long dependence results in changes in imbalances in
their lives, these changes will cause various complications that will make discomfort,
decreased quality of life including physical health, psychological, spiritual, socioeconomic
status and family dynamics. Psychological impacts include anxiety, stress and depression.
The purpose of this study was to determine the psychological burden on patients with chronic
renal failure undergoing hemodialysis seen from 3 components, namely depression, anxiety,
and stress.
The design of this research is descriptive. In this study the population is all patients
with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis in Dr.Hardjono Ponorogo 2017 General
Hospital in the amount of 224 people. The research sampling technique uses purposive
sampling. The number of samples was 34 respondents. Data collection using a questionnaire
with a DASS 42 scale. After the data is collected then data tabulation and data analysis are
carried out.
The results obtained for depression variables obtained from 34 respondents, there
were 5 respondents (14.71%) experienced normal depression, 21 respondents (61.76%)
experienced mild depression, and 1 respondent had severe depression. Anxiety variable
showed that out of 34 respondents, there were 4 respondents (11.76%) experienced normal
anxiety, 7 respondents (20.59%) experienced mild anxiety, 13 respondents (38.24%)
experienced moderate anxiety, and 10 respondents (29 41% experienced severe anxiety.
Stress variables found that from 34 respondents, there were 10 respondents (29.41%)
experienced normal stress, 19 respondents (55.88%) experienced mild stress, and 5
respondents (14.71%) experienced moderate stress.
From the results of this study discuss the psychological burden on patients with
chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis suggested to the study site to provide Health
Education about coping mechanisms in hemodialysis patients
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