276 research outputs found

    A Geant4 Fano test for novel very high energy electron beams

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    Objective. The boundary crossing algorithm available in Geant4 10.07-p01 general purpose Monte Carlo code has been investigated for a 12 and 200 MeV electron source by the application of a Fano cavity test. Approach. Fano conditions were enforced through all simulations whilst varying individual charged particle transport parameters which control particle step size, ionisation and single scattering. Main Results. At 12 MeV, Geant4 was found to return excellent dose consistency within 0.1% even with the default parameter configurations. The 200 MeV case, however, showed significant consistency issues when default physics parameters were employed with deviations from unity of more than 6%. The effect of the inclusion of nuclear interactions was also investigated for the 200 MeV beam and was found to return good consistency for a number of parameter configurations. Significance. The Fano test is a necessary investigation to ensure the consistency of charged particle transport available in Geant4 before detailed detector simulations can be conducted

    Fluence correction factor for graphite calorimetry in a clinical high-energy carbon-ion beam

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    The aim of this work is to develop and adapt a formalism to determine absorbed dose to water from graphite calorimetry measurements in carbon-ion beams. Fluence correction factors, kfl, needed when using a graphite calorimeter to derive dose to water, were determined in a clinical high-energy carbon-ion beam. Measurements were performed in a 290 MeV/n carbon-ion beam with a field size of 11 x 11 cm2, without modulation. In order to sample the beam, a plane-parallel Roos ionization chamber was chosen for its small collecting volume in comparison with the field size. Experimental information on fluence corrections was obtained from depth-dose measurements in water. This procedure was repeated with graphite plates in front of the water phantom. Fluence corrections were also obtained with Monte Carlo simulations through the implementation of three methods based on (i) the fluence distributions differential in energy, (ii) a ratio of calculated doses in water and graphite at equivalent depths and (iii) simulations of the experimental setup. The kfl term increased in depth from 1.00 at the entrance toward 1.02 at a depth near the Bragg peak, and the average difference between experimental and numerical simulations was about 0.13%. Compared to proton beams, there was no reduction of the kfl due to alpha particles because the secondary particle spectrum is dominated by projectile fragmentation. By developing a practical dose conversion technique, this work contributes to improving the determination of absolute dose to water from graphite calorimetry in carbon-ion beams

    On the measurement uncertainty of microdosimetric quantities using diamond and silicon microdosimeters in carbon-ion beams

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to compare the response of two different types of solid-state microdosimeters, that is, silicon and diamond, and their uncertainties. A study of the conversion of silicon microdosimetric spectra to the diamond equivalent for microdosimeters with different geometry of the sensitive volumes is performed, including the use of different stopping power databases. Method: Diamond and silicon microdosimeters were irradiated under the same conditions, aligned at the same depth in a carbon-ion beam at the MedAustron ion therapy center. In order to estimate the microdosimetric quantities, the readout electronic linearity was investigated with three different methods, that is, the first being a single linear regression, the second consisting of a double linear regression with a channel transition and last a multiple linear regression by splitting the data into odd and even groups. The uncertainty related to each of these methods was estimated as well. The edge calibration was performed using the intercept with the horizontal axis of the tangent through the inflection point of the Fermi function approximation multi-channel analyzer spectrum. It was assumed that this point corresponds to the maximum energy difference of particle traversing the sensitive volume (SV) for which the residual range difference in the continuous slowing down approximation is equal to the thickness of the SV of the microdosimeter. Four material conversion methods were explored, the edge method, the density method, the maximum-deposition energy method and the bin-by-bin transformation method. The uncertainties of the microdosimetric quantities resulting from the linearization, the edge calibration and the detectors thickness were also estimated. Results: It was found that the double linear regression had the lowest uncertainty for both microdosimeters. The propagated standard (k = 1) uncertainties on the frequency-mean lineal energy y¯FyˉF{\bar{y}}_{\rm{F}} and the dose-mean lineal energy y¯DyˉD{\bar{y}}_{\rm{D}} values from the marker point, in the spectra, in the plateau were 0.1% and 0.2%, respectively, for the diamond microdosimeter, whilst for the silicon microdosimeter data converted to diamond, the uncertainty was estimated to be 0.1%. In the range corresponding to the 90% of the amplitude of the Bragg Peak at the distal part of the Bragg curve (R90 ) the uncertainty was found to be 0.1%. The uncertainty propagation from the stopping power tables was estimated to be between 5% and 7% depending on the method. The uncertainty on the y¯FyˉF{\bar{y}}_{\rm{F}} and y¯DyˉD{\bar{y}}_{\rm{D}} coming from the thickness of the detectors varied between 0.3% and 0.5%. Conclusion: This article demonstrate that the linearity of the readout electronics affects the microdosimetric spectra with a difference in y¯FyˉF{\bar{y}}_{\rm{F}} values between the different linearization methods of up to 17.5%. The combined uncertainty was dominated by the uncertainty of stopping power on the edge

    Bisurea-Based Supramolecular Polymers for Tunable Biomaterials

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    Water-soluble supramolecular polymers show great potential to develop dynamic biomaterials with tailored properties. Here, we elucidate the morphology, stability and dynamicity of supramolecular polymers derived from bisurea-based monomers. An accessible synthetic approach from 2,4-toluene diisocyanate (TDI) as the starting material is developed. TDI has two isocyanates that differ in intrinsic reactivity, which allows to obtain functional, desymmetrized monomers in a one-step procedure. We explore how the hydrophobic/hydrophilic ratio affects the properties of the formed supramolecular polymers by increasing the number of methylene units from 10 to 12 keeping the hydrophilic hexa(ethylene glycol) constant. All bisurea-based monomers form long, fibrous structures with 3-5 monomers in the cross-section in water, indicating a proper hydrophobic\hydrophilic balance. The stability of the supramolecular polymers increases with an increasing amount of methylene units, whereas the dynamic nature of the monomers decreases. The introduction of one Cy3 dye affords modified supramolecular monomers, which co-assemble with the unmodified monomers into fibrous structures. All systems show excellent water-compatibility and no toxicity for different cell-lines. Importantly, in cell culture media, the fibrous structures remain present, highlighting the stability of these supramolecular polymers in physiological conditions. The results obtained here motivate further investigation of these bisurea-based building blocks as dynamic biomaterial.</p

    Regional differences in the pattern of airway remodeling following chronic allergen exposure in mice

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    BACKGROUND: Airway remodeling present in the large airways in asthma or asthma models has been associated with airway dysfunction in humans and mice. It is not clear if airways distal to the large conducting airways have similar degrees of airway remodeling following chronic allergen exposure in mice. Our objective was to test the hypothesis that airway remodeling is heterogeneous by optimizing a morphometric technique for distal airways and applying this to mice following chronic exposure to allergen or saline. METHODS: In this study, BALB/c mice were chronically exposed to intranasal allergen or saline. Lung sections were stained for smooth muscle, collagen, and fibronectin content. Airway morphometric analysis of small (0–50000 μm(2)), medium (50000 μm(2)–175000 μm(2)) and large (>175000 μm(2)) airways was based on quantifying the area of positive stain in several defined sub-epithelial regions of interest. Optimization of this technique was based on calculating sample sizes required to detect differences between allergen and saline exposed animals. RESULTS: Following chronic allergen exposure BALB/c mice demonstrate sustained airway hyperresponsiveness. BALB/c mice demonstrate an allergen-induced increase in smooth muscle content throughout all generations of airways, whereas changes in subepithelial collagen and fibronectin content are absent from distal airways. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate for the first time, a systematic objective analysis of allergen induced airway remodeling throughout the tracheobronchial tree in mice. Following chronic allergen exposure, at the time of sustained airway dysfunction, BALB/c mice demonstrate regional differences in the pattern of remodeling. Therefore results obtained from limited regions of lung should not be considered representative of the entire airway tree

    Analytical expressions for stopping-power ratios relevant for accurate dosimetry in particle therapy

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    In particle therapy, knowledge of the stopping-power ratios (STPRs) of the ion beam for air and water is necessary for accurate ionization chamber dosimetry. Earlier work has investigated the STPRs for pristine carbon ion beams, but here we expand the calculations to a range of ions (1 <= z <= 18) as well as spread out Bragg peaks (SOBPs) and provide a theoretical in-depth study with a special focus on the parameter regime relevant for particle therapy. The Monte Carlo transport code SHIELD-HIT is used to calculate complete particle-fluence spectra which are required for determining STPRs according to the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). We confirm that the STPR depends primarily on the current energy of the ions rather than on their charge z or absolute position in the medium. However, STPRs for different sets of stopping-power data for water and air recommended by the International Commission on Radiation Units & Measurements (ICRU) are compared, including also the recently revised data for water, yielding deviations up to 2% in the plateau region. In comparison, the influence of the secondary particle spectra on the STPR is about two orders of magnitude smaller in the whole region up till the practical range. The gained insights enable us to propose an analytic approximation for the STPR for both pristine and SOBPs as a function of penetration depth, which parametrically depend only on the initial energy and the residual range of the ion, respectively.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, fixed bug with figures in v

    Quantification of collagen and proteoglycan deposition in a murine model of airway remodelling

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    BACKGROUND: Sub-epithelial extracellular matrix deposition is a feature of asthmatic airway remodelling associated with severity of disease, decline in lung function and airway hyperresponsiveness. The composition of, and mechanisms leading to, this increase in subepithelial matrix, and its importance in the pathogenesis of asthma are unclear. This is partly due to limitations of the current models and techniques to assess airway remodelling. METHODS: In this study we used a modified murine model of ovalbumin sensitisation and challenge to reproduce features of airway remodelling, including a sustained increase in sub-epithelial matrix deposition. In addition, we have established techniques to accurately and specifically measure changes in sub-epithelial matrix deposition, using histochemical and immunohistochemical staining in conjunction with digital image analysis, and applied these to the measurement of collagen and proteoglycans. RESULTS: 24 hours after final ovalbumin challenge, changes similar to those associated with acute asthma were observed, including inflammatory cell infiltration, epithelial cell shedding and goblet cell hyperplasia. Effects were restricted to the bronchial and peribronchial regions with parenchymal lung of ovalbumin sensitised and challenged mice appearing histologically normal. By 12 days, the acute inflammatory changes had largely resolved and increased sub-epithelial staining for collagen and proteoglycans was observed. Quantitative digital image analysis confirmed the increased deposition of sub-epithelial collagen (33%, p < 0.01) and proteoglycans (32%, p < 0.05), including decorin (66%, p < 0.01). In addition, the increase in sub-epithelial collagen deposition was maintained for at least 28 days (48%, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: This animal model reproduces many of the features of airway remodelling found in asthma and allows accurate and reproducible measurement of sub-epithelial extra-cellular matrix deposition. As far as we are aware, this is the first demonstration of increased sub-epithelial proteoglycan deposition in an animal model of airway remodelling. This model will be useful for measurement of other matrix components, as well as for assessment of the molecular mechanisms contributing to, and agents to modulate airway remodelling
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