35 research outputs found

    Old Wine in New Bottles-The SPEAR Control System Upgrade

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    The control systems for the SPEAR storage ring and injector were designed almost two decades ago and have worked reliably for us. Both systems are heavily dependent on the OpenVMS operating system and CAMAC. The realtime data reside in shared memory on a single computer for each control system. In order to use more modern client tools while preserving our investment in the hardware and software, we have installed an EPICS Portable Channel Access Server (CAS) on the control computers. The CAS will serve the existing realtime data as EPICS Process Variables (PVs) and allow us to use client tools like dm2k and IDL running on other workstations to more easily build new operator interfaces and develop accelerator physics programs. The CAS will also provide the infrastructure to help integrate new hardware controlled by EPICS Input/Output Controllers (IOCs).

    In-Situ Shearing Interferometry Of National Synchrotron Light Source Mirrors

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    In situ mirror distortion measurements were made with a lateral shearing interferometer on three mirrors in beam line X17T at the National Syn203hrotron Light Source. Lateral shearing interference is insensitive to vibrational motion in five of the six degrees of freedom, so it is well-suited for investigations in the synchrotron radiation (SR) environment. No distortion was seen in an uncooled silicon carbide mirror and in a colled copper alloy mirror on X17TB, but a change in the radius of an uncooled electroless nickel-plated aluminium cylinder mirror of about 6.2% was observed on X17TA. Angular vibrations in the 2 to 3 arc second range were easily observed on one of the beam lines, as was an overall mirror rotation in the arc second range